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    First I'd like to start off by saying Hello to All and I hope everyone is Succeeding in what every venture he or she has chosen!!
    Ok... I am having a reoccurring issue with the seeds Not letting Go of the Cotyledons (or the first two leaves,) it pinches real snug or there will be this film like substance (idk the correct terminology) but it will sometimes seal the Cotyledons together.... I'll mist it and after a few days of misting I'll help it open with a toothpick or tweezers.... problem being I lose more seeds than I want!

    I am open to any suggestions... your experience and/or Advice would be Greatly Appreciated and put to work the moment its shared🤞
    Thanks for taking the time to read this

    I think you are saying your seeds pop up then won't open. Its either helmet head which the seed shell gets stuck or the inner part of the seed shell has leaves stuck together. Have seen all of these. Others will post also but here's my seed germing method. 1st I lightly roll seed over 220 grit sand paper maybe like twice very light. Then pop in paper towel wet with warm water folded up between paper plates x2 I put that on my cable box lol its and pops seeds faster than my pad. Keep towel moist till seed opens and tails off like half inch imo. Then the shell is sometimes almost open I plant sprout down in a keg cup and put head just under soil cover it then a cfl for a few days. This has worked for me forever and always have had great starts to grows. Others will post their ways also there's a lot of great ways to start a good healthy grow. Hope I helped out happy growing. Ill look to see if I have any pics


    • oldjarhead100
      oldjarhead100 commented
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      KTM690 I do the same method except I dont use paper I use either a plastic plate or a cover from a big peanut can from BJS ,all that moister possibly going into cable box is not healthy

      UstinAlock those seeds have been opening the same way since their beginning so leave them be lol I think you may be trying to take them off to early .its very rarely that I have to help a helmet head off ,if it really bothers you try a drop of water on it over night .

    • KTM690
      KTM690 commented
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      I said paper plate but I guess they are more like real lol no water seeps through them into box

    Thanks for the help GWE family!!! It is Great Appreciated... And I Apologize for the Delayed Response (Technical Issues)


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