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Dry ice hash

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    Dry ice hash


    i plan to make dry dry ice hash with this plant but I’m heading away for two weeks. She took longer than expected to ripen and I’m knocking her down a week or two early I would say.

    On to the question, should I:

    A) air dry it for 2 weeks well I am gone?
    B) freeze the plant now and make dry ice hash when I get home?


    First K, I have to say nice Grow! Second, for me I'am a BUD man and would dry the girl out in the air while gone and cure her when I got home. Thats just me. I can help you with that. LOL


      Never tried it with dry ice, but fresh frozen made with ice water is the best hash I have ever tasted!
      It is very hard to handle since it is soooooo sticky but it is sweet!
      I took my summer crop (only the choicest buds) and froze it (3 huge plants) and have been making ice water hash all winter..Outrageous!!


        A) It would depend on the environment you have to dry the plant in.
        I recently left for 2 weeks+ and hung an entire plant (fans and all) (tent) to slow down the drying process.
        My conditions are not ideal with temps just getting above 72f and ambient rh from 25%-35%.

        I had to rehydrate the plant before doing anything with it- but you wouldn't have to and could go directly to hash making.
        My buds turned out fine.
        On a previous trip I hung a plant for 12 days- (fans removed) (closet) - and it didn't require anything more than jarring upon return.

        Your conditions would dictate if it's a good idea-

        B) I only freeze fresh - If I have no other options and it works just fine, but lower yields.

        It's all bullshit - until you smoke it!

        KISS @ Dry/Cure:

        Staged Harvest:

        Grow Journals:

        #3, Window Sill Grow - auto:

        #4, KISS grow- Girl Scout Cookies- auto:


          I'd water the hell out of it, go enjoy my vacation. That would give extra time to ripen and start the drying process.


            Howdy Kevingm1987, I would recommend placing the bud in the freezer until You come back and have the time to make the DIH. If You leave it out in a warm environment (especially with air blowing on it), the bud could loose some of the trichomes and reduce the potency. Best to err on the side of caution than to have it degrade (or MOLD or worse (if there is a worse!)).
            Smoke weed,.....grow peace!


              Thanks everyone. I think I will cut her down put her in ziplocks and freeze her.

              I live in Vancouver and currently temps are hovering around 0 to -5C (32-20F) and don’t plan on leaving the house to warm welll I am gone. Looking forward to some warmth in Hawaii!


              • D.A.A.S.69
                D.A.A.S.69 commented
                Editing a comment
                Nice plant, if mine I would definitely freeze her, and make your dry ice hash when you came back.
                It's hard to beat dry ice hash, imo.
                Have a nice trip.

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