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Fresh Frozen Live Resin Bubble Hash..

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    Fresh Frozen Live Resin Bubble Hash..

    I've recently fallen down the rabbit hole of pressing rosin.

    As a hobby grower, I have always been fascinated with making concentrates out of the leftover trim and even top quality bud. I've made oil and tincture with the Magic Butter machine and some very good bubble hash using a blender and more recently a small RV washing machine and a 4 bag 5 gallon bubble bag set. After washing the weed I always dry it and make excellent butter with final leftovers in the MBM. All was fine until my buddy lent me his Nugsmasher Mini and my world changed.

    The next day I pressed up a storm. There's definitely a learning curve, but after about 4 hours I had almost 3 grams of rosin! I pressed most of the bud, kief and 3 different grades of bubble hash I had on hand, and If I knew then what I know now, I would have probably tripled the yield. But there's that learing curve and I still have a long way to go.

    About 2 weeks ago one of my AK47 plants suddenly suffered bad heat stress coupled with nute burn. Click image for larger version

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ID:	364268 I tried emergency supercropping and changing out the water (DWC) but it didn't rebound and seemed to stop prodcing resin so I decided to chop it and try my hand at making fresh frozen live resin bubble hash with it and then pressing it into some yummy rosin. The plant had about 3 weeks to go but it still had massive buds. After removing all the stems and fan leaves, I put about 650 grams of fresh bud in the freezer. Tomorrow morning 1/8, I plan on washing most if not all of it.

    I'll be using 220m work bag in the washing machine and a set of 220m, 120m, 72m and 25m bags in the bucket. I figure I'l do at least 3 washes and will need a 10lb bag of ice for each wash as I normally would.

    What do I do differently when making bubble hash with fresh frozen bud vs dried bud? I'd love to hear some feedback.
    Last edited by 5Chord; 01-08-2020, 11:36 AM.

    After sleeping on it and reading about some possible issues of Chlorophyll contamination, I decided to scale it back and wash just 240 grams as a test run and run the remaining 400g if the first run works out. Click image for larger version

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    Keeping the material as cold as possible is key as well as not letting the bud thaw. I layered about 3lbs of ice and bud in the 220m zippered bag and added about 15lbs of ice to the washer and let it soak for 45 minutes.

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    I'm so jealous of your utility sink and concrete floor. I've never washed fresh/frozen before and I'm interested to see how it goes for you. My fingers are crossed and I'm pullin' for ya! If it works out well, I might try it on my next run.


      I got some nice stuff! Not the best yield, but I decided to keep washing and see where I end up..........
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        Nice work, how many cycles did you do and how long per? How long between the chopping the plant and putting in the freezer?


        • 5Chord
          5Chord commented
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          I put it in the freezer within one hour of chopping it and washed it less than 24 hours later

        I ran the first 240g 3 times for 15 Minutes plus 30 minutes wait time in between runs for the trics to settle. I also let it soak and get frosty for 45 minutes before agitation. When draining into the bags, I put the washer on spin cycle and it shaves off a bunch of ice into the bucket making it extra frosty!

        This is first run combination purple (25) and yellow (73) bagsClick image for larger version

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        • Farmall
          Farmall commented
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          How long did this take to dry? Is it flexible or hard ?

        • 5Chord
          5Chord commented
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          It won't be dry for a few days at least.......Right now I rolled it into balls in about 3 grades.....I may dry it in the fridge as I don't want it too dry and want to preserve as much of the live resin flavor as I can before pressing into rosin.....The top grade is very sticky and flexible, the lower grade not so much

        Looks amazing! Well done!


        • Farmall
          Farmall commented
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          You thinkin’ what I’m thinkin’ RFheavy. Looks great 5Chord, really great

        • RFheavy
          RFheavy commented
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          We must do this for science!

        Here's the end result of 630 grams frozen premature bud.....While it says 20g on the scale, it will lose at least 3 grams by the time it dries. The 2 large brown marbles are 5g a piece and are super good quality and mostly dry already. The 3 in the back are very green by comparison and still quite wet. The one in the middle, is the middleClick image for larger version  Name:	20200108_212928.jpg Views:	59 Size:	1.97 MB ID:	364423
        Last edited by 5Chord; 01-14-2020, 01:59 PM.


          You’ve got my full attention 5Chord have you now processed your full starting quantity? Is this what you have from your 640 g? Are you stopping here or are you pressing this? Love this stuff by the way. It’s like I’m watching Frenchy Canoli at work


          • 5Chord
            5Chord commented
            Editing a comment
            Yes Farmall, that was everything.....630g of premature bud, partially heat stressed and nute burned. It was my first fresh frozen attempt. I plan on pressing all of it into rosin. It's my new obsession!

          Straighten out a few things.... I read that a cure is unnecessary when pressing and drying should be done some? I have read so much stuff in 9 months I have not really let this part set in yet and I will need to go back and review the process. How long will you dry the hash before squishing? Being an obsessive person my self, I am psyched on giving this a try


          • 5Chord
            5Chord commented
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            Yeah, I'm definitely not waiting too long but I want to research this a bit more before I squish it, as I have a bit of time and money already invested. I'll post it all here, the good the bad and the ugly.....Hopefully not too much ugly lol

          • Farmall
            Farmall commented
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            I’m all ears...or eyes as is the case here

          Allright, it's been slow drying in the fridge for 4 days and it's time to press the bubble hash into yummy rosin!! I've gotten 4 distinct qualities and will press them one at a time. The yield has now shrunk up quite a bit since Wednesday; from 20gs to 15.3g, losing 4.7g. Not too shabby. I broke up the 3 balls of sub-par hash to make sure it dried properly.

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            But first...........A late lunch of gou sliders with munster cheese, King's Hawiian Sweet Rolls! Indescribably delicious!Click image for larger version  Name:	image_94345.jpg Views:	21 Size:	2.55 MB ID:	365586Click image for larger version  Name:	image_94346.jpg Views:	17 Size:	3.08 MB ID:	365587 rmet cannabutter

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            Last edited by 5Chord; 01-12-2020, 11:19 PM.


            • RFheavy
              RFheavy commented
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              Can confirm that those sweet rolls are game changing for breakfast sandwiches. Dare I say, your meal looks better than your hash! xD

              What's in the squeeze bottle?

            • 5Chord
              5Chord commented
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              Mango Habenero Rib Sauce

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            Last edited by 5Chord; 01-12-2020, 11:39 PM.


            • RFheavy
              RFheavy commented
              Editing a comment
              How was it? Is the whole process worth doing again, in your opinion? I'm almost ready to try this and it looks amazing! Thank you for sharing!

            5Chord this is looking very sweet... RFheavy raises an interesting question.... it seems like you have invested a bunch of time and money to get things down to a purified level that reduces the consumption of less than desirable parts of the plant. How is the process to get to this point in terms of the steps, preparation and have you tried the end product? Wonderful job ! Of course you see there is extreme interest in your processes 👏


              Hey RFheavy and Farmall ,

              Thanks for following along! Below is the final product. I want to state that I'm far from an expert, have only pressed a half dozen times and still have have much learning to do.

              As you see, I have seperated it into 2 qualities: Light and Dark. The dark weighs in at 1.4g and the light,2.4g. The total amount of rosin collected came to 3.8g which is over 20%, but if you add in the amount we dabbed while making it and a small amount lost in bag blow-outs, it was probably closer to 35%-40% This is still not optimal ,but about what I expected. The light was made exclusively with the 3 better quality hash marbles and mostly first run 32m bags (squash).. The dark was made from the lower quality hash, second and 3 runs of all qualities and used 90m bags. I also pressed several bags twice in a row which I considered1st run. The lighter quality was all pressed at 160f and the darker was 175f to 220f.

              Both the light & dark rosin
              are equally as strong and have amazing but different flavors. They are also both VERY unstable at room temperature; collecting it will take your A game. Try leaving the sheets in the freezer for an hour before even trying. I also use the bottom of a small metal pot that was in the freezer to help with the collection of the incredibly sticky stuff.

              So, was it worth it? Definitely. I had a sick plant that wasn't getting better and it was at least 3 1/2 weeks short of harvest and much of it was heat stressed. I would have hashed it anyway. I turned that into 4-4.5g of Live Resin Solventless concentrate. What's that worth in the dispensary if you can even find it?

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