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    COCO COIR Feeding

    Hey can tell anyone tell me what should be the Nutes schedule for autoflowers and photoperiods?
    What should be my weekly schedule?
    and how frequent should I feed plants, I mean weakly or twice and on my bottles it’s written thrice a week 100ml
    please guide,it’s my first grow.



      Please see the picture of nutrients and feeding schedule written on it.
      Thank you!


        I’ve never used that line of nutes but I would go with the section for tomatoes and use 1/2 strength of what they recommend. If no signs of nute burn after a few feedings you can increase strength or lower it if too strong. If you’re growing in soil it’s best to use nutes every other watering and just use properly ph’d water between feedings so there’s not a buildup in the soil. If you’re growing in coco or a hydro setup they’ll need constant nutrients.


        • Ansh2910
          Ansh2910 commented
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          I am growing in coco.
          Should I gives Nutes twice in a week or give weekly?
          Plus I give water once a week right now.

        • bboyfromwayback
          bboyfromwayback commented
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          Sorry, busy day. Like others have later mentioned, you need to use light nutrients every time you water with coco and water when the pots feel light

        hey dude how old are the plants? and is it just coco you have them or it in?? or is there perlite mixed in as well as/or clay balls?, is the drainage of the pot they're in all good? 1 water per week seems pretty far apart man??... like bboyfromwayback mentioned u can alternate water/feed/water/feed etc but coco needs nutrients every time in my opinion. I have my plants in coco and generally hand water them once a day with nutrients at around 2/3 strength of the recommended dose on every feed till you get about 10/20% run out the bottom of the pot, all the nutes are different and have different directions but... if u can just work off PPM (food count in water) and find out what your plant can handle with and adjust it up or down to a happy medium which is, getting the right mix without getting any nute burn (burnt leaf tips from too much nutrients) or without the plant looking lime/yellow (plant starving for nutrients) by this you will determine what the plant likes and adjust the strength accordingly... I'm also abit of a beginner and found that you'll get a way better idea and under standing about everything when u are able to read your PPM...but for me around 800-1000 ppm works well and no burn.. but that's just speaking for myself lol


        • Ansh2910
          Ansh2910 commented
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          Thank you bro
          I am using coco with perlite,I used in recommended dosage and had Nute burn
          So now I’ll reduce the quantity in half
          They are 15 days old
          And one plant is 1 month old
          In one week how many times should I feed nutrients and how much time should I water them?

        i would aim to feed half strength nutrients on every watering once every day or every 2 days max bro. when the top half inch of soil is dry it needs water/nutes but yeah nutes all the time with coco as a general rule dude


          Okay brother I will give it on alternate days
          can you help me in how much quantity should I water and give nudes as mixture is made for 1L
          and it’s written give 100ml thrice a week of that solution
          so should I prepare 1L solution?
          and after that water till I see some water running out from bottom?


            And brother top half of coco doesn’t feel dry even in one week


              Feed everyday until at least a little liquid drips out. This will ensure that you don't get nute buildup in roots. You will effectively be re-balancing ph with each feeding. I'd start with 1/4 nutes and then slowly increase until the plants don't like it.


                if the soil isn't dry within a week then i reckon u may have a drainage problem that might be worth checking out dude... because you should start seeing run off after giving each plant 1ltr for sure?! are u growing in pots mate or ? going by your feeding chart i personally would just break it down as in if it says 1 ltr thrice a week that's 3ltrs. so break that down and divide by 7 (days) gives you 42 ml. (going by 1 watering/feeding per day) mix the 42ml into each ltr that u use to water i.e. if your plants take 3ltrs water per day on a watering i would mix 126ml in as that is 3 x 42ml.... each ltr that goes in to feed needs that 42ml of nutes that way u have a constant feed and it they get the recommended weekly dose. that is for FULL strength so for half it would be 21 per ltr as for the amount that YOU need to water on each time I'm not sure as you would tell by how much run off (water that comes out the bottom of the pot) you have. so maybe ,1st step I would be worried about the soil being wet constantly so I would start by having a check of the bottom of the pots to see about the drainage and 2nd step if they're only 2 weeks old i would start by just giving slowly 500ml to 1lt on each plant per feed, feed slowly and give time for the water to get to the bottom and 'run off' as soon as u see it start to trickle out the water don't feed anymore. do this a few over the week and you will start to find the perfect amount they take


                • Ansh2910
                  Ansh2910 commented
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                  Bro it’s written on bottles as,make solution of 1L and from that solution use 100ml thrice a week.
                  So should I add 100ml solution with my water feeding,every other day?
                  Or should I give 50ml with 500ml water daily?
                  And brother drain is there when I give them 1L,but still top of soil remains wet for days.
                  Thank you!

                As I understand it, coco should not be allowed to dry out. Coco and perlite will always drain sufficiently to provide air to the roots. As long as you "fertigate" to the point of runoff you won't have a nute buildup in the roots and your root ph should be equal to what you are putting in. Check nute ppm or ec going in and then what is draining out. If you have more ppm or ec in your drain off then you need to add more nute solution (as a rinsing agent). Just make sure it's not stronger than what you want to feed the plant. This is for coco soil is different.
                Attached is what I'm getting as of 5 minutes ago. The plants in flower were flipped about 2-1/2 weeks ago. Those are all 5 gal coco/perlite.
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                  Coco coir is an inert growing media, you need to treat it like you're growing in hydroponics.
                  You MUST supply nutrients and moisture to the media's not soil.
                  I use coco for my pheno hunts in 1 gal containers and typically water them with 1liter of nutes to get a little runoff.
                  I also add about 20% perlite to my coco to help with aeration.
                  My nutrients mix up at about 1.6ec(800ppm) which I feed to them from day one.
                  5x5 grow space
                  900w of Vero's and F-strips
                  4-17gal totes self-made UC system.


                    Originally posted by gbauto View Post
                    Coco coir is an inert growing media, you need to treat it like you're growing in hydroponics.
                    You MUST supply nutrients and moisture to the media's not soil.
                    I use coco for my pheno hunts in 1 gal containers and typically water them with 1liter of nutes to get a little runoff.
                    I also add about 20% perlite to my coco to help with aeration.
                    My nutrients mix up at about 1.6ec(800ppm) which I feed to them from day one.
                    What is the ec of your water as is, no nutes? 1.6ec is used throughout the grow? In a previous post I mentioned how I burned the shit out of a group of auto's recently. My ec meter went to top of scale then I noticed it also said x10. Lol But this was coco loco. I should have allowed the coco loco to be depleted before introducing nutes. But I didn't. They all went through nute lockout and some trauma. Now they almost all have foxtailing.
                    The plant in the upper left first photo (notice the brown leaves from nute lockout and subsequent burning) is the same plant as lower left with the big buds removed. The upper right in both photos has burnt leaves also.
                    Click image for larger version

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