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Bag/cartel seeds,

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    The Magic Dragons are doing good, at least I think so,,,,
    Can you see the Mazar? She's 2 days old,,
    Each 7 gallon pot has about 2 dozen small earth worms. I tucked all those big fan leaves under last knight, obviously they did not agree. Almost all were back in there place this morning. The colour is off at least to my eye in some pics, they are all dark green.
    Last edited by Rwise; 01-17-2020, 07:40 AM.


      The Magic Dragons are very short and bushy, limbs everywhere, look at those short fat leaves! Pics 1 &2, 3&4, 5&6 are different angles of the same 3 pots, pic 4 is the Mazar. It wont be to much longer before I take clones of the MDs! Once clones are taken I may switch to flower,,, actually they are making 9 finger leaves now, I want 11s before the switch!


      • 9fingerleafs
        9fingerleafs commented
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        they are looking great, so theyre all brickweed bagseeds except for the mazar?

      • Rwise
        Rwise commented
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        The bagseed is from CA wasn't bricked like mex stuff, IDK what strain so Magic Dragons!

        ok why is the software picking the blurry pic to zoom in on? I did not do it! Not me!
        Last edited by Rwise; 01-22-2020, 08:26 AM.

      Ok I have a question, I was gifted a bottle of FF Big Bloom. The plan is/was to use ash, bat phos (0-13-0) and banana tea for bloom. But I have this now, it is/claims organic, has good things listed like kelp that I do not have in the soil. Most of the rest I do have, earth worms generating fresh castings,,, anyway the FFBB is 0-0.5-0.7. The ash and bat phos I use by-monthly and the banana juice every other watering (maybe every third). The FFBB would be every other watering,,,,, I have never used the FFBB.
      BTW he said it nearly killed his girls and stinks like shit!
      Given these options what would you do? The bottle art is eye catching,,,LOL


      • 9fingerleafs
        9fingerleafs commented
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        ive used it before, its like a micro additive with calcium and magnesium and other minerals. its one of the few non acidic nutrients so you can use it to rise the ph a little bit. the only downside is you have to use a lot of it and only comes in one liter bottles

      This bottle was free, I may try it on one pot and see if it out works my strong shit in the others! I could also hold it until spring and use it as a foliar feed,,, outside!

      I had to do it, maybe its the fudge i made yesterday, but I took cuttings today to make clones with from the 4 best looking plants. Each one tagged and noted colour coded stamped and dated,,,, One of the big plants I did not take a clone of as I think its male (if it is I may make seeds with 1 plant)

      A note on the cloning station, I took the water pump out, along with its heat, put in 2 bubble wall tubes (glued down) and power it with an aquarium air pump.


        I use Big Bloom with every other watering from the first day of feeding until harvest flush starts. It is pretty weak and near impossible to overdo it without pouring the bottle into your pot. It looks like diarrhea and sticks to inside and outside of pipettes and syringes so when I'm mixing nutes, I draw that one up last because I know I'm going to have to actually clean it afterwards with a good rinse inside and wipe outside vs really quick and easy dunk/rinse with other nutrients. I like it and will probably buy a gallon when my current bottle runs low unless I decide to try something new which could happen.


          I am thinking I'll use it outside as a foliar feed, add to it some chicken poo (pick up the N a tad) and some humic acid and see if I cant grow trees!
          I just dont want the smell in the house.
          I did feed the MDs Roots Organics uprising grow, and they like it, so I'll hit them again in a week or 2,,, it too is stinky.


            11s! there are 11 finger leaves, cuttings rooting should be ready to plant the 1st, and then flip the lights!
            I still think I have 1 male plant, it is the only one that is single node. These also look alike, so I see stability in this strain, at least at this point. Will that hold in the buds,, we'll see! If I do get a male I will make seed, and might make fem seed if it is not.

            Tracking my seed order, should be here monday!

            Edit; with the switch to 12s coming in 7 days, would it hurt to switch to flowering nutes now?
            (Bat phos, ash, banana tea)
            Last edited by Rwise; 01-25-2020, 08:57 AM.


              Sadie Bagseed was harvested in October. I have no clue what strain or anything but it sure did grow. I had a real nice deck plant. Until the aphids. So we chopped early, took our lumps and new knowledge and moved indoor for the winter. Kind of. When it was time for Sadie's demise I left some larf branches and picked them off every couple times I did the lawn. So why am I posting an old grow to this thread? Because she herm'd out on the last two branches from what I can tell. I found some immature seeds at first but then I found a nice dark one. (I've since found another and carefully look before hitting the grinder.) On a whim I plopped her into water and my did it grow! Today is day 41 above ground and the tent was flipped on the 19th. I'll be watching for more hermieness going forward.
              Forgot to mention that the "failure" that was Sadie harvested at 13.76 oz dried and cured. I've been using it exclusively for several months now. Looking forward to something else in the jars soon!
              Last edited by OlderNOTwiser; 01-26-2020, 03:46 PM.
              TENT: Cool Grow 3x3x6 LIGHT: M-H TSW2000
              EXHAUST: AC Infinity T-4 and controller 67
              AIR CIRC: AC Infinity Cloudray S6 x2
              IRRIGATION: BluMat Tropf NUTRIENTS: Earth Dust


              • SoOrbudgal
                SoOrbudgal commented
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                Ohh i hate them little buggers. But i sure like a mystery grow she looks more indica right up my ally. (keep it clean fellas)

              • OlderNOTwiser
                OlderNOTwiser commented
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                SoOrbudgal It is funny that early harvest thing. I had to do it so no regrets, but I learned what to do if I HAD to wash buds, etc... She has been aging for some time now and definitely matured and mellowed from the buzzy high she started with. I've been whining about it until recently when I got an actual loupe. I now know how close I was to getting things right prior to the aphids. Nice trichomes with some cloudy and some amber in there as well. 2 more weeks would have done it.

              • Rwise
                Rwise commented
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                Nice, to bad those damn bugs got her, BTDT, and the seed just means you get another free plant!

              Many plants I had to do that last summer outdoor. Onward and upward we keep planting and hoping for a strong long dry summer here LOL
              Smoke Ganja create Peace Respect Nature don't trash the Planet

              Soil grower with coco/perlite mixed in
              indoor/outdoor grower
              1 36"x36"x66" tent- Viparspectra P2500
              I use a t-5 & 54watt CFL for seedlings
              Sometimes i use plastic sometimes i use fabric grow containers



              • Rwise
                Rwise commented
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                Until I see that hot dry summer, I am doing raised beds, cloth pots etc outside this year. I got hit hard with root rot outside last year.

              Maybe its just me, but I think the MDs are doing well, the mazar is starting to reach for the sky, and the clones look luvely! 5 more days I should have roots, and off to 1 gallon pots to become mothers (ok I will select only 1 to keep). I count 11 fingers on the newest leaves! These have not been topped, pulled around a tad and no leaf removal yet.
              As you can see I do not clip the end off feeder leaves from the cuttings, I leave them so they can continue to feed the plant. I spray them ~twice a day, they have not wilted at all. Also nothing fancy on the cut, just pinch it off.
              I have GDP and Black Domina sprouting, and since I have said these type genetics are no more than bag seed, I am adding them here. These will also make mothers, I am hoping for the very blackest of genetics from (1 of) the BDs, and I found that it will show the black early also gets taller than the other genetics.
              I will be mixing a new batch of soil today, looks like I need 10 more pots by the end of the week!

              And a quick question on mothers, is there any need for more than 1 gallon of soil? I want to keep them easy for me to move around,,,


              • SoOrbudgal
                SoOrbudgal commented
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                Oh boy can't wait to watch that black domina wonder what color you'll end up with. Say could be green or more black pheno. Wish I could start mine it would be interesting to compare.

              • Rwise
                Rwise commented
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                All the seeds had tails today, 6 for 6 now in 2 gallon pots
                Fingers crossed on the black girl/s! 48 hours from delivery

              And here is my soil mix per gallon
              1 pint sand
              1 pint perlite
              3 Quarts ground up leaf material
              2 Tablespoons Blood meal
              2 Tablespoons Bone meal
              1 teaspoon pelletized sulfur
              2 teaspoons Dolomite
              1 teaspoon Roots Organics Uprising Grow
              Edit 1/2 cup DE /Edit

              What would you add to this? Or take out? Increase/decrease?
              Last edited by Rwise; 02-11-2020, 06:04 AM.


              • jimicloudstuff
                jimicloudstuff commented
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                Approaching my first indoor harvest I think I've finally got my soil mix dialed in.
                I use coco coir where you use sand, compost where you have leaf compost, otherwise similar. I like kelp meal but also tend to use what I have around.
                I have been using an organic fertilizer similar to milorganite that I can source locally for like $3.50/40 lb bag, very high in trace nutrients. Treated sewage, the compost of cities! Lol.
                Why the sulfur?

              • Rwise
                Rwise commented
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                Sulfur (pellet) dissolves slowly with water and makes sulfuric acid to reduce the PH of the soil. While the Dolomite is taking it the other way. Our girls do need sulfur, the Headbanger I grew demanded it, she would yellow from her veins out into the leaf. I used powdered water soluble sulfur for her. My soil in general here is 8.4, I add it to the garden every year! Most of what I use is here or comes from the farm and garden store, my sand is free,,, and it has silica, iron and other trace minerals

              • Rwise
                Rwise commented
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                Just a note here for anyone that may try this recipe, do not put it in plastic pots, they do not breath well enuf. I am also adding to this 1/2 cup of DE for more silica and bug killing!

              +2 I was gifted 2 Girl Scout Cookies clones, 1 does not look so healthy, the other looks very nice. I'll put them in the next photo section.


                And here we go, the cuttings are looking good, no wilt at all. The new girls, GSC are in their new home, no sign of transplant shock (fingers crossed), and some side shots of the MDs. 2 BDs have heads above soil, the others should be right behind them!


                  In the next few days the Magic Dragons will go to the under construction flower room. If I get a male I will make a few regular seed for the future. My question here is, does anyone want some? If so I will make more, if no then he will be pulled after 2 or 3 days.
                  1 GDP and 3 BDs above ground,,,,


                    The MDs are now in the "flower room" a closet under a stair case. Their clones are in soil as of yesterday, I also took a clone from the plant I think is male. I could be wrong and this plant has outgrown the others. I have done a bit of LST to it as well, It is 3x the size of the plant next to it at the same age. My brother says I am wrong it is female, we'll see very soon! (I wont mind being wrong) The Mazar is doing very well, will soon be ready to take a cutting from.
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