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Name:	take.jpg
Views:	212
Size:	170.1 KB
ID:	454182
    We all enjoy some weed porn so I thought I'd share. I was reorganizing things a bit today trying to make some room. This is various stages of dry and cure of the 6 plants I've taken so far. Super Glue, two C-4's, two Wedding Cakes, and a mystery plant I call Nancy Drew. I've already given away a number of ounces prior to this pic. My fingers have been really sticky lately. Eleven more to go.

    MI, MO? Very nice by the way.


    • crucialbunny
      crucialbunny commented
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      Thank you. Container balcony grow in California.

    Looks nice mate u grew 16 plants what grow space u useing wondering how many i should do in mine 2m 2m 2m


    • crucialbunny
      crucialbunny commented
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      I have a 45 foot long 3rd floor balcony facing south with all day sunlight.

    LOVE IT!!!! and you gave OUNCES AWAY!! I wish I had a friend like you


    • crucialbunny
      crucialbunny commented
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      Pandemic lockdown insanity. Normally I only grow 5-6. Rarely smoke it myself so I rely on others to tell me how I did.

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