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Yikees! Wrong Watering pH

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    Yikees! Wrong Watering pH

    I feed on Sundays and water about every Wednesday when the medium is dry. I use 1/3 Coco, perlite and Ocean Farms and do everything drain to waste. I was 2/3rds through my watering last night with Cal-Mag (I use RO water) and remembered I did not pH balance my water. Yikees! Distractions... My watering pH was at 7.4, sooo, the last third of the watering was done with a pH of 5.8 and plenty of water was draining out of the cloth smart pots after that. The drain to waste water run off was at a pH of 7.0. I normally water and feed with a 6.0 pH. Just wondering if I did any damage or if there is something else I need to do to correct the problem? I am new to this so I panic when I do something wrong. Today is Thursday and watered last night.

    If I feed the plants something I shouldn't have I just water/feed them more with the correct mix asap until the mistake is washed out and replaced by something better.


    • kingkola1
      kingkola1 commented
      Editing a comment
      Thanks! I was hoping for something like that.

    Last night I noticed one of my plants have yellow splotches on a few of its leaves which looks like online photos I see of plants with a pH problem. The other 7 plants appeared to be unaffected. Should I remove those discolored fan leaves, or let them be and not stress the plant more until the next feeding with a pH correction? I plan on feeding them Sunday with a 5.7pH to bring the grow medium back into the 6.0 to 6.5 range; does that sound like the right thing to do for the next feeding pH? The plants are now in transition from veg to flower and under 24 hour HPS light for another 1/2 week.


      Best to leave the leaves on. Your plant might be feeding off of them.
      Ph 5.7 sounds like a good plan. Mixing coco, perlite, and soil is a bit of an oddball.

      Coco and perlite both use the hydro PH range.

      A plant growing in pure Ovean Forest (if that's what you're using it wasn't clear) would feed best in the soil PH range.

      Without writing a book on it, my guess would be that you'd be best to keep ph low throughout- like feed and water around 5.6-5.8. Ph will rise in the pot and cover the range you need for different nutrient uptakes. For coco and perlite I keep my ph at 5.6. It's usually better to aim low than high as ph generally rises in the pot- unless you have some weird acidic mix.


        Ill second Weasel on the 5.8 watering and keep it at that until your runoff is 6! I m using Hydroton in Hydro and keep it at 6-6.1 but the best color and looks have come from a steady 5.8 in 5days row...Depends on the plants and strains ofc but 5.9 will not waste a 5.8's nutes !! Then on a -+ scale 5.8-6 is a good one to keep...Mine just likes going at 6.1 and staying there no matter where i set it!!!If thats what it is,the plants will adjust...Im not so far out my window however and im using an easily flush-able medium(hydroton) which i can do almost anything with!

        Also about the leaves,if the plants are very young,loose them,if they are in flower i would keep them as Weasel said,it is food for the plant!

        Good luck and happy growing matie!
        Tent : 4x4


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