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What to do with a male - Share an unusual event - comments welcome

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    What to do with a male - Share an unusual event - comments welcome

    I had one of my few plants turning male, growing plenty of balls and showing them on day 14 since switching to flower. Since he was in the tent with all the girls, of course I had to cut him down asap and get rid of him, what I did, yes.
    But, waste not want not, I was always collecting leaves (from defoliating, that's what I do during veg phase and also here and there removing a leave that's throwing too much shade on my soon-to-be-buds).
    I collect all those leaves into a zip lock bag and keep in the freezer. Once frozen, they are easily crushed and thrown into cooking, for a healthy boost. There is enough on the web to find about eating whole fresh, raw or cooked cannabis for health reasons, not for "recreational" use.
    Anyway, I cut down my male plant, stuffed him into the said zip lock bag and froze him.
    A week later I got an idea to cook for dinner - some fish, some potatoes with veg and some spinach with Gorgonzola, one of the fav dishes for my wife. That's when I decided to cook up some cannabis together with spinach and make it even healthier meal. I took roughly 10oz spinach and added 4oz of raw crushed whole bespoke male plant into it, cooked it up and served.
    After a couple spoonfuls my wife complained that "something's odd about that spinach" and as she didn't like it, she didn't eat any more. I, however, liked it and so I ate good 2/3 of the meal, maybe even a bit more.
    Didn't think anything of it, until, some 45 minutes later I realised I was getting a bit of a high, that I mentioned to my wife, and she chuckled, saying "well, you had to cook that weed in the spinach!"
    About a half an hour later my ears started ringing (I have to say I have a bit of tinnitus anyway, haha), and my head started spinning and I got high like I didn't get in a very very long time, possibly never before. After a few hours of watching tv etc I went to bed, still properly high, and I woke up 8 hours later and was still not myself. I felt like I've drunk too much the night before, although I haven't at all.
    All of this lasted pretty much 16 hours from the time I felt the first signs of high about 8pm, until I was all myself the next day early afternoon.
    Now I still have one smaller meal of that "spinach" in my fridge, but I'm a bit hesitant to enjoy it!
    Why did I share this? Just for fun and for information's sake - maybe you, too, end up with a male that you want to get rid of. Cook him up, eat him, might be fun if you like!
    Few things I want to note from this event:
    Firstly, even though I know of canna-butter and canna-cookies, and I made some over the years, it never occurred to me that such a young flowering male plant can induce such an intense high after being cooked and ingested.
    Secondly, I completely ignored the fact that the leaves and tiny buds on the plant were actually slightly sticky, which should have given me a hint that there's already some thc on it. Rookie mistake.
    And last but not least, did I make a mistake and actually cut down a girl? I didn't take one good photo of him, but checking the GWE here, I'm confident to say it was a boy.
    That's it.
    Have your say! :-)

    the fish was probably off haha i try next time iget a male let u know


      If it had tiny buds, it was female. Must have hermed on you at some point. Sounds like quite a ride 😂


        Sounds like a hermie to me. I toss the males I dont use to make seed (and once there done they to go) into the compost as males give me a splitting headache. I have given away a few to some that want them.


          yeah, true, it could have been a hermie, or even a female (if it was, I'm so sorry, because it was quite a good looking and promising plant)... Whatever, 16 hours high is worth mentioning! haha


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