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    Nice pics!! I put some extra clones in a planter(11 still in their pest pellets) at the beginning of August. For some reason, the squirrels saw this as a challenge and dig up and threw ) of them on the grass the first night. I pretty much replanted a few of them every day until there was 4 left standing. Zoom in really hard to find the fourth!!
    Attached Files


    • oldjarhead100
      oldjarhead100 commented
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      we used fish meal in our soil and for the first year we had plants dug up all over town lol,didn't touch the plants but loved digging for the fish

    Happy Saturday everyone!
    I posted some pics of my flower room earlier in the week, thought I would share what’s going on in the Veg/Flower room.So I have:

    4 AK47 Autos 31 days/10days @ 12 hrs light

    4 Photo Seedlings(GG 4, Blueberry, super Lemon haze, Alien technology)-35 days/10 days at 12 hrs

    8 Pink Kush Photo Clones-47 days/10 days at 12 hrs

    6-AL47 Autos -day 5-12 hours from seed

    2 Critical Mass Autos- 2 should sprout tomorrow-12 hours from seed

    the plan😂😂 was to put these into the flowering room in the next week or 2 but the Pink Kush will outgrow their space before this happens which is why I flipped them 10 days ago.
    I’m not going to get much off the photo seedlings, they definitely should have had a couple more weeks, which is fine cuz they were freebies I wanted to try out. If I like the way they grow and bud, will save clones at the end.
    Excuse my girls obvious short stature😂
    They were intended for SCRog... but now they’re not.
    When I flipped to bud, I had to get some more light in there, which afforded the autos their own dedicated light, so I untied them from their buckets, and let them attempt to grow back up naturally. This likely took away some energy from the budding process, but I think overall they will be better off. They did not like the tie gown at all, and fought it all the way. If I attempt to do that again, I will start when they’re smaller. These AKs, I let get about 6 inches tall, and by then the stalk wall already gardening. They look like little gnarled bonsais now!
    Last pic, one sad little yard bunny trying to figure out where his stash went 😂
    Oh yeah- and a few revegging clones from my outdoor that I wanted to keep
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    • lalaland
      lalaland commented
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      You’re gonna kill them with that Bruce Banner!

    • bboyfromwayback
      bboyfromwayback commented
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      That shits almost too good lol wife won’t smoke it

    • oldjarhead100
      oldjarhead100 commented
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      the bunny pick is great it must off been a PITA trimming the buds off of a live plant cool pic though

    My 1st grow of GG#4 is finished and I now understand the name. Several change of gloves and cleanings of the scissors to get this done. What a sticky, resinous plant. And so easy to grow from start to finish.
    ordered the seeds from Seedstockers out of Spain and then covid hit so waited a long, long time for them to arrive. Express will be the only way to go for me if shipping overseas. Too bad they don't ship to the US. at this time.
    Anyway it produced over 400 grams wet with very little in the way of fluffy buds or excess fan leaves on the colas. I really like the way it grows.
    20% amber and can't wait to try it. I have a feeling I am going to really like this.
    Last edited by JohnEmad; 10-18-2020, 09:02 AM.


    • SoOrbudgal
      SoOrbudgal commented
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      Yes you have to have at least 3 trimmers handy for these gooey ones. I'm doing the same with my outdoor gals now.

    • MagicMike66
      MagicMike66 commented
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      Looking great. GG is my next grow for sure

    • FurnaceBoi
      FurnaceBoi commented
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      Ya GG4 is a favorite. I'm hunting a mom

    Well my 4x4 tent is now empty and the last plant is hanging in the drying tent.
    This is a Wedding Cake grown in 60/40 coco/perlite using Remo Nutrients under 2 MarsHydro SP250's. A pleasure to grow. She was topped with LST and some leaf trimming as needed. Big, dense, and sticky buds are the result.
    It has been18 months since I first started my foray into growing cannabis and I am but another example of someone who found this site and great group of people who help us learn to grow such an amazing plant.
    I basically went into non-stop growing and have had great success. Learned a ton and consider my early phase of growing complete. Had some terrible grows with lots of problems and then grows like this one.
    Anyone can learn to grow here and many thanks to all who helped me along the way.
    Last edited by JohnEmad; 10-19-2020, 07:55 AM.


    • CaptainWiese91
      CaptainWiese91 commented
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      Loving the first pic😍

    • lalaland
      lalaland commented
      Editing a comment
      Beautiful looking plants buddy!! Just wow, wow, wow😳
      Something to strive for, for sure

    • oldjarhead100
      oldjarhead100 commented
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      man you take great pictures you should send the 7th to Sirius for pick of the week well done

    Happy Monday growers!
    Thought I should get off my lazy non PH testing butt and post an update for the flower room.
    I’m totally just kidding about the PH. Even though I’ve only seen it spike once, it caused me enough concern in mid flower to teach me a lesson, and now I’m checking it every time.😁
    As a constant reminder, I left some of the really badly affected leaves on. When you’re medicated a lot, easy visual cues are awesome.
    I’m at day 43 just heading into week 7 of bud.
    One of my mystery strains appears to be finished with producing new pistils, and 90% are red and curled in!!!! So exciting 😁
    2 other strains are about 70-80% red hairs, and still producing a few new pistils, and one other is way behind with maybe 10-15% red hairs.
    I just received one of those little computer microscopes so I can start looking at my Trichomes, will download the app and try it out today. My gut says 2 weeks should finish off the most mature strain, with the least mature probably being at least 4 weeks out, probably more.
    I’ve tried every variation of light I have to take pictures in, and the results suck either way. Either they’re blurple, blue, or yellow. Unfortunately due to that frickin screen, I can’t get you any decent daylight shots. After seeing all the recent harvest pics, I will definitely photo document the harvest when I can get them out in the light.
    I’m a little disappointed that my buds aren’t bigger(mystery strains, go figure😂)
    I did manage to keep them from developing the spider mites that plagued my first indoor, even though they were clones of those plants and spent over a month in the same house.
    I also managed to keep them healthy and have learned a ton from, and been inspired by all of you, and your grows. Both the good and the bad.
    I have more ideas to improve, than I could possibly take action on, for my next grow, and lastly I’ve become hopelessly addicted to the entire process. I just ♥️doing this.
    Heres some pics- bet you’re gonna notice my bad PH ugly leaf bud first, just like I do when I walk in the room!
    Attached Files


    • oldjarhead100
      oldjarhead100 commented
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      the fact that you realized the ph was the problem and fixed it puts you in a great grower group well done

    • lalaland
      lalaland commented
      Editing a comment
      Thanks everyone!
      D.A.A.S.69 there’s 16. Next run I’m planning 42 autos. Ditch the screen, and fill it in. Why not? I’ve signed up for the weed 101-accelerated learning class😂

    • lalaland
      lalaland commented
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      Thanks oldjarhead100 ♥️
      That means a lot. Gonna totally change it up next run, and do 42 autos. For gawds sake why? You may ask.
      I’m just stupid that way😜 Progression doesn’t occur by sticking with the status quo.
      Just dropped seeds yesterday for 21- critical mass, 21 AK47’s.
      I’ll start moving them in, as the space becomes available in hopefully 2 weeks time. If flowering time overruns what I’m thinking It will be, I’ll be in a whole world of pain. All self induced.... as usual 😂😂

    I think your area is awesome the space and ceiling heights looks like you could go another 6" with the tops of canopy
    Smoke Ganja create Peace Respect Nature don't trash the Planet

    Soil grower with coco/perlite mixed in
    indoor/outdoor grower
    1 36"x36"x66" tent- Viparspectra P2500
    1 3x3x6 tent- used in late spring for seedlings both veggies & weed. I have 2 viparspectar 450r for that tent.
    I use a t-5 & 54watt CFL for seedlings
    Sometimes i use plastic sometimes i use fabric grow containers
    Currently using fish/guano during veg growth & FF Grow Big 6-4-4 teens to bloom. Once i see pre-flower i switch to
    Age Old Organics Bloom 5-10-5


    • lalaland
      lalaland commented
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      Thanks Budgal! You’re 100% right. I do still have available height on thiS grow, also extra space in my screen, which I will definitely make sure to fill up next time round.
      I bought my lights before finding this site, and bought the cheapest things on the market which I just can’t get any closer than 26”-30”
      When I can afford to start replacing them, I can get some additional height back as well.
      I’m gonna chip my buckets down by 25% for the next run as well, and that will help a little.
      I erred on the side of caution this run. Expect to see a jungle . super cropped to within an inch of its life on my next run 😜

    It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood lol. Bunch of autos. Week 2 since pistils. Couple clones in there too
    Last edited by FurnaceBoi; 10-19-2020, 11:50 PM.


    • FurnaceBoi
      FurnaceBoi commented
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      oldjarhead100 I have 2 quantum boards and a blurple in there for 3 lights total

    • oldjarhead100
      oldjarhead100 commented
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      Just checking lol no I found out the hard way about not having enough light coverage in a big space ,thought it might save you a big PITA lol

    • FurnaceBoi
      FurnaceBoi commented
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      oldjarhead100 ya I'm adding 1 more QB this month giving me 600w at the wall. My coverage is good, I want to knock up the intensity for late flower. My light values are fine for now.

    My Blue Steel ladies day 45 from flip to 12/12. Starting to pack it on!
    4’x4’x6 1/2’ tent, Nextlight Mega, Roots Organics 707 soil in 5 gallon square plastic planters, GH Flora Series Performance Pack nutes alternated with Fish Sh!t in RO water


    • lalaland
      lalaland commented
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      Lookin good!

    Slowly harvesting my 3 autos. Blue Cheese is all trimmed and hanging to dry. Cut and trimmed 4 branches from Northern Lights last night. I'll get it all trimmed and dried eventually and report back with dry weight. In the meantime, here are some more photos.


    • lalaland
      lalaland commented
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      Just gorgeous Juan!!😍

    • JuanHondo
      JuanHondo commented
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      thanks! i actually found a bunch of nanners on Blue Cheese, but no seeds. i'm really surprised by the quality and yield from these autos...gonna be a pretty big haul after not even 3 months total.

    • oldjarhead100
      oldjarhead100 commented
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      very nice love number 7 nice bud

    Holy cow beautiful grow JuanHondo
    Smoke Ganja create Peace Respect Nature don't trash the Planet

    Soil grower with coco/perlite mixed in
    indoor/outdoor grower
    1 36"x36"x66" tent- Viparspectra P2500
    1 3x3x6 tent- used in late spring for seedlings both veggies & weed. I have 2 viparspectar 450r for that tent.
    I use a t-5 & 54watt CFL for seedlings
    Sometimes i use plastic sometimes i use fabric grow containers
    Currently using fish/guano during veg growth & FF Grow Big 6-4-4 teens to bloom. Once i see pre-flower i switch to
    Age Old Organics Bloom 5-10-5


      Well, after a visit from Her Majestry`s Constabulary which wasn`t a booted door and raid at 6.30 but a rather nice natter with this copper and WPC who recommended talking to my Doc and getting weed on prescription-okay but it isn`t legal or available yet-they left with...stop it cos if we have to come back, we`ll do you-okay?. Sure will, officer. Found out that I was grassed by a lad who I`d known for 15 yrs and was close to who`d gone awol in the head, turned nasty and out of the blue, dropped me in it. Ah well, shit happens. Nought more to do with him, went mega low and cleaned everything up. Bizarrely, he did me a favour. I tidied up, got rid of most of my old growing stuff, kept the LED`s and essentials and recently started up again. I bought a tent-120x120x something upwards which was surpringly poor quality though it did travel from Spain via France to get to me. Got rid of my main tent and veg tent and now only grow in cuttings, rolling harvests but much less stress/plants/noise and more time to do other shit so he did me a favour in that dep`t. Four months since the Law were here and my profile is very, very low. Here`s the set up-passive intake airflow, 6" exhaust/ scrubber,a standing fan as I don`t trust this tent-will turn fan to wall when girls are taller-and under a 1200 Vipar....5 different strains. I overhauled my nutes, watering, ph-ing and light distances and have seen the difference. Still use only various compost teas to water but have got round the high calcium/ ph water in my area so all in all I`m a very chilled, happy camper. Finally, just growing 8 colas per plant and start training 4" above rim-these are mainly Gorilla hybrids but this strain is too strong for me so I mix it now with Peyote Critical and Roulette and next year will just grow weaker strains-makes me a bit edgy-too strong....anyway...hope everyones` mellow and chilled


      • D.A.A.S.69
        D.A.A.S.69 commented
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        PaganRich I got your PM, Glad y'all are doing fine, stay safe over there,mate. Bad sh-t over here too!!

      • JohnEmad
        JohnEmad commented
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        nice to hear you are back growing and have a more relaxed system. Gorilla too strong?! ya tried GG#4 for the 1st time yesterday. 2 hits and was almost seeing things. I am a casual user so man that is way too strong for me.

      • PaganRich
        PaganRich commented
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        JohnEmad Thanks mate...yeah, been smoking hybrids of GG4 and I know what you mean...gonna go back to Liberty Haze next year for a bit as I liked growing that and it`s not so try some new lighter strains....Dr Krippling`s Roulette is a really nice smoke mate as is Bud Bud Bling Tingz and Dehli might want to look at the specs for those one day mate as they really are the dog`s bollocks in my humble opinion....anyway, stay mellow mate and again, thanks for your kind words

      Here's the first plant in my grow thats being harvested today. Bubblelicious auto after almost 7weeks of flower. So happy with this, maybe because its my first indoor harvest. The buds after a lite wet trimming they are FAT, super dense, just plain SOLID! The smell is amazing, my hands are sticking together. I never imagined i could grow weed this thick. Thank you everyone thats helped me along my journey. Couldn't have done it without you.
      5x5 Gorilla tent
      Spectrum King SK402 - 2× Optic XL1
      Infinity T8 exhaust fan
      Technaflora nutes
      Nectar of the Gods soil


      • lalaland
        lalaland commented
        Editing a comment
        That is absolutely beautiful! You should be proud!
        Job well done!!

      • PLreef
        PLreef commented
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        Thanks guys! I'm definitely happy AF! I'm hoping to get around 2 to 3 oz off this one. We'll see how she weighs up after drying. I can't get over how dense the buds are. I just harvested my outdoor grow a few weeks ago and while I had some decent size buds they were nothing like these. These are thick/ solid. And smell delicious!

      • D.A.A.S.69
        D.A.A.S.69 commented
        Editing a comment
        PLreef nice job.The Bubblelicious autos I've grown, came from Nirvana, and were a real blast to grow.
        They do grow huge flowers ,that smell an smoke awesome.

      4x4 update.
      I finally have gorilla glue auto back on track. The zkittlez autos are doing great. No issues. Starting to flower and stretch. Lemon cookies turned Male. Seeded cream auto yesterday. Click image for larger version

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      4x4 w/ Mars hydro fc-e4800
      1x Slapz (Grease Monkey x runtz)
      1x flo-see (Scotty2Hotty cross)
      4x Tatooine donut (Layer cake/ chocolate nightmare x Jawa pie)


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          Getting better another 30 of 12 12
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