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    I am into week 4 of femed Gorilla Glue saplings and getting ready to transplant from starter cups into 2 gallon containers. Does it matter if you do this just after lights on or just prior to lights out? Also I'm a bit shy of feeding my gals nutrients. (My last grow of WW went south on me and I think it started with nute burn. low yield this grow) When should I start feeding them and how much?
    Grow tent - 4 x 4 x 7'
    Medium - Fox Farm ocean forest
    Plant food - Fox Farm grow big. (I have not used any yet)
    Lighting - 600w veg -.600w flower. (I struggle with high temps so when lights are on I open the tent)
    Charcoal air filter
    2 fans for air circulation.
    Humidifier - I use one. (I struggle with low humidity)
    Cats - 1 black cat that likes to bask in the light.
    This is what they look like going into week 4. I think they look fairly healthy - what do you think?

    Looks like your definitely in the veg stage. Start on your next feeding but use 1/8-1/4 strength nutrients. As they get bigger they will begin to show stages of deficiencies, at that point bump them up to 1/2 strength. Lots of nutrients have a full strength suggestion, but unless they show additional signs of deficiency, dont use the recommended amount (its a tactic they use to sell more).

    As for transplant, do you know the final container size? I would just put it in that myself, though some will say go to 2gal then to 5 gal. If you decide to put in their final pot, make sure you water like a seedling, water in a circle and have those roots search for water... this will help long term. I dont think it matters on when the light is on.

    Do you have pictures of your last WW? I had a buddy have the same thing happen, however after I seen it (too far into flower to correct) but it turned out to be a cal mag def.

    Please visit for reviews on grow equipment. It is going slowly as I am trying to find products to review (and supportive companies!) I do giveaways there, do not tell me your from GWE however.


      It’s going to get crowded in there. U should consider a 5 gal. Pot no need to transplant again. That ff grow big along with the right ph can’t burn u even at full strength imo.
      Last edited by Potted; 02-28-2019, 06:27 PM.


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