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ID:	369710Click image for larger version

Name:	20170817_140953.jpg
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ID:	369711 Here are some pics of wildflowers we plant in the old logging roads. And a few others.

    You may win the race, but you pass all the best things in life on the way.


      OK! The last pic...did that log grow from the Solo cup in front of it? Now if you enter that I'm gonna cry foul!
      TENT: Cool Grow 3x3x6 LIGHT: M-H TSW2000
      EXHAUST: AC Infinity T-4 and controller 67
      AIR CIRC: AC Infinity Cloudray S6 x2
      IRRIGATION: BluMat Tropf NUTRIENTS: Earth Dust


        I'm guessing that most of the "old growers" also just grow other stuff as well.
        TENT: Cool Grow 3x3x6 LIGHT: M-H TSW2000
        EXHAUST: AC Infinity T-4 and controller 67
        AIR CIRC: AC Infinity Cloudray S6 x2
        IRRIGATION: BluMat Tropf NUTRIENTS: Earth Dust


        • alltatup
          alltatup commented
          Editing a comment
          You mean the old hippie growers who read Silent Spring..

        • SoOrbudgal
          SoOrbudgal commented
          Editing a comment
          My heart is so happy

        Click image for larger version

Name:	20200128_162104.jpg
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ID:	370738 For all those of you who live in the cold areas I picked these today out of our garden.
        You may win the race, but you pass all the best things in life on the way.


        • Toker1
          Toker1 commented
          Editing a comment
          What a find!

        We won't see those for four months
        TENT: Cool Grow 3x3x6 LIGHT: M-H TSW2000
        EXHAUST: AC Infinity T-4 and controller 67
        AIR CIRC: AC Infinity Cloudray S6 x2
        IRRIGATION: BluMat Tropf NUTRIENTS: Earth Dust


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ID:	370839Click image for larger version

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ID:	370837Click image for larger version

Name:	568F1C37-36A9-4EA8-8A01-214DA6F74453.jpeg
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ID:	370836Farmall if you’re one I am too.


          • Farmall
            Farmall commented
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            alltatup. I can hear Rodney Dangerfield in my head....but i’ll quit while I’m ahead
            Guest good club to be in... I think?

          • Toker1
            Toker1 commented
            Editing a comment
            Dig those colors!

          • alltatup
            alltatup commented
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            Farmall That's what you are: a head.

          Smell O vision with the lilac thank you when it's blowing rain I look at garden pics. I did get another variety of dahlia and also gladiolas. alltatup I will be babysitting another cat for 10days again, that will be 3cats 2dogs in my house. I sure hope we can all keep our tempers.
          Smoke Ganja create Peace Respect Nature don't trash the Planet

          Soil grower with coco/perlite mixed in
          indoor/outdoor grower
          1 36"x36"x66" tent- Viparspectra P2500
          I use a t-5 & 54watt CFL for seedlings
          Sometimes i use plastic sometimes i use fabric grow containers


          • alltatup
            alltatup commented
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            For the most part, my canines and felines have always gotten along. They get used to it.

          OMG...SoOrbudgal...I’m wishing you luck... dogs are sooooo much easier than cats.... my house is under siege by cats, most are well behaved but oh man when they decide to have a hissy fit all hell breaks loose....


          • SirSmksAlot
            SirSmksAlot commented
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            alltatup I have a ragdoll and she needs soooooo much love and attention. She's more needy than my dog and that says a lot lol.

          • alltatup
            alltatup commented
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            SirSmksAlot You are right; cats are certainly different from dogs, but some of them are so loving and sweet it's amazing. I've had cats all my life.

          • Gingerbeard
            Gingerbeard commented
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            Wait... cats... what?

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Name:	1B4E572F-170A-43B8-83D1-DB4D48E29C67.jpeg
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ID:	370919alltatup you have me at a disadvantage! I dig the cactus flower. Are those more to come behind it?
          Farmall the best! I think if more people grew flowers there would be fewer problems in society.
          SoOrbudgal dahlias are fun to grow. We had a dog and 2 cats. Then we took in 2 abandoned male cats and named them Steve & Cartman. About 3 weeks later We found out both Steve and Cartman were pregnant. Together they had 9 kittens so we had 13 cats and a dog that’s not very good with cats. They raised the kittens as 1 litter and took turns nursing all of them. Found homes for all 9 and Cartman ran off so now we’re back down to 3.


          • alltatup
            alltatup commented
            Editing a comment
            Poor Cartman: she just wasn't cut out to be a parent...

          • SoOrbudgal
            SoOrbudgal commented
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            Awww man good for you Guest. We've had strays dropped off on our road it's sad. We took in one once had him 16yrs. Our dogs are doing better but at dogs feeding time cats are so curious, they had better watch the distance or the chase is on. Like racehorses in the house!

          😻😻😻😻😻 oooooooohhhh


            We had a ragdoll... nice mellow cat. And I may have put this up before but our golden retrievers got along with anyone.
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ID:	371026


            • alltatup
              alltatup commented
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              Gorgeous pic, Farmall; just beautiful.

            • Farmall
              Farmall commented
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              Thanks alltatup My daughter had it made into one of those canvas wall art things. It may look a bit grainy if you enlarge it. We have 4 cats and all of them would climb on both dogs and “make muffins”

            It's not quite 'my' grow, I guess. It's my neighbor's. My secondhand bagseed, some of my direction. His plant. I would have to look back at my calendar but it might have been sown three months ago when I planted my last mediocre harvest. Still vegging it along.
            The one picture shows what happens when you bend and roll a little vigorously. There's a hole through the stem. Something I've been wanting to expeirment with. The other picture shows what happens when you lay your seedling stem in the soil and make it stay there. They're like mangrove roots! The bottom half of the stalk, that is in the soil, has as many roots growing from it as the main tap root does below. You can figure out which picture is which.
            C'mon, mule!



              Its winter here, but a few shots from around the place, I cant find many,,,,


                Hot a bit of mud goin on there. You get her stuck in there?


                • Rwise
                  Rwise commented
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                  No it has hydraulics, the 4 wheel drive meant nothing in this hole,,, I told him he was going down! I have what we call quick sand, it's good for one trip, but 2 your risking dropping into the hole if you work it much.

                • alltatup
                  alltatup commented
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                  I find it a moving and beautiful tribute to mud.

                • Rwise
                  Rwise commented
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                  I hate to say what that mud was, lets say the problem is fixed! Hint it was not a water leak,,,

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Name:	68754010-C436-4A55-96E3-6C1ECCE50CAB.jpeg
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ID:	372111Click image for larger version

Name:	4A4C546D-13CB-4F0E-9645-EC6E46B8B69F.jpeg
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ID:	372110
                California poppies and nasturtiums grow wild where I live.


                • alltatup
                  alltatup commented
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                • Mr.furley
                  Mr.furley commented
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                  Nasturtium is edible, used in culinary decoration and cali-poppies........

                • Guest's Avatar
                  Guest commented
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                  I’ve eaten them in salads but I didn’t taste much of anything.

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