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When The Final Message is Final

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    When The Final Message is Final

    I don’t wanna bring this up. In fact I sat on this idea all day but there are 24 minutes left in the day so, here goes.

    ‘’as we know, the news is filled with an abundance of sad news where seemingly strong healthy persons succumb to this extreme illness or any number of other issues life has to offer. I think of this because I periodically private message a few friends and always get a reply. . .until I didn’t . Being so anonymous we really couldn’t find out if some catastrophic event had befallen a member of the forum so they just become forgotten. Did anyone ever plan for a family member to log-in and possibly post a final sign off should it become necessary? Some folks just disappear and that’s it but I have come to find that most of us share like minded interests and I for one enjoy chatting about cannabis and it allied benefits with so many folks here. I would have a blast at anyone of the gatherings that had been discussed. Sitting around sampling, bull shitting, whatever. Back in the 1960’s people would hang out at a park , mostly unknown to each other but have a party with our common ground joining us,

    Ive asked my son in the event, to log on and say thanks for all of the shared comments and information we’ve enjoyed, just in case.

    this is a photo I found from 1969.... shit like this is how Woodstock came to pass
    . Click image for larger version

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    Don't get covid19, Farmall: If you do the right thing and wear masks when you have to go out, wash hands, etc etc etc....

    We reduce our risks so much by practicing these things.
    Anyone can grow schwag. If you want to grow top shelf bud, study hard:

    Growing since July 21, 2016; pothead since 1967
    2 BCNL Roommate hydroponic grow boxes w/ 400w COB LEDs, Future Harvest nutes
    Grow # 18, Aug. 2023: Anesia Seeds: Imperium X, Future 1, Sleepy Joe, Slurricane


      Hey my buddie, don't get that sh-t, or anything else, I think they just said smoking MJane, is the best cure they got, so smoke a bunch, an hang in there.
      Just kiddn, about the
      Love your flashback picture, just like I remember, from those days, very peaceful, even though VNam, was raging at the time.
      If you need anything, let me know. But try to stay away from sick folk, if possible ,
      Stay Well!!
      I know a bunch of folks that were regulars, that ain't on here no more, that were very nice folk. One being GanjaGed, hope he's doing great, wherever he is,
      Cfls for a week or two
      315lec for everything else
      Dug up Ms.topsoil, with perlite added
      36x36x63 inch tent.
      6inch - exaust - intake fans an scrubber
      Smart pots


        alltatup Thanks buddy, I am doing all isolation things I can. I am working 1 day a week now but I am the only one in there and wishing 4 hours, I’m done. I live in a place where there is no one unless you head to a grocery store. I took a bottle of Everclear 190 and mixed it with 1 part aloe Vera gel and 2 parts of the 190 to make hand sanitizer. It really works the same and the 95% alcohol claims to do the trick and I have an old ketchup/mustard bottle I keep filled in my pickup. I have a few masks and latex gloves. As a mad scientist , and to keep my hands somewhat clean, I always had those latex gloves.

        however, I think.... when I thought this out.... it was more like : while things happen to anyone and at any age, many of us are older and all of the practices we employ to be safe sometimes are just not what bites us in the ass. Shit happens to people, age alone and some ages don’t go as well as others. You may not have heard of Bucky Pizzarelli. Has was a jazz guitarist and world renowned and a sweetheart guy. We were friends who saw one another here and there by chance. But he had invited me to come by his house if I was in New Jersey and we would play guitar and he’d give me a lesson. This is kinda like Beethoven teaching you piano or Gene Krupa teaching you drums. Meaning to at least reach out and say hi, I just found out at 94, he had passed away. People passing is one of the few things that eats me up. It is so final. I feel horrible and very saddened by news like this.

        take it a step further, while I’ve never met anyone on this forum, (and it is the internet where anything is possible behind the scenes) for people I have had great discussions with, it would be another piece of my spirit that gets lost. For some people it has no matter, no difference. I belong to one other forum for musicians. A guy I never met in Hawaii had his wife get very sick but we’re we’re constant communicators for a few years....he is devastated and is losing his mind. After a few weeks.....poof...gone as is another little piece of my heart. Sensitive, yup.

        so, to distill this mess down further, for whomever has this human emotion and finds the community and the communication enlightens them, fear not.... if shit happens, I have it on good authority, you’ll hear it.
        you guys know who you are and thank you for listening. My the way, that is me in the center of that picture. 1969, yes everyone was stoned


          D.A.A.S.69 Thanks. One day, I need to pm both of you with something you will both be very surprised with...when I get back tonight, look for it


            Farmall man you know how to write it down i'll say that. It's become more confusing for my hubby and me in our small rural town. After staying home just going to the store for necessities we wear masks use hand wipes wipe down car handles all this precaution and yet they still refuse to believe this type of event is happening. Our lives are forever going to be changed and I hope folks will heed the warnings and keep better hygiene but it's hard to educate those who refuse to believe this event is even happening and politized it.
            Smoke Ganja create Peace Respect Nature don't trash the Planet

            Soil grower with coco/perlite mixed in
            indoor/outdoor grower
            1 36"x36"x66" tent- Viparspectra P2500
            I use a t-5 & 54watt CFL for seedlings
            Sometimes i use plastic sometimes i use fabric grow containers



              Final, in the news this morning a young man loaded up (what looks to be his wife and kid) in their pick up and headed to the convenience store for a 6 pack. When he got there he went in got his beer and failed to pay for it, runs out jumps in his truck and tears out of the parking lot. He got almost a mile down the road and ran a traffic sign (stop sign) T boning another vehicle. The girl was dead at the seen, the 2-3 YO child died at the hospital, he is in critical condition. The other driver will be ok, he already has 2 counts of manslaughter waiting for him to wake up, along with many other charges..
              All for a fucking 6 pack of beer.
              If he had been caught (and just pulled over), all they would have done was right him a ticket, and set a court date.
              Sad very sad! I wonder how much he will want that beer when/if he gets out,.


              • golfnrl
                golfnrl commented
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                That happened not very far from me...very sad situation.

              I am battling multiple diseases. One is debilitating; MS. One is ongoing fight for my life; Colon cancer. I have a directive to make sure my last few years of working on strains to help with pain and spasticity, depression and anxiety goes to a few different people in my life. I have amassed several strains I have purchased, and many i bred. I never thought of making sure someone posts on any of my social media pages. This is the only one that I dont have a close personal friend on, so i will do that. I do appreciate all the help and interactions I've had from GWE and our members. Thanks for bringing this up. So many of our internet friends become a part of our life.
              I bet Bob Marley's mansion
              has a garden in the back
              Where he's growing something special
              Some celestial homemade hash
              we'll sit down on his front porch
              And listen to the angels band
              Until then I'll sing I'll fly away with a fat onefin my hand


              • alltatup
                alltatup commented
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                Hey Woodsman, you got my support!!!!

              • SoOrbudgal
                SoOrbudgal commented
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                Yes sir Woodsman67 we love sharing what works for you may help others in the future. Thank you

              People in the US have a lot of trouble dealing with death. This confuses me when these same people say they believe in eternal life and heaven. I am not a Christian, so the idea of eternal salvation doesn't really say anything to me.

              I try to just accept my ambivalent feelings about death: the older I get, the more I feel a need to think on it, prepare for its eventuality, and try to arrange for it to be on my own terms. To embrace the fact of my own eventual death.

              Will I reincarnate? Become stardust? What happens to consciousness? WHO KNOWS??? What's relevant to me, for as long as I live, is that love never dies. My dad died 7 years ago, and I love him just as much. Love's alive.

              Sure, everyone struggles to let go when we lose someone. It's very painful and I had a rough two years after my dad died, but I'm a far better person for having been there for and with him at the end of his life, making sure that he died on his own terms just as he wanted to. I've got friends who would do the same for me. I don't think there's anything more honorable than helping someone to have a good death, on their own terms, not in hospital or fking nursing home.

              I've lost lots of beloved pets, too, and i still miss many of them years later. Let's face it, death is a radical act, but it's an integral part of life. I don't want to be terrified of what's coming next when I'm on my deathbed, so I'm working on my understanding and acceptance of it.

              "when the music's over, turn out the light, turn out the light, turn out the light..."
              Anyone can grow schwag. If you want to grow top shelf bud, study hard:

              Growing since July 21, 2016; pothead since 1967
              2 BCNL Roommate hydroponic grow boxes w/ 400w COB LEDs, Future Harvest nutes
              Grow # 18, Aug. 2023: Anesia Seeds: Imperium X, Future 1, Sleepy Joe, Slurricane


              • SoOrbudgal
                SoOrbudgal commented
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                I hear you alltatup and it is beautiful what you wrote.

              my god Farmall that was kinda heart breaking, insightful but heart breaking especially since i know of at least two of our gwe family members who had it or potentially have it. reading your post made it very real especially the part about asking your son. Really made me think what would my son post? and since were only 18 years apart I bet it would be something stupid trying to put humor in the situation like I would have done at his age lol I'm glad I read this post thank you to all of you


              • Farmall
                Farmall commented
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                Willyd. I fully agree but the last word is kinda important in my view, you guys are part of my life and some of you have made huge impacts in a few areas of my daily stuff. And up until a few years ago, my son would likely have done the same. But he has 2 girls now and has matured enough. But it still scares me what he might post.

                Maybe like in the movie Cocktail.... I should write it my self....” Billionaire governor Farmall died today at the ripe old age of 99 while bedding his 3rd wife Heidi Who is too exhausted to comment”🙄

              Farmall you sound like a guy I'd like to hang with. Your posts are enjoyable. You seem to have a knack for coming up with the right perspective. Or opining on subjects that most of us only wish we'd brought up. I like that. And I like talking to people who have a different perspective. I have only been on this site for about a year, but read a lot and find myself looking for posts from certain people, because I want to hear what they have to say. Thx for sharing...BTW, I'm wondering if there are any pictures of you on that Farmall?
              Gorilla Grow tents, HLG Lamps, Coco/Perlite 50/50, All Autopot, CX Horticulture nutrients full line
              Growing photo's and autos


              • golfnrl
                golfnrl commented
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                Thinking of the final word. I kept a text from a dear friend for years just because it was the last thing he said to me. His sign-off was this, 'watch yer top-knot.'
                51 years ago is a long time. 1969 made me remember I was 11 and delighted that I could write '69' on my school papers and not get in trouble for it.

              • BR2K
                BR2K commented
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                Farmall - Regarding the photo: I was just going to mention how pretty you used to be...until you said "I'm the guy in the middle".

              • Farmall
                Farmall commented
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                BR2K that’s a good one... but I’m even better now 🤮

              That photo brings back memories of childhood. You are the age of my brothers Farmall such good times.
              Smoke Ganja create Peace Respect Nature don't trash the Planet

              Soil grower with coco/perlite mixed in
              indoor/outdoor grower
              1 36"x36"x66" tent- Viparspectra P2500
              I use a t-5 & 54watt CFL for seedlings
              Sometimes i use plastic sometimes i use fabric grow containers



              • Farmall
                Farmall commented
                Editing a comment
                You know, those were great days... the weed was even great... we used to laugh so freakin’ hard... couch lock was unheard of... we were just goofy I guess

              Definitely NOT what a casual web-surfer would probably expect on a stoner forum, deep, insightful conjecture. However, it makes sense, given that many, many people have turned to cannabis for relief from various ailments.

              I have a nephew with MS. He's doing swell. He's got a great job, a wonderful girlfriend and a loving family. All it will take is one significant attack from his MS, to evaporate his career. He's getting infusions which seems to be working but I always worry.

              I've lost most of my immediate family, just have a sister and my kids left. My first loss was my grandmother. One day she's doing great, then the next she had a heart attack and a stroke. I ended up being the one to take care of well as a 20 year-old with a full time job and zero experience with hospice care could. She was scared and I did the best I could to comfort her. That taught me a lot.

              I'm simply not wise enough to judge who is right in the God department. I'm a natural agnostic and can't fake belief or disbelief. I know that while we're in this plane of existence, it's in our best interest to try to help one another. That said, I'm a big fan of the song by Ashley McBryde's "Shut Up Sheila".
              A his own mind - , 48" X 60" X 80" 2-in-1 Grow Tent, Flower light: Vivaspectra P2500 LED. Veg light: Mars Hydro TS600 & Mars Hydro TS1000 LED lights. Nutrients: GH Flora Trio/Calmag coco/perlite, GH PH Down or pure lemon juice, in case PH down isn't available.


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