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Larvaes in soil!( near harvest too)

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    Larvaes in soil!( near harvest too)

    Okay what to do!.. Larvaes invaded my soil somehow in an indoor grow, however I've used my previous soul from out the shed Bio Bizz lightmix which i used originally and then repotted her before flower, i now probably have thosands in my soil, my question is, shall i flush her now? As these turn into gnats, im currently at the stage where im so close to harvest but i want these buds to there all, however there obviously feeding roots, so eill she even fatten up? I might take 2-5inch of top soil of her dry her out faster when i flush, im shocked, first ever plant to have some larvae, these bugs gowever have not been on the plant, but today concerns me as there all on the soil, maybe these suckers are gonns try invade my crops aswell as my soil, any rhoughts please share, any home remedys to fu k these off lol?

    Where can i get safer3in1?


      First thing to do is get air circulating over, under and around your pots. Fungus gnats will get in every hole of your pot. If you can scrape soil of the top, do it and mix diatomaceous earth with it. Then put the soil back on top of your plant. For drain holes, I just jam DE in them with my finger.
      I don't use any sort of poison. Even 'safe' ones. In my experience, circulation will get rid of the fliers that lay the larvae. Whatever larvae that are in the soil will hatch into flies, and get blown away. DE can help keep infestations from happening, even without a lot of circulation.
      Get ready for 153 other opinions.



      • JDU
        JDU commented
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        I got mine on Amazon.
        But this is true. Better air circulation is the most important thing.

      Safer is a brand, I just picked up "Safer DE" at Ace Hardware, I have cut it into the soil of many pots and over the top of others,,, for the same reason. I also baked the soil at 250*F 1 hour before adding it, I am going to kill these basturds!


        I just thought, i water if rain water, i get it out of a water bucket, im thinking a dead fly with eggs or even spawn in the water has came into my soil that way, as i haven't seen any flys or anything at all, i have my oversized carbon filter sucking from the bottom nesr my plants, and an intake fan blowing directly at the bottom of the pot, i haven't dposeen anything flying and my grow tents clean, (this is in my bedroom BTW) so i no its clean, im just confused on how there in there, its either the rain water, or soil which i left for a month before re using, sadly now I've discovered it after all discussing it was maybe a N problem has dramatically changed to an infestation on my roots, i think to stay clean and away from mold now to flush and just leave in dark ness, i see amber trichomes and all cloudy, but i would push another week or two preferably, can anyone research Provanto ultimate bug killer and tell me if this would work on the larvae? I once again dont want to be adding this to my soil tho but if saves my crop Its a must


          A little more about DE. DE is like broken glass and nails and ninja spikes to things in and on the soil. Moving around is like being in an iron maiden. If you have bugs in your buds, I'm clueless. If you get DE on buds, still not ideal but it is not poison.
          Leaving water out breeds more insects. You're providing stagnant water. Even if it's clean. If you're worried about infested water, boil it.



            Its currently in the soil nothing on the plant as of yet, I'm literally trying to find where near me sells this DE


              I don't know where you are but Home Depot or any gardening store will have it. For those who praise the Safer brand products, mine is a bag of Safer.



                Any garden store will have food grade DE, brand is not of concern,


                  Or you can get a hold of some neem cake and sprinkle that over the pot. But for now definitely cover the top of soil with DE food grade and that should doit


                  • Gingerbeard
                    Gingerbeard commented
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                    Dusting the top of the soil doesn't work Cali. There are lots of places under little bits of soil that the DE doesn't hit. Plus, it washes away. The best way is to mix it in with the soil.
                    But wait! Neem cake. Organic manure. I'm going to have to look at that.

                  • Gingerbeard
                    Gingerbeard commented
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                    Crap! Neem cakes look awesome! If I had bugs I would get me some. As a manure, I might need to get me some.

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