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Cant identify deficiency type

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  • bowserbuds
    I had leaves that looked similar and i switched from filtered water to Ph balanced 6.5 tap water. The added calcium is what we think was missing. They seem to be fewer now

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  • 9fingerleafs
    commented on 's reply
    i own the jorge cervantes enciclopedia (image 2) its a great resource and you will keep going back to the book as you learn about things and realize the very specific info you need was there all along.

  • MeEasy
    I just posted those the other day, you could have gotten em from me. Here's another one and if you go to the site they have more pics and descriptions. GWE main site has a section on diagnosing problems, the home page has a button i believe it's plant problems

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  • MrPNW
    commented on 's reply
    Yeah, I’ve mostly been using it as a moisture probe and it’s been pretty accurate. It’s good for getting way down into the bottom of my 7 gallon fabric pots. When it shows #1 on the scale its time to water. In the beginning I tested on a daily basis and usually a day after getting a #1, the plants started to wilt. Added water and they were back to normal within a couple hours. So now I water at #1. Each of my 4 plants suck up water differently so I don’t water them all at the same time.

  • Farmbuck
    I would say it's a PH issue. Take a test and tell us.

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  • MrPNW
    Just saw these charts posted in another thread. What a great resource! I’m going to have to get the book the first two images came from.

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    Last edited by MrPNW; 12-14-2020, 04:00 PM.

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  • Rwise
    commented on 's reply
    I would call it slightly better than nothing, I tossed one like that in the trash.

  • MrPNW
    I have the Sonkir Soil ph/light/moisture/ MS02 meter. Are these good enough for ph testing or is something like the Dr.meter PH100 needed to be truly accurate?

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  • 9fingerleafs
    Could be bad ph. Could be nutrient lock out. You could need magnesium. A lot more info is needed to find a culprit

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  • Rwise
    Yes you need to find out exactly where the PH is, never use a guess, not mine or anyone's.
    Your plants look like mine did when the PH was 4.0 - 4.8.

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  • MeEasy
    I would do a soil ph before doing anything drastic. Imo a major flush should be one of the last things to do, it's hard on em. Here's a link to some info on how to deal with your ph. Hope it helps you out, good luck

    Brown spots appearing on your lower leaves? See what cannabis leaves look like as a result of pH fluctuations and learn the solution!

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  • Randeebutrus
    commented on 's reply
    Thank you for the quick response!

    So here is the question, if my soil is below 5.0 do I flush it with high ph water or flush them with the ideal range of ph water?

    Also any suggestions or nutrition I can use to get out of the lockout? I am noticing that my plants aren’t taking up nutrients as they were before.

  • Rwise
    What I see is a root/PH issue causing lockout. My guess will be your soil/medium is acidic to below 5.0 PH.

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  • Randeebutrus
    started a topic Cant identify deficiency type

    Cant identify deficiency type

    Can anyone tell me what type of deficiency you see? I have looked and searched for hours but I cannot settle for one.

    If for some reason it is N deficiency, how can I fix the problem when I am in the flower stage (WEEK 5)

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