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Grow journal for a n00b (First grow)

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    Day 24
    I don't think I like training very much. I'm worried I'm gonna break something. I fimmed one. I think. I mean maybe I topped it, IDK I only cut off like a quarter inch. And then tried to LST it. Give me pointers before I go fuck up the other 4 plants.

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    • JohnEmad
      JohnEmad commented
      Editing a comment
      Looks good so far. that's fiming for sure. the rest lst.

    • dudeQuixote
      dudeQuixote commented
      Editing a comment
      So, it's all good, continue on like this?

    • SoOrbudgal
      SoOrbudgal commented
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      The LST is real good. It will take time through the grow you'll get comfortable they are flimsy now so it's easier. We know your stress is high and we've been there and screwed up so don't worry this will pass. Those are looking fine. Tomorrow they will be raise there heads towards the light. Days from now you'll adjust the ties or maybe not. You got a good bunch of folks here we want to see you do well and harvest.

    They aren't bent over too far or anything? Couple of leaves are touching the dirt.
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    • SoOrbudgal
      SoOrbudgal commented
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      That's OK about touching dirt done the road abit you'll be clipping those off. You did good

    Day 25

    So I got bold and fimmed 3 of the 5. LSTd all of them.
    Using #12 solid THHN for tie downs because that's what electricians do.

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      Hi Dude, I would not top, unless you have experience with Auto's. Today is day 21 of my girls, I have does some lst with one, but the other is so short and busy, I cut her loose, lol. as always, its a growing experience, no pun intended.

      Dude, are you 100% sure the are auto's? they are awfully small for their age. by day 30 they should be starting to flower. Keep of posted!


      • dudeQuixote
        dudeQuixote commented
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        Autos is what I bought and that's what the package said, and that's all I can tell you.

      • dudeQuixote
        dudeQuixote commented
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        Day 52 and they still haven't shown signs of flowering, so yeah, I suspect they gave me photos and not autos. Makes me wonder what else is wrong, are they even northern lights? Are they even all the same strain? Got them from, which I see is no longer listed as a recommended seedbank on this site lol. Next batch of seeds are on their way in from seedsman right now.

      Day 28 from seed

      Looks like a bit of a mess but I'mma just keep doing what I'm doing.

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      • swegrow
        swegrow commented
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        How close to the light are they? Looks like they stretch (from what I can see atleast). They do look very healthy!

      • dudeQuixote
        dudeQuixote commented
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        16" or so to the CMH. I have a little T5 side lighting that's a little closer.

      Day 29. Little brown on this lower leaf. pH flux? Runoff was pretty low the other day so i watered a little high to compensate. It's the only leaf like this. It's feeding day this afternoon so we'll pay some closer attention.

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      • dudeQuixote
        dudeQuixote commented
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        I've decided the next grow will have some kind of tomato-cage setup to make LST easier.

      30 days from seed
      One plant starting to concern me. Yesterday morning one of the lower leaves had a little brown on it and now it's turning yellow. Only 1 of the 5 plants showing these symptoms, this makes me wonder if it's a root problem? They all get fed at the same time with the same water. They all get watered to runoff (quite a bit more than the 20% recommended) This plant was NOT fimmed, but is undergoing LST. It's in coco/perlite and gets fed ~half strength nutes (Canna Coco A&B) plus cal-mag every other day. Temp in the tent is between 70 and 75 and RH has been hovering around 60.
      Since LST, these leaves have spent some time in the dirt, and definitely got covered in nute-water, could that cause it?
      Scratching my head. Not panicking... yet

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      • SoOrbudgal
        SoOrbudgal commented
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        OK heres what I know about autos. By 30days they start to flower any early stress slows them down. They hate to be overwatered and fed. I would not play with them anymore let them grow. Remove that leaf in the dirt go easy with the water and food. Simple

      • swegrow
        swegrow commented
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        I dont think you need to water to runoff. I have mine in 3gal fabric pots and give them about 1l each everyother day, less when they were smaller. I go by when the pot feels light and the top 2" soil is really dry then I water. Ive heard that autos are very sensitive and that overwatering might stall them alot.

      Day 32
      Nothing new to report. Left them alone last night, they all seem to be thriving. Looking forward to seeing baby buds in the very near future.

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        good morning dude, mine are right behind yours, day 29 here. still no sign of flowering. decided to do some LST on one, last Sunday, after seeing some pics of texasbob's plants, so I tied her down, all was looking good, then I came back into the grow room, several hours later and the main stem was snapped, just barely handing on. i taped her back together, thought for sure that section was dead, then all the sudden, when i came home from work on Thursday, she was back to life. I was so happy, lol!
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        • FunkyButtLovin
          FunkyButtLovin commented
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          They're so resilient, it is amazing what they can recover from and how fast.

        • dudeQuixote
          dudeQuixote commented
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          Yours are fuller than mine.

        Day 34
        Fertigated last night. Raised the lights another inch.

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        • FunkyButtLovin
          FunkyButtLovin commented
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          They're lookin' real good Sparky. ;-)

        Day 35
        Gonna hafta raise the lights again after work :-) I believe we are beginning the "flowering stretch"?

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        • JohnEmad
          JohnEmad commented
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          Don't see many pistils in the pics. The main stretch could be later.

        Day 38 from seed.

        Took a good fertigation last night. Runoff looks good, RH is between 40 and 50, temp around 70, everything is beautiful, as ray stevens would say.
        Still looking good, bushing out pretty good, they all look pretty happy to me.

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        In other news, I just ordered 9 seeds (3x 3 packs) from seedsman, got 14 freebies thrown in =)


          Hey guys I'm new here and I'm about to plant my first plants this year I have 2 auto bleubery and 2 auto QC super skunk and basically Im wondering howmany hours of daylight do I need to start germination natural light only on a window sill in a solo cup next Ito my beans and tomatoes , will be planting directly in the earth and compost mix that will be in my vegy garden,and I'm getting very confused as I read about nutrients and all that , can my plants grow big and strong in the same soil as my vegy garden

          The soil: soil and compost mix with some dried hen manure mixed in

          I know it's alot but would appreciate any kind of input
          Thx guys !! 😁😁


          • dudeQuixote
            dudeQuixote commented
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            You'll have better luck posting this in the main forum instead of my grow journal, not too many folks in here, and I'm a noob

          • Vincenzo
            Vincenzo commented
            Editing a comment
            Yeah I did just that was a little confused as to how all this works

          hey dude, what;s up! why do you say you're a noob? we're all in it together, as a family! today is day 37, for my to girls. the getal OG, was the runt, but now has surpassed the northern lights. i didn't do any type of training on the OG, and she is in full flower mode. The NL I did some LST, so maybe the stress slowed her down a little? she is starting to hair up, lol.


          • dudeQuixote
            dudeQuixote commented
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            This is my first time growing anything, ever. So yeah I'm a noob. I'm also obsessed and started reading and preparing myself shortly after the medical amendment passed in my state so I might have a slight head start over some other noobs, but this is definitely all new and exciting and sometimes a little nerve-wracking.

          Day 40
          One of the girls was getting a little too tall for her britches so tied her down (the dirty girl), other than that, they all enjoyed a good fertigation and were looking good.

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