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A ? about donor plants & silver

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    A ? about donor plants & silver

    I've been sprayin this lil darlin with the silver for almost 2wks now & as I was pullin her from the tent for a treatment I noticed some of the plants are gettin about ready for a feeding.... Which made me realize she hasn't asked for a drink since we started & her pot is still heavyish.
    This can't be normal can it? ( I looked & noticed this time & there WAS a lot of silver run off which wet the soil enough to look like it had been watered on one side when I was done.)
    Am I using too much silver? I'm drenching the whole clone.

    My diy CS sprayed plants go a horrid black green where I've sprayed, sleeping now as a photo of my is funny like I added to much (N)

    perhaps you have a reason to spray the WHOLE bush I spray just a limb in my current case I'm spraying the top kola of a THC bomb auto as much is needed

    I'd leave a kitchen towel on the soil layer to catch the CS ..imo

    Good luck


      That would freak me out! Weed ain't black lol.
      It's a tiny little clone & I want enough pollen to share & save for nxt year is why I'm spraying it all 😎
      Good idea the towel. Thanks!


        Originally posted by JDU View Post
        That would freak me out! Weed ain't black lol.
        It's a tiny little clone & I want enough pollen to share & save for nxt year is why I'm spraying it all 😎
        Good idea the towel. Thanks!
        Click image for larger version

Name:	Flashy CS almost their.jpg
Views:	482
Size:	1.46 MB
ID:	412481

        Wakey Wakey ..just sprayed her with a new DIY batch of Colldial silver, note the darkend leaves,
        no pollen has popped as yet I'm concerned the new batch is not as strong even too stronger than the last batch I made

        forcing the plant to miss a beat ...I'll find out soon enough

        this being a THC Bomb autoflower (rare these days) one of the better 'white widow ' copies out their. IMO
        this female pollen will go towards 14 power plant photos and 14 Exodus Cheese photo's

        leading to all photo Females first round in either Power Plant or Exodus Cheese

        only on the 2nd cross will I get 50% autos to photos

        Click image for larger version

Name:	THC-Bomb-3827pdyr38xjo62mw66adm.jpg
Views:	348
Size:	149.6 KB
ID:	412482
        How she supposed to

        here too:
        good luck


        • SoOrbudgal
          SoOrbudgal commented
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        Here they come!! It looks like I'm gonna have WAY more than enough fem Mango 1 (last yrs pheno) pollen 🚜🚜😎
        How long can you store pollen?


        • CaptainWiese91
          CaptainWiese91 commented
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          Definitely male parts👍🏻😎

        • SoOrbudgal
          SoOrbudgal commented
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          Good for you JDU part way there

        • vostok
          vostok commented
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          CS pollen stores for about a year tho one each occasion I would rather make mine fresh, tho
          I've had good results storing clones/cuts in a freezer for 10 months, but took some effort meaning keeping alive with minimal water

        .......So how toxic to other plants IS CSilver & can it be washed off of tools?- namely scissors.... I just thinned out the donor & realized I had used my trimming shears to do it. Do I have to toss em with the pot, dirt & catch tray?? I rinsed em in bleach then ISP alcohol....


        • vostok
          vostok commented
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          Not at all its why the Community? would use this DIY stuff even tho is awkward to make and use
          over the horrid chems idiot hort. students are being trained in the use of PGR's and the heavy chems that have mutated cannabis plants in the last 20? years
          Funny the plastic funnel goes black like your cutters each time I refill the spray bottle, I just noticed yesterday it had worn off again
          CHILL: tho this Collodill Silver is strange medical stuff from 100 years ago, its good unless you drink it like coke google for the clich'e pic of the blue man(insert here)

          its simply silver electrons/particles floating in water that have been removed from your silver item by using electricity the small the voltage the smaller the silver particles,
          thats good as you need smaller particles to flood the ethylene of the female flower once the gas ethylene has been supressed then a male flower will form, I have also used aspirin too but I think most of that was luck, the deal is to use a smaller voltage to make the smallest particles, currently 12v DC @ 250Ma( like to power a pc type fan using an old phone charger) the water is vital too apprently distilled water is easy to get in merica, not so in europe means we make all

          good luck

          ps Their were a bunch of guys considering taking CS at about 50ppm plus as a cure to covid ...on YT,
          also be wary as to measuring ppm of CS as ppm is an electrical thing so is the making of CS

        • JDU
          JDU commented
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          I bought mine. 50ppm large particle. It hasn't changed the color of my plants or the spray bottle. & the male parts are gittin more pronounced every day.
          My question is: Knowing that you shouldn't smoke the buds that were sprayed & that you should throw out the pot, dirt etc the donor was in.... Did I f up my shears by using them on the treated clone?

        Soakin up the Sunshine! Lookin good I think. & I think I might get enough pollen......... for EVERYONE!!!! Can it be mailed? With an ice pack & insulated maybe??
        P.S. Still wondering if those scissors are safe...?


        • Jordann
          Jordann commented
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          If you did them in bleach or iso Thayer fine. If you don't trust it though it's up to you but I wouldn't worry atall.

        • JDU
          JDU commented
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          Thanks! I did both lol.

        • Jordann
          Jordann commented
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          Nothing to worry about then. Iso takes most everything away with it. Stronger the better.

        Click image for larger version  Name:	karason.jpg Views:	0 Size:	23.8 KB ID:	415627 is a rip a con ! claims media ..

        please keep in mind you are in the territory of the conman and carpetbagger

        .... it was messing around with water and silver that got us photography

        some claim to this day it was the day 'Magic Died'

        Your Sissors will be fine after all you can put a low current thru them if you wish...

        I suggest minor electric (dis) plating will occur with static electricity by leaving over night in your kitchen sink...?

        good luck
        Attached Files


        • JDU
          JDU commented
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          Heavy metals are crazy! Today I seen a commercial for a no hormone birth control pill- active ingredient is copper. 🤯

        • vostok
          vostok commented
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          yes I once knew a women who had a copper thing installed in her plumbing down their.. the o'dur (oder)was off putting to say the least, the fact that I could always feel it didn't swell my ego either ....shame!

        • poeras
          poeras commented
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          Birth control with copper is really weird... I only take the best and safest birth control pills and use other methods too. It is really important that you choose the best option possible. It is really vital...
          Last edited by poeras; 12-28-2020, 02:08 AM.

        Hows she look? Is that a few sacks that are almost ready? By the main site tutorial it should be another wk before I have pollen.
        Attached Files


          It looks like a few are starting to crack. 😎


          • FunkyButtLovin
            FunkyButtLovin commented
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            You should have pollen any day now. Are your ladies ready to pollinate?

            Your shears are fine.

          • JDU
            JDU commented
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            This morn a bunch were open & empty so I cut some of the heads off, rubbed em on the flowers & rubbed all the pods off into a bowl to dry.
            Pic of the ladies below....

          • JDU
            JDU commented
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            Do they look ready to you or should I plan on dusting em in a wk or 2?

            I'm toying with the idea of dusting a branch or 2 of your LS x Strawberry Cheesecake autos with it 🤔 Might be interesting

          Mine are getting very big I'm thinking of taking some pollen now to dry out over the next few days, a few are dry even discolored I'm putting down to a fan, being too close?

          I'm in no hurry but another 2-3 week would be fine to time in with the females coming up behind
          Last edited by vostok; 06-18-2020, 06:21 PM.


            I could not wait I noticed many pods turning brown, so I thought I'd post my method

            1: I put one plant in the plastic trash bag

            2: enclosed the plant in trash bag I inverted over a black dish(black to see any pollen action)

            3: and beat the plant male kola with a pen (GENTLY lol)

            4: many discolored grey and brown pods fell off into the dish ...with much pollen too!

            5: with a Russian tea sieve(1-2 inch kitchen sieve) I added some pods

            6: with the sieve over the black dish, using the back of a teaspoon I grinded the pods into the sieve

            7: so the pollen falls into the dish, when all done about 6 teaspoons

            8: I scooped it up, to the corner of the dish, and with a cotton bud?

            9: then spent the next hour on my hands and knees applying the pollen to 3 favorite females, it was painful but well blazed

            10: the phone rang and accidently sprayed the plants heavy with water, I should have waited 30 mins, better half an hour
            (for the business of reproduction to be complete) will have to re apply this whole technique again later ..bummer!

            good luck


            • JDU
              JDU commented
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              Thanks for all the advice. I'm sure I'll need more lol. Such as Why do you spray them with water? I've not heard of that before

            • FunkyButtLovin
              FunkyButtLovin commented
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              Water basically deactivates the pollen. He's selectively pollinating then spraying water to prevent unwanted pollination.

            • JDU
              JDU commented
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              Ahhh ok makes sense. I plan on misting my tent & heating it up when this run is done to be safe.

            Only 10 days on 12s.


              Well a bunch more were open this mornin so I'm gonna go ahead n assume the whole tent is pollinated lol. I hope the girls are ready. I'll hit em again with some of what I saved inna wk or 2.

              This is some of what I got from brushing them into a bowl. There are a lot of open ones that are still green though. ??


              • FunkyButtLovin
                FunkyButtLovin commented
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                Color doesn't matter as long there is pollen inside.

              keep warm the green will dry out ..avoid getting any pollen damp imo as in

              Such as Why do you spray them with water? I've not heard of that before'

              pollen goes of fast when in contact with water

              its worth spraying yourself after a pollen job to save any hassles with other plants

              good luck


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