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    Do you get 1 bag or 2?

    #2 pack = two bags? IDK...
    Gorilla Grow tents, HLG Lamps, Coco/Perlite 50/50, All Autopot, CX Horticulture nutrients full line
    Growing photo's and autos


    • RuralChic97
      RuralChic97 commented
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      Lol! Glad I'm not the only one

    You get two.. those bags arnt really that big..


    • RuralChic97
      RuralChic97 commented
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      Is there a better deal out there somewhere?

    I needed to buy some more FFOF before my next grow and I was looking at just this listing. An Amazon user asked the same question and they said it was 2 bags for 37.95, so I think it's two bags for the one price you see there. I will buy that exact listing soon and let you know!


      Well one day I was reading up on soils.. and I found that most of the ingredients are trace elements most of which can be found in your local woods/forest.. and all the other minor ingredients can be found at the store.. so basically get a bucket or two take a hike and mix your own.. comes out way cheaper per your volume
      Worked great for fruit trees and tomatoes
      there’s a stream that runs through my woods


      • Rwise
        Rwise commented
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        This is kinda what I do, I have a farm and gather shit and make my own soil, leaves, rabbit poo, sand, blood meal, bone meal, dolomite, sulfur. I have got to get to the neighbor and see about some bull shit! If I had to buy soil,, ouch!

      That's 2 tiny bags. You guys realize that each bag will only fill one 3 gallon pot, right? You're going to pay $21 per pot for soil? I usually pay $18 each for the 38.5 Quart bags which will fill three 3 gallon pots and I rarely buy those because it's so expensive.


      • RuralChic97
        RuralChic97 commented
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        Thank you, I would have been pissed! Lol

      Get the 1.5 cu.ft. bags = 38 quarts (mas o menos)
      Last edited by quirk; 04-11-2020, 07:34 PM.


        If you want my soil recipe message me and I’ll let you know


        • RuralChic97
          RuralChic97 commented
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          Hi there! I would love it if you're willing to share

        • Daskahn
          Daskahn commented
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          bag of river sand(if you have a nearby stream or creek that is sandy would work).. bag of vermiculite bag of perlite
          Go to the woods find a fallen tree and scrape off the dark brown “fall apart stuff”fill 5 gallon bucket(You can also buy wood chips at the store check bbq section looking for smoker pellets(best for mixing just add water if you use these) you should also find sandy soil around this area too( if you stayed near the creek) yard soil with sand added would also work depending on your soil(let me know where you live I’ll let you know))
          A bucket of that is nice as well.. small bag of lime

          Take bucket of soil from under tree mix with bag of river sand, bag of vermiculite, bucket of soaked wood chips, 2 cups of lime.. mix well... spray with water till you have run off. Let rest till soil is damp.. add two more cups of lime sprinkled over pile.. mix again lightly spray with water let sit for 24 hrs then you should be ready to grow this will be half the price for like 8 times the amount of product.
          Works great for fruit trees.. add banana peels for added potassium
          If you have a wood burning stove or fire pit.. ash from you put mixed in is really nice too but I mix mine in before planting never after
          Last edited by Daskahn; 04-11-2020, 05:22 PM.

        You can find the 1.5 cu/ft for about $20. Two for about the price of the deal you have there. They are about 3 times as big as the 12 qt Just Google fox farm potting soil.


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