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Critical mass auto weird growing

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    Critical mass auto weird growing

    Hi all new member to the group,I've had a couple years experience in growing a few select strains,this year I have gone with a critical mass but I seem to have something I've not personally experienced before. The stem has grown into 2 main stems (attached a pic) any advice as to whether this is something I need to watch etc would be gratefully appreciated. Thanks in advance 😊

    So it basically topped itself for you. I would just roll with it and see what happens.


      Yea so where it's done it one side now going as normal the other side has done it again so I'm going with it for now... no gain no loss I guess


      • SoOrbudgal
        SoOrbudgal commented
        Editing a comment
        I like it to be honest. Treat her well she'll be a fun watch and grow plant. Could be a surprise how she turns out. I have had photo seedling do this but no auto yet. Have fun

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