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  • YYCannabis
    commented on 's reply
    Oh I know I’m on lots of lists. I just want people to be aware that online privacy is not what they think.

  • Gingerbeard
    YYCannabis my friend, that's been going on since before J. Edgar. My name and probably drivers license number are listed in the dispensary I go to. I've been in the military with a top secret clearance. I've had a drivers license in three states. Pawned something. Been overseas. Paid bills online. And such. At this point in my life, I'm not sure what can befall me for purchasing seeds online. Were it nasty illegal, postal police (yep) would be knocking at my door with a couple feds. The seeds are considered 'agricultural products'. Customs has way more things to worry about than seeds that don't have their agricultural paperwork. With the few seeds I've just purchased online, a street seller would get more hassle.
    We can't avoid lists and having our 'personal' (often public) information being thrown out there, available to anyone who even gets curious.
    I take your concerns seriously. Are we being listed? Possible and probable. I, personally, don't care. Another serious comment on my part, here. Were it my choice to live my life the way I wanted, I would be living off the grid, away from city lights and loud motorcycles, and such. So, I go on.
    I just gave my neighbor my phone number because he was having car trouble. I rue the decision because he is an 18 year old who sits in his first car, smoking blunts, playing on his cell phone. That's probably another list.

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  • YYCannabis
    My concern with mail order seeds is two-fold when it comes to mail getting snatched.

    First is that with modern mail systems being controlled by very powerful computer systems, once they have identified a senders address as a repeat offender, the system can now watch for packages from that company and quickly red flag them on the fly.

    Second thing is that they now have the receiver’s name/address flagged... and we know how much our governing systems like to collect data.

    Im not sure if it’s worth the risk getting your name added to a system for something that could quickly be turned against you later in life.

    Even being a member of forums like this or RIU, or searching YouTube/google etc repeatedly for certain terms like cannabis probably gets noticed by several governments from around the globe. And that VPN that people believe they can hide behind...don’t waste your money. Encrypted apps (WhatsApp and the others like it) are not protecting your info either. Basically...if you do it on the net, you might as well do it in public. Those protection feature only stop the script-kiddies and wanna-hackerbees from getting your info. Most governments have the capability to bypass all that crap.

    If reading the famous Mueller Report has taught the public *anything* is that the government can intercept anything it wants without being hindered by encryption or VPNs.

    Sad but true

    Solemnly yours

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  • Gingerbeard
    commented on 's reply
    RFheavy Unless you go to the FCC, Cox cable will lie, cheat, and steal from you.
    ConAm Management company.
    Go to the FCC and you'll see complaints about Cox.
    Go to Yelp and read reviews about ConAm Management.

  • SoOrbudgal
    commented on 's reply
    Did you grow them yet?

  • SoOrbudgal
    commented on 's reply
    Good for you Gingerbeard way to go Dave!

  • Gingerbeard
    commented on 's reply
    That's pretty much coast-to-coast. Yours would be coming through New York or Chicago. That's where those CBP shows always shoot from. You are smarter than the CBP people who searched your package.
    I guess mine doesn't hit customs until LA.
    The return address was for a sports spore in the UK.

  • Geek95
    I order from the UK. I think, pretty sure

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  • Geek95
    I don’t get it. I’ve ordered online and had mine opened ( my last order) But I got all my seeds and a small notice saying my package had been opened by the post office... came through the Chicago airport.

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  • RFheavy
    commented on 's reply
    Have you guys ever experienced a company not trying to make things right? I've been fortunate enough to always get my packages so I'm unaware of this side of the business.

  • Gingerbeard
    But I was thinking. This is an ambiguous question with no real answer for people who produce seeds. How many seeds might a plant produce if grown to do so? Would 100 be too low? Would a thousand be too many?
    If seedbanks sell $5.00 seeds, the plant could earn an income of $500-$5000 just on seeds.
    Just thinking.

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  • Tersky
    commented on 's reply
    Dude i know your frustration. Oh yeah, ive talked to "Dave" from there. To be fair, they did make it right with me, even when they messed up the order when they resent it. In the first resent package that i got, they forgot the sour d and one of my gsc was crushed. Sent out replacements (even for the crushed seed after showing pic to him) the next day and got it within a week or two. Not ideal, but at least he resent it a third time and im growing 2 glorious sour d's and 2 healthy Bruce Banner 3's so the seeds were good. Yeah it's best to vent your frustrations here than to take it out on them. Ge more flies with honey ect...

  • kingfish
    commented on 's reply
    Dave's not here. LOL

  • Gingerbeard
    Thanks everyone.
    'David' at MSNL sent me an email after I sent a picture of my busted form and examined package. After an email each, I paid for guaranteed shipping. 'David' is going to make good on resending the seeds. I'm glad I didn't swear too much or make much of a deal about anything. What an ass I'd be. That's why I shouldn't react before I vent. Or have a dab. Or a bowl. Maybe a few hundred grams of edibles. Hash pipe? Honey oil? You get me.
    I was so verklempt I barely slept 11 hours last night.
    Yeah 'Dave'! Let's go 'Dave'!

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  • Gingerbeard
    commented on 's reply
    The same people who wear leg warmers and '80's tennis clothes.

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