Fantastic but mine are the photo LOL I need more photos in my tent.
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Grow 11 - Walking in a Kushy Wonderland
Smoke Ganja create Peace Respect Nature don't trash the Planet
Soil grower with coco/perlite mixed in
indoor/outdoor grower
1 36"x36"x66" tent- Viparspectra P2500
I use a t-5 & 54watt CFL for seedlings
Sometimes i use plastic sometimes i use fabric grow containers
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Today is day 78 for the Kushes, and 68 for the Green Poison XL.
The Bubba Kush is starting to mature, and she is looking good. She has some yellow leaves which I attribute to being too close to the lights, but i have them as high as they can go in my little 3x3x6 tent so there's not much more I can do.
The Violet Kush is still debating on going full flower mode. I still see some hairs here and there, but nothing like it should be at 78 days lol. I'm gonna take the other 2 girls down in a couple weeks and then change the lighting schedule to force her to flower.
The Green Poison XL has surprised me with how big her nugs have become. She is looking really good, and it makes me wonder how she would have done had I not over fed her at first.
I also received my prize from SiriusFourside and NebulaHaze. Thank you both for the stickers, card, and gift card! They are proudly displayed in the tent now.
Have a great day everyone.
Violet Kush
Bubba Kush
(More pics to follow)
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LOL man you save the roaches too LOL got lots of those for times like this. Doing fine now but know your misery.Smoke Ganja create Peace Respect Nature don't trash the Planet
Soil grower with coco/perlite mixed in
indoor/outdoor grower
1 36"x36"x66" tent- Viparspectra P2500
I use a t-5 & 54watt CFL for seedlings
Sometimes i use plastic sometimes i use fabric grow containers
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Welcome to our house Doubledealing72 we really cut back this past winter cause of shortages. Takes me nearly a year to fill the pantry and start trading again. Now no one wants my flowering clones that are 3ft. tall. LOL guess i'll just grow them out see what happens. Thank goodness for inside tents.Smoke Ganja create Peace Respect Nature don't trash the Planet
Soil grower with coco/perlite mixed in
indoor/outdoor grower
1 36"x36"x66" tent- Viparspectra P2500
I use a t-5 & 54watt CFL for seedlings
Sometimes i use plastic sometimes i use fabric grow containers
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Today is day 90 for the Kushes, and 80 for the Green Poison XL.
The Bubba Kush is looking good and has a few days to a week left.
The Violet Kush is still in veg mode, so ill be changing the light schedule to get her to flower. I've been on 24/0 since I got these lights a couple years ago, so im gonna try going down to 20/4 to see if she will flower. If not, ill continously be dropping hours of light until she does flower.
The Green Poison XL will be coming down later on today. Perfect timing because im almost completely out of weed lol. I found a jar in a cupboard I forgot about, so thats pretty neat lol
Have a great day everyone.
Violet Kush
Green Poison XL
Bubba Kush
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Green Poison XL harvest pics.
80 days from seed to harvest.
This plant turned out to be pretty tiny altogether, and I believe it was due to giving nutrients too heavy at an early age. I gave her the same amount everyone else got in that stage, but she just didn't want nearly as much. It would have been interesting to see how she turned out if she had received the proper amount of nutrients throughout the entire grow.
That being said, I'm pretty amazed at how big the nugs turned out on such a small plant. Im guessing around 2-3 oz when dry. Which is good for me because I have about an 8th left of some older stuff I found in a cupboard 🤣
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The Green Poison weighed in at 73g, or 2.6 oz. She is tasting better everyday.
Today is day 95 for the Bubba Kush, and also harvesy day.
She grew really tall at an early age but i still managed to quadline her, even with the limbs being long and lanky at first..
I'm guessing around 5 -7 oz off this one as she seems to be consistent with the other 2 in previous grows. Another reason this strain has been my favorite out of all the ones I have grown.
Can't wait to smoke it!
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Fantastic grow of kushies big big buds on Bubba. OK that's it i'm starting a pre 98 bubba kush seed now. Mr. furley showed off his beauty of a black domina so i started her she's in soil now so i'm gonna get a seed going of this bubba kush just cause i can. Thank you Doubledealing72 all thanks to GWE and you and the rest of the gang. Great grows
Thanks! Glad my grow can make ya want to pop a seed in! Lol.
There are some awesome people on this website!
Today is day 98 for Violet Kush.
I have most of the Bubba Kush weighed up. It came in at 149g, or 5.32 oz. I still have the trophy nugs to weigh when they dry, so im guessing around 6.5oz total. I'll have the final number when they are dry.
The Violet Kush kept shooting out some hairs, and then just not doing anything to transition to flower. My light schedule is 24/0, so I decided to change it 20/4 to see if I can transition her without going all the way down to 12/12.
She does look like she has a few more hairs now, and seems to be starting the stretch. Hopefully all goes well from here.
I also started my 12th grow today, technically yesterday because its after midnight lol. Another Bubba Kush and a Mass Shooter to start. Not sure what ill go with as the 3rd plant yet, but i have some time to think about that lol.
Have a great week everyone.
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Today is 104 for the Violet Kush.
So far, my experiment seems to be going pretty well. The light schedule is now 20/4 instead of 24/0, and she is gaining a lot of height and more and more hairs. I think i may have pushed this fauxauto into flowering by lowering the light time just a little.
This is some pretty cool information if it does indeed start flowering. That would mean that not all autos are equal lol. Some will auto with 24/0, but some need that darkness to make the switch. Or, was this because it is just plain and simply getting less light? If I had started it on 20/4, would it have autoed normally, or would I need to bring the light time down to signal it to flower?
Questions....lots of questions lol.
Have a great day everyone.
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Mr.furley alltatup SoOrbudgal JohnEmad oldjarhead100 NickyChicks
And @ anyone else that has experience with photos.
I feel like i may have misinterpreted what is happening with the Violet Kush Auto. I'm seeing single white hairs that I thought meant she was starting to flower. I just read an article in gwe that explains the preflower stage. I feel like this is where I'm at. Am I at the preflower stage, and does the preflower stage happen before you flip the lights?
Funny how I've been growing for 3 years and am still turning to gwe for questions. Never stop learning!
You will probably have to click on the photo and zoom in, but you can definitely see the hairs, not just the green parts that hold the hairs lol.
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My photos didn't have any white hairs showing until I flipped the lights. However, I only had my plants in veg for like 39 or 40 days before I flipped them. I was under the same assumption that when you see pistils that it's beginning to flower. I've also only grown photos once and it was my first grow so I'm probably too inexperienced to give a good answer. She is a beast though 💪, I love it
Thanks everyone. If she isn't flowering yet, she is going to get way too tall for my tent, assuming the flower stretch did not happen lol. Would you recommend super cropping all the main branches? Maybe not at the same time lol
SoOrbudgal - yes, I'm aware that you can go down to 18/6, but i still wanted the young ones in the tent to get as much light as possible. 18/6 will probably be the lowest I would go until the autos start flowering. By that time though, the violet kush would be way too big for my tent. Looks like I have some decisions to make lol