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Tika’s Garden of Earthly Delights #2

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    Tika I think you may be the most interesting person I know. And that's hard to do since me and mine are all crazy. But without advertising if you come to TN we are going to try for the biggest cannagar (hemp cbd cigar) in history at our get together at our farm next month.inviting you isnr advertising is it. If so sorry. Nevermind
    You may win the race, but you pass all the best things in life on the way.


    • Tika
      Tika commented
      Editing a comment
      Good Jesus thank you. Don’t deserve that at all ...
      Cali side open to you as well

    • Tika
      Tika commented
      Editing a comment
      Thanks. Thanks. Feels nice and back at ya🎉

    • Tika
      Tika commented
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      And...if I could i would💋

    Ok. Back in business I think..still missing some ❤️
    Huge warm hugs to you all and for keeping up with BS & B. ( Bullshit & Blather) .
    you are the core!
    Indoor- Coco coir & Perlite - 5 gal Smart pots
    Veg-T5s Flower- Platinum LEDS
    GH Flora Trio Cali-mag, Terpinator Liquid Bloom
    photoperiod feminized seeds

    Testing for the_honeysticks genetics


      Originally posted by Tika View Post
      Pulling it in:
      i would like to share this grow along with my cannabis grow.
      i don’t know if there is any interest...if you are interested pls say
      and I am waiting to find out if it is ok with GWE to post shroom posts.
      Gourmet. Mushrooms also of interest.
      NebulaHaze. @siriusforeside
      Did you hear anything back from NebulaHaze and SiriusFourside on shroom posts? Overgrow has a shroom hunting/identifying thread.


        Yay Tika! Excited to see your future posts & so glad to see you back in your garden of earthly delights. Im usually just a floater (not a poop joke) in this forum. However, your content makes my morning poo that much more enjoyable.
        Im just a shy guy with a big dick.


          Hello Tika, were you in the GWE classes last May/June? Unless I am dreaming, I hear Nebula saying goodbye to you in one of the classes..? And, are you going to post your mushroom grow? I am very interesting in learning about that. Probably not a thing for me to do yet...but things change


          • 9fingerleafs
            9fingerleafs commented
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            hey tika, i personally think because it doesnt break any forum rules you should def post and share your shroom grow, its no different than sharing beards, pets and other plants. Even funny, edgy, or even politically charged post have never been silenced so i feel very comfortable no one is monitoring what we talk about. the only time we had that issue was with campesino and the whole "promoting his book" thing where his and dr photon`s (danger dan) tutorials were removed but i think its an exception grounded around the dont advertise rule, really looking forward to check it out big hug to you my friend

          • Farmall
            Farmall commented
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            Additionally, you obviously have a tone of supporters who will get behind you an make a case for you. Its not malicious it only a lack of direction in any worst case

          • Canuck147
            Canuck147 commented
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            Even though I have no intention of trying to reproduce mushrooms - actually I can just walk 2 minutes to a small park and find them there - they are in season now - I would definitely follow your grow Tika - your sarcasm, wit and humor are why I look forward to reading your next post. And next post ..........

          Agree to all the above. Canuck147 yes we have a forest of edibles around our place also tis the season before any hard frosts.
          Smoke Ganja create Peace Respect Nature don't trash the Planet

          Soil grower with coco/perlite mixed in
          indoor/outdoor grower
          1 36"x36"x66" tent- Viparspectra P2500
          I use a t-5 & 54watt CFL for seedlings
          Sometimes i use plastic sometimes i use fabric grow containers


            OK- I’ll start with no permission but know many of you are in contact with Nebula & Sirius & GWE policies (it is freaking me out not hearing from them on either platform right now) and I’ll just take the plunge into what is from the VERY bottom (as with my cannabis) journey...and I mean the bottom not having a single clue nor person to person contact for questions. I am relying TOTALLY on The Psilocybin Mushroom Bible. As I said before-I find it a great read, re-read, re-re-reading-dealing with the chapter on PF Tek (the jars) process. I did look online for information about this process but found the book to be my way even tho there were/are glitches in the information and no forum that is suitable for me. Besides I like dog earring, underlining, writing in margins A LOT. If i get a no from GWE I will stop.

            I did start 4 jars which I threw away-not too sure why now-but I did. I think I did not have the right ambient temp-it wasn’t happening fast enough at that time. This blab will be the 8 jars-and basically the same with more patience. My curiosity came from (my middle of the night) streaming The Good Fight where a para legal asks an attorney if they are “micro-dosing” I sat up in bed and WHATS THAT?..and it started. I simply want to know if I can do this. If I can I can do gourmet too? It’s a classroom science experiment. I haven’t done psychedelics since the early 70s and that was Orange Sunshine which made me chase my oil paint ( that became organically live while painting live) , see dirt scum in corners that made me start to clean and ultimately sent me under my bed sheets laughing covering my head and I am claustrophobic. If I could figure out “just a tad”...maybe.

            (not quite finally) this blab is NOT a how to. If you want to follow along-literally-do get the book/ I mean it. Having never done this before, nor confirm this is the only way (looking into mono tub) it is a beginners best newbie ever giving it a go-from scratch. The new nomenclature is fascinating-just like cannabis-screw my smart watch I need a wrist dictionary (that I can see)

            Obviously there are many kinds of “shrooms” (ref that as opposed to Baby Bellas which I love)... Beginner shrooms- Psilocybe cubensis: B+ and Golden Teacher, not extreme in high, “easy to grow”,
            got Penis Envy but it wont grow in PF Tek style (like that’s a shock)..mono tub should I do it but then I need some good horse/cow
            seasoned manure and a glove box

            true last: the first thing I did was buy a pressure cooker: I don’t implement that kind of cooking-AT ALL I don’t like cooking with explosives. I chop, sauté, Dutch oven with feet outside, boil noodles.
            BUT I invested in a DIGITAL pressure cooker with built in STERILIZE mode which meant we ate brown rice for weeks to foot the bill. In this 8 jar I did pressure sterilization of vermiculite, brown rice flower as well as heavy lid stove top. The substrate MUST be sterile before inoculating. Click image for larger version

Name:	899B0ABE-6170-459F-9AB4-19C82863BDDC.jpeg
Views:	247
Size:	1.81 MB
ID:	341578Click image for larger version

Name:	67CF8F8F-EB0D-4238-99B7-4A2E7E0C10E6.jpeg
Views:	216
Size:	1.82 MB
ID:	341579
            Indoor- Coco coir & Perlite - 5 gal Smart pots
            Veg-T5s Flower- Platinum LEDS
            GH Flora Trio Cali-mag, Terpinator Liquid Bloom
            photoperiod feminized seeds

            Testing for the_honeysticks genetics


            • Canuck147
              Canuck147 commented
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              Happy Birthday - I'll be 63 in 4 days.

            • 9fingerleafs
              9fingerleafs commented
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              happy birthday

            • oldjarhead100
              oldjarhead100 commented
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              and here I was saying thats a cool old pot ,yes I cook lol Happy belated birthday

            Did the solid jar lid with holes punched and aluminum foil with autoclave tape to sterilize. Left jars in the pots til ready to inoculate with spores next day. Inoculation in sterile open air studio bathroom
            This is where we go south and north. I chose “open air” sterilized environment: SMALL (studio bathroom just freshly painted ). I removed all “artifacts (again from first try) , left 2 cabinets\, bleached (the fuck ) of all surfaces tops, bottom fronts & floors and backed out with bleach mix into the air, closed door and put a towel under door so NO CONTAMINANTS could get in. NO PICS as I was a bit busy. Had my jars, my syringes, alchohole wipes, paper towels, flame thrower ready to go ,sterile gloves and a mask, clean clothes and clean SOCKS.

            My first try to inject spores/ sterilize needles frequently left me short handed-plus I did freak on this time-after preparing the sterile 8 x5’ poddy -I asked Hubbie for help. To hand off alcohol wipes, pitch the flame for needles (to turn red) as I was peeling the aluminum off 8 jars to inject the syringes into the prepunched holes 5 holes time 8 jars and retapped with autoclave tape.

            Three issues in inoculating; open air.

            must be as sterile as you can be if not using glove box. If NOT you get serious icky shit in your jars
            no air flow during process-still air-tiny bathroom
            enter doorway without making wind-means change your socks at the doorway before entering in with contaminants and once into the 8x5 follow directions and NO FARTING or accusing me of being a control freak as a person that has issues with directions.
            2 “strong personalities” masked, socked, gloved in a tiny bathroom and I’m in charge...what a total (goatfuck) but it happened. Nothing icky in my mycelium thus far.

            IT IS ALL ABOUT STERILE in inoculating. However you do it.
            So the next day I did pay the price of frying my lungs with Clorox water mix , coughed all day, far so good..
            hubbie supported but still i am still paying the price for making him change socks at doorway..and no farting.

            Been kept in “ air cupboard” over fridge-what is a fucking air cubbotd? Images will show my CA idea. Moved the jars into a box taped to increase heat today-increase temp-which along with steril is parimu

            jars are looking good. In the 4th week, not all filled, 2 strains look different-no ickey shit thus far...hope to “birth the cakes next weekend-allowing a 5th week. Terrarium ready, perlite ready...

            Attached Files
            Indoor- Coco coir & Perlite - 5 gal Smart pots
            Veg-T5s Flower- Platinum LEDS
            GH Flora Trio Cali-mag, Terpinator Liquid Bloom
            photoperiod feminized seeds

            Testing for the_honeysticks genetics


              The air cupboard photo above fridge idea for this 5th week has been moved to a brown box in ambient light-more heat. Naturally I thinK all mycelium should grow at the same time
              also posting the small bathroom- but I removed artifacts...
              Attached Files
              Last edited by Tika; 10-11-2019, 06:53 PM.
              Indoor- Coco coir & Perlite - 5 gal Smart pots
              Veg-T5s Flower- Platinum LEDS
              GH Flora Trio Cali-mag, Terpinator Liquid Bloom
              photoperiod feminized seeds

              Testing for the_honeysticks genetics


                Attached Files
                Indoor- Coco coir & Perlite - 5 gal Smart pots
                Veg-T5s Flower- Platinum LEDS
                GH Flora Trio Cali-mag, Terpinator Liquid Bloom
                photoperiod feminized seeds

                Testing for the_honeysticks genetics


                  And happy Friday.
                  This is a sun set a few days ago
                  no fire danger thank...the gods
                  Attached Files
                  Indoor- Coco coir & Perlite - 5 gal Smart pots
                  Veg-T5s Flower- Platinum LEDS
                  GH Flora Trio Cali-mag, Terpinator Liquid Bloom
                  photoperiod feminized seeds

                  Testing for the_honeysticks genetics


                  • LurkingInTheGrass
                    LurkingInTheGrass commented
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                    Indeed, Happy Friday (finally)

                    and, thank you for the sunset. Please, pardon the expression, I'm going to burn one, and just watch the sunset 😁

                  • SoOrbudgal
                    SoOrbudgal commented
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                    Lovely Tika I have some friends in Heldsburg they posted a picture sitting by there woodburning fireplace drinking wine, there power was shutoff for few days as precaution.

                  Originally posted by Tika View Post
                  Did the solid jar lid with holes punched and aluminum foil with autoclave tape to sterilize. Left jars in the pots til ready to inoculate with spores next day. Inoculation in sterile open air studio bathroom
                  This is where we go south and north. I chose “open air” sterilized environment: SMALL (studio bathroom just freshly painted ). I removed all “artifacts (again from first try) , left 2 cabinets\, bleached (the fuck ) of all surfaces tops, bottom fronts & floors and backed out with bleach mix into the air, closed door and put a towel under door so NO CONTAMINANTS could get in. NO PICS as I was a bit busy. Had my jars, my syringes, alchohole wipes, paper towels, flame thrower ready to go ,sterile gloves and a mask, clean clothes and clean SOCKS.

                  My first try to inject spores/ sterilize needles frequently left me short handed-plus I did freak on this time-after preparing the sterile 8 x5’ poddy -I asked Hubbie for help. To hand off alcohol wipes, pitch the flame for needles (to turn red) as I was peeling the aluminum off 8 jars to inject the syringes into the prepunched holes 5 holes time 8 jars and retapped with autoclave tape.

                  Three issues in inoculating; open air.

                  must be as sterile as you can be if not using glove box. If NOT you get serious icky shit in your jars
                  no air flow during process-still air-tiny bathroom
                  enter doorway without making wind-means change your socks at the doorway before entering in with contaminants and once into the 8x5 follow directions and NO FARTING or accusing me of being a control freak as a person that has issues with directions.
                  2 “strong personalities” masked, socked, gloved in a tiny bathroom and I’m in charge...what a total (goatfuck) but it happened. Nothing icky in my mycelium thus far.

                  IT IS ALL ABOUT STERILE in inoculating. However you do it.
                  So the next day I did pay the price of frying my lungs with Clorox water mix , coughed all day, far so good..
                  hubbie supported but still i am still paying the price for making him change socks at doorway..and no farting.

                  Been kept in “ air cupboard” over fridge-what is a fucking air cubbotd? Images will show my CA idea. Moved the jars into a box taped to increase heat today-increase temp-which along with steril is parimu

                  jars are looking good. In the 4th week, not all filled, 2 strains look different-no ickey shit thus far...hope to “birth the cakes next weekend-allowing a 5th week. Terrarium ready, perlite ready...

                  That's exactly how the CIA did it inside Cheyenne Mountain.

                  Impressive procedure with far too much to digest. I believe I have indigestion! Thanks for all of the fruit filled info.


                  • Tika
                    Tika commented
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                    @starramus...CIA? What? Yes, I purged...have a tums on me and I will try to be briefer in the future🤓🤗🥴

                  • Tika
                    Tika commented
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                    Ohhh...I just read the article

                  Birthed 4 of 8 cakes. In to fridge 24 hours then to terrarium...then the other 4. Moving them was proper.
                  Attached Files
                  Indoor- Coco coir & Perlite - 5 gal Smart pots
                  Veg-T5s Flower- Platinum LEDS
                  GH Flora Trio Cali-mag, Terpinator Liquid Bloom
                  photoperiod feminized seeds

                  Testing for the_honeysticks genetics


                    Sequence got mangled but assume you get the idea🥴
                    Indoor- Coco coir & Perlite - 5 gal Smart pots
                    Veg-T5s Flower- Platinum LEDS
                    GH Flora Trio Cali-mag, Terpinator Liquid Bloom
                    photoperiod feminized seeds

                    Testing for the_honeysticks genetics


                    • SoOrbudgal
                      SoOrbudgal commented
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                      While were on the subject of schroomies. Neighbor and I got chanterelles literally pounds of them nearby. I sautéed them up made some wild mushroom and wild rice soup. Hubby didn't like it but I sure did made garlic toast & mashed avocado on it, now he liked that!! He just doesn't like the soup mixture, wild rice he says isn't rice it's grass which I believe it is. Anyhoo...won't make that again. LOL

                    Tika You could be the Ed Rosenthal of shrooms. Maybe write a book. Just don't advertise it on the GWE forum.


                    • Tika
                      Tika commented
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                      Hardly but thanks😘

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