Originally posted by az2000
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So far, I'm pretty happy with how it's flowering. Lots of bud sites. (I'm using 25w/sq ft household LED lightbulbs. A total 98 watts.).
The more I grow with cheap, ordinary fertilzer/soil, the more I think it doesn't matter. This seems as good as anything else I've done.
I shouldn't count my chickens before they hatch. But, I've grown a plant with MiracleGro Tomato before. It turned out fine. Right now I'm mixing 1.3g/gal Miracle Grow All Purpose with 0.6g/gal MiracleGro Tomato (to get an NPK Ratio 2-1-1.5). That sounds like high N compared to most schedules. But, the cactus potting mix seems N deficient. I'm walking it down carefully. (I struggled with N def in early veg. Overshot it a little. Nervous about overshooting the PK increase now.).
It will be interesting to see what they taste like. There's two plants in that photo. Both were mainlined once. (You can make out the four main colas. I've been LSTing them down.).