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My super soil is too hot. What can I do?

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    SOIL My super soil is too hot. What can I do?

    I made my own huge budget organic super soil (about 4000L) with a few amendments like gypsum, rock phosphate, dolomite lime, kelp- and bone meal, also long release fertiliser pellets with all the necessary macro- and micro nutrients as well as compost. I had it cooking for about two months when I did my first runoff test and I got a value over 3000ppms with RO water ph to 6.5. A few weeks later it went up to almost 4500ppms. Can I flush the soil a couple of times to lower the ppms or should I add soil to increase volume and in turn reduce the ppms?

    Personally I probably would just add soil to it. You don't really want to waste your nutrients by flushing. Super soil is supposed to be used as a bottom layer in the final pots anyway, only the bottom 1/4-1/3 of the pot. The rest should be a normal strength potting mix. I didn't measure the ppm's of my soil runoff but I've been using the same soil for a year now and just mixed everything together after 2-3 grows and it's still working great. I will probably have to add more nutrients after a few more grows, but it's still good for now. Hope that helps.


    • RSAgrower
      RSAgrower commented
      Editing a comment
      Thank you friend. I appreciate the tips.

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