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No-Till Gardening Tips

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    SOIL No-Till Gardening Tips

    Im currently growing in 100% Coco Coir but will be Switching to No-Till after my current batch is done cause i will only be growin Landrace strains which are an can be Very Sensitive which is the Main reason why i want switch to No-Till Besides being it being a all natural way of growing, I will be using 5 gallon fabric pots and BigRoots soil, I do wanna add worms to the soil but im not sure how much worms i should add or what worms work best. If someone with NO-Till experience could help a homie out i would Greatly appreciate it an im sure the ladies will also when the time comes.

    My Current Batch- Pure Afghani Landrace
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ID:	459755

    White Widow, Blue berry, and Another Afghani
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ID:	459756Click image for larger version

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    Red Wrigglers are the type of worms I use. However, I use them for composting my soils and not so much in grow pots. They seldom burrow more than a few inches into soil. Night crawlers will go much deeper and would probably be a better choice in containers. Many fish and tackle stores sell night crawlers as bait. I'd be curious to know what heirloom species you intend to grow. I grew some Durbin Poison a few years ago and was not particularly impressed with it's yield or bud size but it did pack a punch. I don't know what "no-till" soil is so I can't offer any perspective on that. Good luck -


      Not sure what your meaning by no-till, but in my neck of the woods No-Till(as in no ground reworking) requires a different type of crop rotation every replant. Now if you mean no till(grab some soil, stick it in a pot and throw some worms in..) i have done that. Works fine, i put around 5-6 earthworms from my back yard in each pot. Never really saw them much, i suppose they didnt need to come up and search for nutrients or water. My final flushing with water and molasses killed them all...came out of the soil and died on top.? maybe i just drowned them. Choose your soil wisely(havent looked at Big Roots yet) and throw some(LOTS)of perlite in there..My last outdoor grow i just used some home compost soil and that got WAY too hard after a few waters...had to water from bottom with trays. by the way, your plants look really nice...are sure you wanna change things up?
      Shappel S3000 3.5x6x6' ice hut
      Fusion Board LED Panel 480w
      6" Fusion Breath, Fan/Filter
      Canna Coco/perlite
      General Hydroponics Flora Series

      Scarlet Galaxy GTF
      Scarlet Grapes x2 GTF
      Razzpergers GTF


      • Xena
        Xena commented
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        No Till is the same as super soil. Which OP talked about spending on nutes, super soil ain’t cheap to make unless you compost your own stuff and put a lot time and labor into it. I’ve been looking into it myself and am leaning towards it too but I don’t think it’s gonna save me any money or any less watering.

      Thanks folks, n yes i know my ladies are doin good but doin NO-Till is really seems like the best way, less watering, no more spending 140$$ on food n havein worry about being so precise on dosing with food everytime as landraces are very sensitive also it gives the landraces a much more natural environment in which there used to growing in...U dont see Weed from Highland Laos being growin in pure coco coir with chemical Nutes right?? i plan on using this dudes worms Heres 2 videos that covers mostly everything about NO-Till if interested in learning and


        Also is this site in Europe or something?? it says my post is 7:57PM when its actually 3 in the afternoon.


        • FunkyButtLovin
          FunkyButtLovin commented
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          Scroll up to your name, click on it and click on User Settings then click on Account. Scroll down to Date & Time Options and fix it.

        When you switch over to living soil ,all you'll need is good water.
        Did you get your seeds from WOS, World of Seeds?
        Cfls for a week or two
        315lec for everything else
        Dug up Ms.topsoil, with perlite added
        36x36x63 inch tent.
        6inch - exaust - intake fans an scrubber
        Smart pots


        • DaDankman
          DaDankman commented
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          hmu on my new post bro

        No no till for me. Rejected it because it adds a layer of too much to learn in my garden plus i don’t understand it. Worm must eat decomposed organic matter and all the while the plant is growing and making roots?

        Why not just start some vermi-compost and recylce the roots.

        There's also a faq from an urban farm here about vermicomposting


        • DaDankman
          DaDankman commented
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          from what i learned the worms eat the dead matter then shit itout and create nutrients for the plant, but i understand so if i chose to jus grow in soil what would i need to do??? jus add nutes in flower or?? im tryin to perfect a system i know nothin can be perfect but id like know what I'm doin before i jump in the deep end

        There’s a lot of things to be aware of and its good to dust out the calendar and plan how the grow might happen. Right now i’m at climate control (only if the fan can arrive) and PH of 6 for the water and substrat is law. Just bought the Marijuana Grower’s Handbook by Dr. Rosenthal. I’m going thru a nice rainbow of emotions right now reading it. That book could have saved my life.


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