This is my second grow. The first time I started with clones. My leaves are drooping. HELP ME PLEASE!
Ok, so I started seedlings, in a dome/tray, under a 65w led bulb. 2 days ago, I moved them under a 3000w led (615w actual) about 45" away. I also put in a 2nd humidifier, and let my oscillating fan barely blow over them, causing them to twitch not away. Yesterday, I removed the plant ties helping keep them upright, and put a little bit more soil around the base of the stems (just enough to be able to remove the plant ties). Temps are around 75, and humidity around 60%. I just moved the light to 30" away and watered them right before this picture. What should I do or what could be the cause? The seedlings on the left (5 of them) are about 4-5 days older than the girls on the right (3 of them). I water them about every 30 hours. They are in divided planters, you just can't see each individual square because of the slight amount of soil I added yesterday to keep them upright.
Ok, so I started seedlings, in a dome/tray, under a 65w led bulb. 2 days ago, I moved them under a 3000w led (615w actual) about 45" away. I also put in a 2nd humidifier, and let my oscillating fan barely blow over them, causing them to twitch not away. Yesterday, I removed the plant ties helping keep them upright, and put a little bit more soil around the base of the stems (just enough to be able to remove the plant ties). Temps are around 75, and humidity around 60%. I just moved the light to 30" away and watered them right before this picture. What should I do or what could be the cause? The seedlings on the left (5 of them) are about 4-5 days older than the girls on the right (3 of them). I water them about every 30 hours. They are in divided planters, you just can't see each individual square because of the slight amount of soil I added yesterday to keep them upright.