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New Member Introduction

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    New Member Introduction

    First time posting here and I seem to be having some trouble navigating this forum platform, so please excuse me if I jack this up. I've been unable to access the profile section but I will continue work on that. I'm a Southern California outdoor container grower and have been off and on for many years. I had a very successful grow last season but knew I could do better so immediately after harvest I began in earnest to create my own all natural soils and nutrients. With the mandatory "Stay At Home" order I have found ample time to develop what appears to be an extraordinary growing medium due primarily to a couple of vermicomposting bins I built. My biggest fear was that with all this natural biomass I would encounter serious pest problems but it has turned out to be exactly the opposite. I have had virtually no pests, fungus, or even the usual fungus gnats.This season's garden for the most part is just turning the corner into flower and thus far is extremely healthy and vigorous. This years crop is a hodgepodge of "God only knows what" seeds found in a second hand canna butter machine and a few donated Wedding Cake and C-4 clones that were in dire need of some hardening love to survive outdoors. Once I get a handle on using this platform I will share some photos and look forward to discussing various ideas and tips with other like minded growers. Thank you GWE for allowing me to become a part of your community.

    High D Hoe and welcome to the forum and GWE. I'm in So. Oregon lived here 37yrs or so? Moved out of your state in late 80s enough said about that.
    Good luck looking forward to seeing your grow get going.
    Smoke Ganja create Peace Respect Nature don't trash the Planet

    Soil grower with coco/perlite mixed in
    indoor/outdoor grower
    1 36"x36"x66" tent- Viparspectra P2500
    I use a t-5 & 54watt CFL for seedlings
    Sometimes i use plastic sometimes i use fabric grow containers


      Howdy & Welcome crucialbunny


        Welcome bunny, ima outdoor container grower too, not big ass trees but I use the rooftop of my house to grow so I’m at the mercy of nature and constantly having “outdoor” issues that I’m glad to discuss


        • crucialbunny
          crucialbunny commented
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          I forgot to ask about the type of "outdoor" problems you're having. I can imagine heat in the Caribbean is an issue.

        • 9fingerleafs
          9fingerleafs commented
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          Well I’ve had a lot of issues like bugs: caterpilars. Ants. Gnats, aphids, mites, stink bugs, leafhoppers etc... other more dangerous issues like fusarium and pythium. Then there is the wrath of god factor. What you do when the weather is super harsh. How to secure individual plants with trellis nets, how to manage heavy constant rain, how to manage intense heat or how to secure plants for heavy winds. That sort of stuff. I know you may not have those issues in a balcony but you never know

        • crucialbunny
          crucialbunny commented
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          How large a grow are you managing? Are you using seed or clones? As far as weather goes I stake and cage the plants I was given that were cloned in a weak light industrial grow and were very spindly to protect against wind issues. Here in So Cal we will often get brutal heat waves in mid September to mid October which is also that critical period of final budding for me. The problem arises when the pots get too hot and the soil will begin to cook my roots. Last year on very hot days I began laying a couple layers of newspaper on top of the soil and putting a frozen water bottle on top of that. It worked amazing. This year I'm thinking about freezing water in ziplock bags so they can be shaped for better coverage. I have no idea how much room you have on your property but if you have room to start a worm compost bin I would strongly suggest you begin one. Super inexpensive or free when you have stuff laying around. The microbes and beneficial bacteria that develop in the worm castings seem to keep pests, gnats, and harmful fungus at bay very well so far. It may help with your fusarium and pythium. It also seems to keep my PH in balance all by itself. I haven't had to adjust even once this year. I don't use pure castings in my pots but mix it with sand, a little chicken shit, chopped peat and unfertilized compost. Put them all in a large container together and in just a few days those microbes and bacteria will thrive throughout the entire medium. After initial potting you can begin to add high potassium and phosphorous food scraps to your bin to make teas and top dressings. That's all the tricks I can think of at the moment. Take care -

        I hand water as well but only once every 2 days. Once per week I add a half cup of a fish/kelp/epsom/compost emulsion per gallon of water but will change that somewhat at flower. I have a small indoor light area that I use to harden off clones that have been grown under lights so they can go outdoors. I have a friend that is co-owner of a commercial indoor grow and he will sometimes give me his troublesome clones that need help. I have way too many plants this year. Normally I only grow 3-4 each season but I'm currently hosting about 15. California law says no more than 6 so I need to be careful. Honestly I don't weigh my harvest because I don't sell any of it and I don't smoke myself anymore. My eldest daughter had a severe brain bleed at 17 years old (20 years ago) and she has pronounced muscle tightness on one side of her body leaving her in a wheelchair. I make her edibles and topical balms that help her with the tightness. My grandson who had been on antidepressants has been using cannabis now for a couple years so I keep him supplied. Dispensary prices are crazy here. I have a digital scale so it might be interesting to see what my yields are this year. Thanks for the feedback and I wish you well. Stay in touch.


        • 9fingerleafs
          9fingerleafs commented
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          You too my friend. Glad to hear people doing good deeds. I kinda do this full time now and has been providing for my family so I’m grateful I can do good for my family at least. If you have any issue please share and I will try to help.

        Welcome onboard you are in a great place , you are in contact with some of the world best grower, Remember NO question is stupid. We have all mess up and the answers you seek are here. Good Growing


        • 9fingerleafs
          9fingerleafs commented
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          Glad to see old timers stick around very few of the late 2016 members theese days but surely the most helpful and experienced.

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