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Yellow Leaves and Disproportionate Growth!?

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    Yellow Leaves and Disproportionate Growth!?

    Grow Tent (48" x 24" x 60")
    Mars Hydro Reflector 48 300W (MH/HPS equivalent = 160W)
    4 in. Inline Fan (170CFM)
    Carbon Filter as air intake point
    Oscillating Tower Fan
    Cool Mist Humidifier
    5 Gallon Bucket
    Air Pump with Two Airlines
    Two Cylindrical Air Stones

    Growing Mediums:
    (1ct.) Deep Water Culture with Hydroton filled Net Basket and Peat Moss Starter Plug
    (2ct.) Plain Top Soil mixed with Perlite, Currently in 16 oz Clear Solo Cups. Final pots will be 3 Gallon Smart Pots

    Daytime 75-79F/62-71%
    Nighttime 68-70F/40-52%

    Light Schedule:
    20/4 (On/Off)

    Nutrients/pH Buffers:
    General Hydroponics Flora Trio (FloraMicro[5-0-1], FloraGro[2-1-6], FloraBloom[0-5-4])
    Botanicare Hydroguard
    General Hydroponics pH Up and pH Down

    Ok so sorry for the long list, I figured post all that I could ahead of the questions! I germinated three old bag seeds that I had laying around. They are one week old at the time of posting this. I have two problems currently.

    First the dwc seedling. This is its first dose of nutrient enriched water. The new growth is disproportionate and not even. The pH began at 5.8 and ended up at 6.2 for the first week. Its current nute feeding is 1.25 tsp of each of the FloraTrio nutrients per 5 gallons. And a 10mL treatment of Hydroguard per 5 gallons. I'm using well water that has gone through a salt based water softener. The TDS of the nutrient soup was 680-690. Water temps vary between 58-66F. I have to use frozen water bottles to chill the reservoir. Any ideas on what could be causing this?
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    And second, the two soil seedlings. For the first four days I was using plain pH'd water. On the fifth day I gave them both 1 cup of a nutrient soup I mixed up. The concentration was 1/4 tsp of each FloraTrio nutrients and 2 mL of Hydroguard in a 1 gallon jug. I buffered the pH to 6.0. In the last two days now the seedlings have become a light lime green color but are still showing signs of new growth. Tonight I gave both of the plants 1 cup of plain pH'd water to try and flush them. Is this a nutrient deficiency or nutrient burn? I'm not sure if the top soil I bought already had nutrients in it, it was a cheap brand, each 2 cu.ft. bag only cost $1.30.
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    Thank you in advance for the help, please let me know if more info is needed!
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    Hi Joe, Welcome to the forum! I'm a hydro grower, so you'll get better advice from soil growers chiming in who will know all about your issues. But I do know that you have to be careful with the soil you use, and garden store soil is generally not a good choice. Check the bag and see if it's "hot" soil with nutes in it, in which case your seedlings will be getting too much nutrient.
    Anyone can grow schwag. If you want to grow top shelf bud, study hard:

    Growing since July 21, 2016; pothead since 1967
    2 BCNL Roommate hydroponic grow boxes w/ 400w COB LEDs, Future Harvest nutes
    Grow # 18, Aug. 2023: Anesia Seeds: Imperium X, Future 1, Sleepy Joe, Slurricane


      >>>"The TDS of the nutrient soup was 680-690"<<<< , I'm a soil guy, -don't check pH, ppm's unless I suspect an issue- but this looks very high.
      What is the ppm of your water before nutrients added?
      It's all bullshit - until you smoke it!

      KISS @ Dry/Cure:

      Staged Harvest:

      Grow Journals:

      #3, Window Sill Grow - auto:

      #4, KISS grow- Girl Scout Cookies- auto:


        Thanks for the replies. alltatup Weed Pharma I apologize for the confusion, to clarify the first seedling pictured is in fact in a hydroponic deep water culture alltatup I did look up the soil as you suggested and found out it is a mix of regional forest products and has some naturally occurring nutrients already, so it is 'hot'. I think I will order some fox farms ocean forest to transplant them into. And Weed Pharma the TDS reading I listed was for the hydroponic seedling I have going not one of the two soil seedlings. My well water TDS is around 350 to begin with. Thanks again for the replies.


        • alltatup
          alltatup commented
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          Joe, keep us udated!!

        • Weed Pharma
          Weed Pharma commented
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          Your tap water -base ppm - is too high for the beginning of a plants life-
          -use bottle spring/distilled water or filtered with "Zero Water" with seedlings!

        So I'm still waiting on my Fox Farms soil to arrive. Once it does those two soil plants will be transplanted. That said though, I did another flush with Flora Kleen and have only been using RO pH'd water on them. The hydroponic plant is also doing better, its growth is beginning to balance out and look more even.
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        • Colombo
          Colombo commented
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          Hey Joe, Just PH mineral water at 6.5 for your 2 soil plants and flush out (put in drain holes) then wait till transfer. Your plants are showing some signs of recovery.This should put the soill ph to around 6.5 for best nute absorption and when your plants are ready for the pots go to the FFOF and regular feed schedule with tap water and cal Mag. Good Luck ! Good Growing !!
          Last edited by Colombo; 03-06-2019, 09:20 PM. Reason: added content

        So it has almost been 3 weeks since last posting. My plants have recovered! Except for a recent light/pH burn on my hydro plant that I have addressed, they all look good. I FIM'd all three of them a few days ago and they seem to be responding very well to it.

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          alltatup Weed Pharma Here's an update for you guys so far. The Fox Farms Ocean Forest soil worked great in revitalizing the two soil plants. Now that they're in flowering I'm using Botanicare's Pure Blend Pro Bloom nutrient and it seems to be doing the job. These photos are 2.5 weeks into flowering.

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          • alltatup
            alltatup commented
            Editing a comment
            Joegrow2018 Wow, they look great!!! You got that one lanky girl in the back!!! Good grow so far!!

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