Here's a photo. First grow, in case it wasn't obvious. I know Autoflowers start off a little small but this seems too small, especially the stunted one on the back right.
I'm following this Growweedeasy guide to a T, except I have a VIPARSPECTRA 600W (250w actual) LED light. It's currently running 18/6 at a little less than 2 feet from the plants. Medium is coco and following this nute schedule (PDF) and regulating PH before each watering. Temps in the low 70s, RH in the low 50s.
Be more patient or do I need to switch something up?
I'm following this Growweedeasy guide to a T, except I have a VIPARSPECTRA 600W (250w actual) LED light. It's currently running 18/6 at a little less than 2 feet from the plants. Medium is coco and following this nute schedule (PDF) and regulating PH before each watering. Temps in the low 70s, RH in the low 50s.
Be more patient or do I need to switch something up?