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    Hey everyone, first time growing and wondering if anyone could offer some advice and/or reassurance.
    Seed sprouted 5 days ago and seemed to be doing great, I’ve been spraying the surface soil with 6.5 ph water once a day (which is when it started to look dryish) . Planted in 7 litre (about 2 gallon) pots, soil and about 30% perlite. Do the leaves look ok to you? I was concerned that they’re drooping or going light?
    It’s a purple queen auto.
    I’ve only got cheap led bars at the moment so they’re pretty close, about 15cm away, waiting on delivery of better lights.
    Any advice appreciated, thanks

    Your seedling looks great! Keep doing what you're doing.


      It looks like you're overwatering it. It's best to start them out in a smaller container and transplant them as they get bigger to avoid problems from the soil holding too much water e.g. mold, root rot, etc. One of the tendencies new growers have is to give too much water and/or giving it too frequently. For this seedling, I'd wait until the soil was dry up to the first knuckle before giving it any more water or you might kill it. You might try putting it on a window sill or balcony so it can get some wind and sun, both of which will help get rid of some of the excess water, at least until your stronger light arrives. I water my seedlings once every 5-7 days. Good luck and don't give up if you kill a bunch of seedlings at first. We all did it.


        Fine looking seedling Venkman. I transfer my autos from jiffy's to 19 litre pots, day after sprout with 0 defects. Day 1 & 50.
        Organic soil auto grower.


        • SoOrbudgal
          SoOrbudgal commented
          Editing a comment
          I also will transplant autos

        Seed looks fine. Give her a few days and she should really start going. New growth will almost always be a brighter green than the rest. So if the new growth is a little light, don't be too worried. If the older growth starts to get lighter, then you should start to worry a little.


          Looks great Venkman, thick healthy stem, not stretching...light green color is normal for new growth. Carry on..careful when you get your new lights...dont want to cook that little girl. Good luck with it.
          Shappel S3000 3.5x6x6' ice hut
          Fusion Board LED Panel 480w
          6" Fusion Breath, Fan/Filter
          Canna Coco/perlite
          General Hydroponics Flora Series

          Scarlet Galaxy GTF
          Scarlet Grapes x2 GTF
          Razzpergers GTF


            Seeds Looks Great!!


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