Thanks so much! I wasn't sure if you were maybe just a wandering know it all passing on info gleaned from google. If you are a wandering know it all - you're definitely one of the good ones. I really appreciate you taking the time to post all this.
Parafilm already ordered.
I have no major plans of getting into large scale grafting. To be honest I'm just doing it for aesthetics to create a beautiful plant if possible . Also just for the fun of learning something new.
The way I'm grafting right now is the most Neanderthal way imaginable and can be done by anyone with two plants and a knife. It kind of shows too in the end result
Still- the plant is looking happy and perky today, so I'll have to call the graft a success. I'm going to let the plant recover for a while and grow a little more foliage and a better root system before doing the next graft. The actual graft cut area is an ugly mass of scar tissue and I can definitely see how the parafilm would help a lot. But cannabis is a hardy plant and I'm sure it will grow and strengthen that spot further, making an even bigger and uglier lump. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and I'm very happy with it myself.
A lot of possibilities here.
Thanks again Komatchi.