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Yellowing and spotted Leaves

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    Yellowing and spotted Leaves

    Hey all. My young plants are turning yellow and spotted at the bottom leaves. The hardest hit ones also have some holes, and generally are just falling apart. What’s the most likely culprit??

    Root issue, PH! That said also look for bugs with a 30x zoom lens.


      PH in what direction?? Alkaline or acidic?

      Will do with the zoom


      • Rwise
        Rwise commented
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        You will need to test it, I cant tell from here, but would guess low, just a guess.

      Thank you!


        Do you have poop in those pots? I've seen plant reactions that look just like this when they are put in a manure compost. This leads to what Rwise said about a root issue because they don't want to set roots into a hot medium and they languish. Just a thought.


          Yes! I did have manure in the mix. Probably 1/4 or less of the medium.


          • crucialbunny
            crucialbunny commented
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            It's something that many of us container growers have learned to avoid through trial and error. When plants mature you can use a small amount of manure as a top dressing but now I just avoid it entirely. It may sound silly but I begin my potting mixes months before I actually plant in it. I'm a total nerd when it comes to my soils. I have soils I make for seedlings, soil for rooting, and soil for the final growing container. I could talk about soil for an hour and only scratch the surface but I won't preach. My only suggestion now would be to flush it heavy and add some dolomite to reduce the urea in the soil. Good luck with your grow.

          I used 1/3 rabbit poo in my mix this year, what poo did you use?
          Cow is the best for what we do, as said some are to hot, those must be aged (such as chicken poo) and used with care.


          • crucialbunny
            crucialbunny commented
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            !984 I got my children a couple pet rabbits. Best grow I think I've ever had. I was growing in the ground back then and would throw poop all over the area around my plants. Magical stuff.

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