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For the Newbs from a Newb: PART 2 - A Feral 2nd Grow

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    My Lemon Skunk auto mighta caught pregnant. I had one job and that was to keep boy-cooties outta there and apparently one of my girl photos is also identifying as a boy. Unless its something else.
    I hope it was a one-night stand, lol. From what I gather, unless the auto did it to herself, those seeds are gonna have two heads.
    I can tell myself those brown hairs on my top budlet are a number of other things, but it is what it is.
    I haven't found a damn pollen sac yet and I will go blind trying. Easier to just go with it. Won't be the first time I got seedy weed. That's how I ended up here in this fine forum <3

    It'll just be the first time I grew it that way myself, lol.

    2nd edit: omg, markers to tell them apart only works if you look at 'em. It's the LSxSC that got knocked up.
    Last edited by AccidentalGardener; 10-10-2020, 01:28 PM.


      lol, plants are frisky. Good luck on the hunt for sacks


      • AccidentalGardener
        AccidentalGardener commented
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        I threw in the towel on the sac-hunt. I think it's the CBD plant. It's just part of her charm. I will accidentally pollinate everything that isn't yet by rummaging in there.

      We was doing fine, now not so sure. I raised the lights to 20" above the canopy on 10-6, and they grew like bamboo.
      First I thought I overwatering. I'm thinking, c'mon man...I got the humidity down to 50% even though its pretty soggy outside. I stuck my hand in that dirt down 4" and it was dry.
      Just to be sure, checked each plant's runoff pH, all gorgeous. So not pH, nutrient issues, not over-watering.

      I let the Crop Doc get too close to the lights. Just didn't pay close enough attention. Raised the lights to 17" and crossed my fingers.

      It's been a week in the greenhouse.

      Last night I went out to check if the veg tent was still alive (different thread about thrips -argh) and armed with a green light, decided to peek in on the flower tent while I was out there.

      To my absolute horror, the LED lights were blazing away an hour after they were supposed to be off. I don't usually look at the plants when the lights are off. It's dark, lol.
      But last night I did; I must have heard their screams. It looks like the manual override on the timer was activated. Bizarre. It's on top of the tent where I can't even reach it unless I stand on something.

      Don't know if they were on just an hour too long or if they've been on for three days. It would explain why I've got two plants that are looking rough. I really hope it was just a burst of growth that got them too close to the sun this time.
      I tried using the data from the hygrometers, but as it always is with the perfect storm, the data is garbage for seeing if there was a swing in temp due to lights being off or on, because there was a swing in temp outside the tent. I noticed it was a tad steamy in there a couple days ago, so turned the heater in there down from keeping it 76F to keeping it 71F based on a 45F night. So I can't tell...the fan was pulling warm air into the tent even if the lights were off. I just hope the new growth got a little stunned.
      I guess we'll find out if it was an hour or three days if they start growing weird leaves.

      Now these look light-burned to me and not over-watered. Definitely weren't heat-stressed.
      Very similar to over-watered, but an over-watered plant is droopy all over, while a burned plant is only droopy on the parts that are too close to the light. Someone will correct me if I'm wrong.

      Lesson for today: My plants aren't going to wait for me to raise the lights. I need to stay on top of that. There is about 2 more weeks of stretch...unless the light was on for an extended period of time.

      New question to find an answer to: Can light burn without heat stress cause pistils to brown or have a singed look? That possibly pollinated LSxSC hasn't had any more brown pistils. Even the ones that got brown didn't brown-up all the way. Just the ends.


        They grow up so fast. Seriously. That auto isn't preggers. It was definitely sunburned. That poor cbd plant, tho... I cut off the 3 worst-hurt leaves, and it's starting to look better.
        They are getting some new digs. Ordered a new 4x4 tent and a new fancy Mars Hydro light. It won't cover the whole space for flower, but y'all taught me there is no such thing as an extra anything, lol. I can McGyver the rest of this grow. Light gets here tomorrow, tent in 5 days. Just gotta keep em out of the lights till then.

        Whole new grow in mid-grow. Who doesn't like a good challenge?

        This tent is gonna be my new veg tent, and I'm going to divide it to finish flowering the autos on 18/6. Only have 2 plants vegging right now and they are being treated for thrips (iso/h2o and it is working!)


        • lalaland
          lalaland commented
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          Congratulations on being able to spread out! That’s exciting!!

        Congrats on the new upgrade. How exciting! I got a new larger tent and lights mid grow. Holy crap, it was a ton of work to swap over. Now that its done I couldn't be happier. I feel like you'll have the same excitement!
        5x5 Gorilla tent
        Spectrum King SK402 - 2Γ— Optic XL1
        Infinity T8 exhaust fan
        Technaflora nutes
        Nectar of the Gods soil


          It felt like I was posting an update every 2 days and now it's two weeks since the last.
          Beginning of week 6 flowering today

          I am grateful that I began practicing on live human children and sourdough starter before I got into growing pot, lol.

          The new tent and light have been set up and the plants are not happy yet. They're doing the plant equivalent of blinking a lot and covering their eyes. They apparently needed a base-tan. Finally shoved Wilty McPouty under the light I pirated from the old flower tent - her old light. Fine. She can have the old light. Or die. I don't have the knowledge or patience to deal with a prima donna plant right now. I dialed back the light to 75%, but she's gonna have slap on her shades and get with the program because I'll be increasing the brightness each day.
          My original plan to keep the two autos in the veg tent on 18/6 went sideways when the humidity was not conducive to successful flowering. Open a vent and oooh -la -la -the dank skunk stank...wanna rub it behind mah ears. That's not optimum when you live in a duplex, lol. So into the tent went the autos with the rest of the girls, on 12/12 and a scrubber.

          The new light, Mars Hydro TSW 2000, is like the sun compared to the no-name 600w lights I was using. I want to pour sand in the bottom of my tent and read a book in there, lol. I will eventually get a second Mars Hydro panel to fit in the spot that needs flowering coverage. MH included some stickers that made me wish I was 12 and had a skateboard.
          Introducing my grow to a new environment now is a risk, but it's one I wanted to take. This grow is the actual applied practice grow. If I kill them, it won't be the end of the world. I'd super-like it if I didn't kill them, but hey...practice makes perfect. Or something like that.

          One of the autos, the lemon skunk, got too cramped in her 1-gallon pot. She began to go yellow way before she was sposed to; not a pH issue, don't think over/under feeding. She was cranky due to too-tight quarters. She is now in a 3-gallon pot. I'll let the pics do the talking as I am a bit pooped from hanging and unhanging stuff, raising and lowering stuff, moving stuff from here to there.

          Dig the new tent. A lot. The humidity was instantly reduced by a sizable percentage; perhaps having a higher ceiling allows the water vapor to rise above the canopy. A normal forest instead of a rain forest, lol. For now, the 4" fan seems adequate for exhausting the used air and that makes me very happy.

          I have room and the proper lighting for vegging and training in the 2x4.

          Oh Christmas tree.


          • Xena
            Xena commented
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            Those stickers are cool! πŸ˜‚ When I got mine I really wished I was 45-50 years younger.

          • lalaland
            lalaland commented
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            Lookin pretty good for girls who are pouting!!
            Love the new tent!

          • Mr.furley
            Mr.furley commented
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            Very nice looking grow AG.

          Oh yeah, note to all you DIY folks who don't install fail-safes where a safe is bound to fail....
          Ugly Marla, in the upper left corner of pic 8, had a fan fall on her. More than once. I already knew the cheap fans were prone to unclipping and sliding. I just missed the tie-down. Whoops. Anyhow, Ugly Marla is a little uglier now, lol.
          Like I said - applied practice. Sometimes its as simple as using a carabiner or green twine to secure anything that could fall on the plants. Clamp-lights are notorious offenders, so I have mine clipped and then I run some of that thin green garden wire around the clips, too. Has saved plenty of headache.


            hahaha, Wilty McPouty... You kill me It is much easier to control the environment with a larger tent than a smaller one, glad the RH is easier to manage now.


              Today is not as rough. Ugly Marla is denying a fan ever fell on her and bent her a little weird. She's beautiful in her own twisted way.
              The lights are at 100% at 17- 20" and none of the plants barfed today.
              They all got fed and seem relatively happy.


                Wow. So many things I learned in the last few weeks!
                The cramped quarters, the inadequate-yet-sunburning lights, the possibility I had a timer malfunction at the beginning of week 4 post-flip - between an hour and three days when the lights didn't turn off at all, rood-bound, and then moving the whole thing into a larger space with a completely different light....
                You'd be a little stunned, too. (and an added situation of being stoned as well) It would take you a few days or weeks to stop being pissed that everything changed. After all, these are teenagers! Entitled spoiled bratty ones at that, lol.

                I think the photos have begun to stretch again. I've raised the lights 1-2" each of the last 2 days to maintain 17-20". They've stopped that fainting business. The larger environment is awesome.
                The browning of the pistils may be a result of the trauma of being exposed to too-bright of light when I moved them. I don't think it's pollination, since there ain't any pollen in here. I've checked the plants and checked again and no balls, no spent sacs, no developing sacs.
                Film at 11, I guess!

                And something I never thought I'd need to deal with in a million years after last summer - humidity that is bordering on too low in the flowering tent! Holy. Steady 40%, even when they are well-watered. 90% right outside the door, but quite low inside. I have my theories on why this is -for it's a grow-space thing, not anything to do with this grow - and I'll share it in another post.


                • SoOrbudgal
                  SoOrbudgal commented
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                  Yep i get very low humidity as i just looked in on my flower tent. It goes on at 1a.m. off at 1p.m. it's right now at 25%. We are running the wood stove dang cold this a.m. 28f. sunny and high of 60? I kinda like it not dealing with high.

                • lalaland
                  lalaland commented
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                  Look at those girls! They’re gorgeous πŸ’•
                  I can’t even tell which one is the ugly sister

                eek, the timer issues. We'll see how that goes


                • AccidentalGardener
                  AccidentalGardener commented
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                  We'll have to, lol. Something hit the switch that changed the lights to manual instead of timer, and I don't know when it happened; can only narrow it down to a 3-day window using data from the hygrometers. That was weeks ago and no weird reveg growth so maybe it wasn't enough to FUBAR things too bad.

                I have no idea what's going on in this rave of a tent we've moved into, lol. Six plants, 4 strains and all doing something different, but none dying. Looked back at my photos of the first grow. The light green one should be nearing completion in about 2 weeks, but it wasn't light green the first time. The first time they were only in the pots for 4 months from seed. This is a clone and I think her feet are cramped, but it's too big and too far along to transplant. The photos have been growing for a while and that's also the only one that's in a tall 5gal. The only one that got sunburned from the old lights.
                Other auto, the tall LSxSC was up-potted to a 3-gallon, so both are now happier. They smell absolutely lovely. I almost want to pop a couple more autos into pots so they can chill in the flower tent.
                Since I have room, lol
                Calendar is marked for a Thanksgiving harvest, but that may be a little enthusiastic in light of what these things have been through to get to where they are now. They'll be there when they get there, and they are all gonna get there at different times.


                • lalaland
                  lalaland commented
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                  Your ladies are looking just fabulous πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’• one heart for each. Watch out with those auto seeds.You go to put 2 in a shot glass and 22 happen insteadπŸ˜‚

                • AccidentalGardener
                  AccidentalGardener commented
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                  Noted! I will not pour them in, nor feed them after midnight Auto strain: Tribbles x Gremlins (just kidding)

                Plants are looking fabulous - always a great write up accidental - love that pic of all 6 looking down.

                And now is the time to start more autoflowers - I just dropped 3 seeds in water.
                ​​​​​​3 X 3 gorilla. Promix soil . Green Planet Nutes
                Mars Hydro
                Vortex in-line 6" fan


                • AccidentalGardener
                  AccidentalGardener commented
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                  Thanks, Canuck! I think I will dunk a couple soon as I can round up some dirt. I seem to have run myself almost out

                In addition to needing a somewhat green thumb to grow weed, you really need a sense of humor. Wait for it.

                Any of you ever lose count? Of everything? Even with it written down in multiple places? I am outing myself because its funny, but it could happen to anyone. Or maybe not...I have the unique ability to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, but now I try to learn from it.
                This is why keeping a detailed written log of exactly what you're feeding your girls and when is super important, because you never know when you'll need to go back to unf*ck something. That and photos each day can help you figure out WTF is happening with a plant.
                We are in week 7 of flowering...not week 7 of the life of these stupid plants, lol. Kinda important to pick a way to do it and then sticking with it
                Yesterday I realized that I had inadvertently switched from the flowering-feeding schedule to reflect not week X of the flip to 12/12, but to the overall age of the plants. Omg. I should have redacted the veg schedule. Sweet mother, I don't know when I did it because I didn't write what week I consulted on the mixing chart when I mixed, only the percentage that I fed them. It probably happened when they started to get into trouble in the other tent. That would explain the stunted bud production if I starved them, in addition to all the other bad things that happened to them.
                Try giving a teenager a kid's menu...they don't like it.

                The Crop Doctor (CBD) is the light green one (clone from first grow) The buds are ripening, but those leaves are really bumming me out. pH is fine going in and out, and I think the plant is just throwing in the towel. It has had some stress and maybe it's just done. I will hold its hand till the end.
                The both of the FBL autos are at day 66. My calendar says approx harvest dates for the autos are 11/9-ish.

                The three Irene Apricot (clones from 1st grow) - in pic 5, they are in the back left corner and the two on the right side - they are really beginning to purple! I am simulating cooler nights by keeping the outside of the grow room at a decent 70F (it was 34F outdoors this morning). Within an hour of lights-off, the temp in the tent plummets from 80F to 69F and then stays there. The humidity has been a sweet 41-45%. We'll see how that goes; we're sposed to get a little rain, about 1.25", tomorrow. That much water and I may have to take these things on the ark with me.

                And hey rookies, buds always look amazing in pictures. I was comparing mine to some other grows I've seen photos of and I finally decided not to do that anymore. My in-person buds won't look like your photos, ever.

                Prince was onto something. A little purple light makes anything look sexy AF.
                Even my anemic buds, lol.

                Really grateful to be making so many dumb mistakes now, instead of spreading them out over my future growing career.

                Next grow is going to be all autos. I think I might be hooked.
                Last edited by AccidentalGardener; 11-02-2020, 02:00 PM.


                • SoOrbudgal
                  SoOrbudgal commented
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                  Now this is just a suggestion cause i do believe in epsom salts for curing what ailes the plant. That sad yellow one well she just may be saying her roots need something. When all else fails i start to rehab the soil. I would give her it on the next just watering just give her a tablespoon in gal of water or even 2tbls she will thank you for it quickly, 2days or less see a change. Won't hurt her a bit. But is she's just that color do to strain? I've had several that just yellowed out stalks and all but buds were great. Welcome to forgetables

                • AccidentalGardener
                  AccidentalGardener commented
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                  thank you Budgal! I don't have any hanging around, but I will go round some up today.

                • lalaland
                  lalaland commented
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                  They’re looking just great!

                Looking good


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