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How tall should my cannabis seedling be?

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    How tall should my cannabis seedling be?

    Hey guys it's me again with another question:
    My two week old cannabis seedling is looking fine and healthy, however it is growing quite tall. It's not showing signs of death or anything, I was just worried about the height. Can someone tell me if this is normal or not? Thanks!

    maybe your light needs to be closer.


    • yaboynatan
      yaboynatan commented
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      It's already very close. The leaves are growing fine, I am just worried about how tall it will get.

    It def shouldn't look like tht or be that tall look how much space is in-between the the leafs you need to keep light much closer next time as for tht plant I've never had one so stretched but I would say keep helping support it and when you can transplant it and burry all tht extra stem


    • yaboynatan
      yaboynatan commented
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      The light is already very close, the leaves are growing fine as well. Second set of leaves is beginning to show. I am afraid to transplant it, at this stage it could be damaged...

    My seedling in this photo was 19 days old feel free to compare.


    • yaboynatan
      yaboynatan commented
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      What seriously? That's impressive... Well everyone at their own pace I guess... But what do you think, is my seedling too tall?

    • OzBud
      OzBud commented
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      What's going on with a few of those leaves dkn?

    What kinda light are you useing and how close is it?


    • St.buds
      St.buds commented
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      I have seedlings tht r less than a week and they are growing second set of leafs

    • yaboynatan
      yaboynatan commented
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      Average desk light, and I have uploaded an image below.

    If it were me, I would transplant it into deeper (and wider) container) and bury most of that long stem. Like St.buds asked, how close is your light. You are saying it is already close, but you shouldn't have such a long stretch. Just my .02 worth.


    • William and Sue Ashley
      William and Sue Ashley commented
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      I agree Isomn.....that stretch is crazy...something going on....If you know what I mean....not right....

    • Tika
      Tika commented
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      Agree with that Insom....sink the girl!

    What type of lights are you using brother she is is stretching like crazy?


    • yaboynatan
      yaboynatan commented
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      It's an average desk lamp... I'm just growing as a test, not really looking to get bud. I'm not gonna bother with all the expensive equipment.

    I've uploaded an image, here. Do you guys have any advice on transplanting? Are there any risks involved, and if so, how would I avoid them?


      Did he say desk lamp?


        That light is definitely not going to cut it, the distance the light is now should have been the distance in the beginning


        • yaboynatan
          yaboynatan commented
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          I understand. Well what should I do? I can transplant the seedling, and hope for the best... But it's the only light that I have. Besides sunlight of course.

        Did he say desk lamp or was that my stroke affected mind?. (I am the post stroke guy after all)


        • Cannabis-me
          Cannabis-me commented
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        • yaboynatan
          yaboynatan commented
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          Yeah I did... Jokes aside, I'm a complete beginner. This light has served me well for the last two weeks...

        • Green75
          Green75 commented
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          I would not say it served you well...

        I would definitely transplant it into a bigger container and cover some of the stretch. If you're just doing this as an experiment well just live and learn, go buy a Cfl or led from Home Depot they're very cheap at least thats a cheap upgrade from a desk lamp.
        Last edited by Cannabis-me; 01-18-2017, 12:30 AM.


        • yaboynatan
          yaboynatan commented
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          Exactly, that's what it is, just an experiment until I get a place of my own and can grow professionally. I'll transplant soon. Hope it'll resolve the issues! Thanks.

        • Cannabis-me
          Cannabis-me commented
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          Cool brother. Good luck

        I also am a beginner and I O it all to Green here in the forum. Before learning the Green method of growing even my dirt died.


        • yaboynatan
          yaboynatan commented
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          I'm a complete beginner, this is my first attempt at a grow...

        Listen to them,easy to transplant at this stage make sure there's plenty of drainage in next pot (larger) floresent is a cheep way to go for light.good luck and welcome to the forum.


        • yaboynatan
          yaboynatan commented
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          Thanks. Next pot will definitely be larger. I'll just cut around the current pot (extremely cheap pot) and directly transplant from there. Floursecent? Maybe some day...

        don't give up on it. friend of mines current one was stretched pretty bad to the point of falling over. he split a small plastic straw and wrapped it for support. he had it in a window is why it stretched. got a lamp close to it and the stem thickened and is now a pretty nice looking plant. I think he removed straw within a week and has just flipped to bloom stage. good luck


        • yaboynatan
          yaboynatan commented
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          Thank you for the support, I'll get back to all of you once I've sorted out the issues. I actually have a bent paperclip as support. Seems to do the job for now.

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