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Intro me to digital meters

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    Intro me to digital meters

    I am wanting to start using digital PH meters for both water and soil. Are the soil meters with metal probes accurate? Is this a tool you must spend alot to have accurate readings? I don't mind paying the price for a good tool, but I do mind paying for crap. Recommendations and experiences or additional questions please chime in.
    I am adding a Golden Nugget flower just because
    I bet Bob Marley's mansion
    has a garden in the back
    Where he's growing something special
    Some celestial homemade hash
    we'll sit down on his front porch
    And listen to the angels band
    Until then I'll sing I'll fly away with a fat onefin my hand

    I dont like them personally but If you're going that route then get a good one.

    Space for Rent.


    • Woodsman67
      Woodsman67 commented
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      I've been using the old school drops in a test tube, shake and compare color. Im at the end of my current bottle of test solution, and only test water going into the pot. if its more of a hassle and not really any more accurate, im for staying with drops.

    • Mr.furley
      Mr.furley commented
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      I would, They seem to be all over the board For accuracy and if you're doing just fine why change it.

    • Woodsman67
      Woodsman67 commented
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      Woohoo! Less money on crap I don't need means more for upgraded lights. I don't see a real need, more of a curiosity, but $300 would definitely be a nice chunk towards the next lights. As always, thanks for your input!

    After one cheap one & one medium priced i switched to paper pH strips and i wont go back to meters soon


      For Ph, I use the blue lab pen, but I also use the General Hydroponics drops. The devices are pretty straight forward about how they function. I'd recommend both but budget will dictate. One being $100, the other $10.


        I have a few PH meters. Personally I'm fond of the bluelab ph meter. Accurate and easy to use. I calibrate it once a month ( or so). I use it for PHing my water and for checking run off PH.
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        Spectrum King SK402 - 2× Optic XL1
        Infinity T8 exhaust fan
        Technaflora nutes
        Nectar of the Gods soil


          I like the GH drops. Makes me feel all mad-scientistish


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