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    When I was digging out my bong for a post a while ago I got to thinking. Did you guys have “power hitters”? If I remember right you could buy them in the head shop but we always made them, take a mustard squeeze bottle and put a brass fitting to hold the joint and burn a hole in the side for a carburetor.

    I've made 6 or 8 of them over the years but it's been a while. I'd have to build a XXL version for the joints I blaze now.


      Oat Willie's Power Hitter loved those back in the day. Back in either 76 or 77 I made my first one of these for smoking Hash but that's a whole nother story.


      • Xena
        Xena commented
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        I love the dew can. We always put a straight pin through a folded piece of foil and put it in a coke cap and sat a quart jar over it and you slide the jar barely off the table and sucked the smoke. Your method is so much better, our way my buddy bout killed him self by standing up to fast after bending over for a giant snort and standing up to fast.

      • SoOrbudgal
        SoOrbudgal commented
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        Man we were just talking about those we loved our power hitter LOL

      Click image for larger version

Name:	6 shooter.jpg
Views:	280
Size:	155.5 KB
ID:	446869
      Ever have one of these? I lifted the picture from the internet. Not mine.


      • crucialbunny
        crucialbunny commented
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        We used them for around the table sessions. One hit bowls.

      • AccidentalGardener
        AccidentalGardener commented
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        Omg, I need that! Too!

      • UndergroundFarmer
        UndergroundFarmer commented
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        Dude, it's cashed out. Rack 'em up again!

      I was 16 and living with relatives in 1979 in CA, Bay area. They grew pot in the backyard in a greenhouse. They had a red one of these things. First time I smoked was with a power hitter. Then we watched Midnight Express and it freaked me out.

      My aunt and uncle were childless and there is probably a good reason why, lol.


      • SoOrbudgal
        SoOrbudgal commented
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        We had a power hitter in the 70s man weed facial smoke out with that.

      Do u do buckets in us


      • Xena
        Xena commented
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        You’ll have to explain buckets.....I do buckets, I do them to wash my car and a few other things. Other than that idk what it is.

      u get a bucket fill it with water then get a plastic 2litre bottle cut the bottom off it then get some tinfoil place over the top of bottle put holes in it like u do on a pipe put the bottle upright in water put your weed on the tinfoil lid and start to burn while raising the bottle dont pull bottle out of water when nearly at bottom bottle at the top of water take lid put lips round top of bottle start pushing bottle down in water sucking in the smoke then stop just before water touches your lips then just melt into the sofa haha


      • UndergroundFarmer
        UndergroundFarmer commented
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        That sounds like a variation of what we know as a gravity bong.

      • FunkyButtLovin
        FunkyButtLovin commented
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        Over here we call it a gravity bong and I'm still the 3 Liter Champ! I can't get 3 Liter bottles anymore I don't think but I can get 2.5 and maybe the tall 2.75 liters. I've often thought about buying a Grav Labs Gravitron glass version but I don't think it's big enough. If they built a XXL version equivalent to 2.5-3L I would buy it.

      Before I knew much much better, I built a homemade ice bong out of a plastic tennis ball canister. I used aquarium air tubing out the top for inhaling and for connecting a hash pipe to the body of the canister. I'd fill it with ice only. I'd pack a bowl, connect the pipe, then hold my finger over the carb hole at top and pull until the canister was full then let the ice do its job. I then let my finger off the carb hole in the lid and cleared the chamber. It worked great. Only trouble is all that off-gassing from the plastic couldn't have been good for me.

      I also made a few homemade pinch hitters from old diesel injector lines. All I had to do was cut them to length then bore out one end with a drill press then bevel the edges a bit. If only I had the wood shop skills back then to make a dugout I could've had the whole kit!
      Coconut Grove
      4x4 tent, Platinum LED P4-XML2, four Patio Pickers. Vegging Liberty Haze, Acapulco Gold, Lavender and Sweet Amnesia Haze.

      3x3 tent, Platinum P300 LED. Flowering two Tangies.

      Flower tent:
      4x4 tent, Platinum LED P4-XML2, four Patio Pickers. Vegging Super Lemon Haze, Durban Poison and two Tangie x Blueberry crosses.

      32"x32" tent with Feit white LED. Vegging four Mother's Finest.

      Coco/Perlite/worm castings/mycorrhizae living soil mix.
      Down-To-Earth dry amendments. Gnarly Barley added weekly. Eisenia fetida.

      On deck: Winter indicas.


        ye we did the same with bottles finger and hole method


          funkybutt if u get a glass bottle put tape round the bottom were u want it to break get a metal butter knife put in bottle one quick up and down movement and the bottom will break round the tape we use to do it with big whisky bottles mate


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