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Curling Leaves?

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    SOIL Curling Leaves?


    My plants are about a month old and I have had no problems really until now. I am using kind soil with a tasty light and some desk fans, I keep the humidity at around 40% to 70% (lately 70 since it has been raining), the temps stay between 19C to 25C, I water once every two days with water that is usually 6.8PH (I have had some ph problems but most of the plants have handled it).

    Now to the problem at hand, suddenly a day or two ago the leaves on two plants have started to curl downward and one of the two plant's leaves have curled up one the edges as well as down (Super Skunk), they are the only ones showing this problem out of 15 plants. I suspect maybe wind burn but, I am not sure. Can anyone present to me solutions if there are any and if this is very bad for my plant's health since one of them is a Purple Diesel Haze and I am excited to see a purple plant in person. The photos attached are of the Purple Diesel Haze.

    Thank You, I am eager for any help that can be provided.

    I believe you have a water issue causing your plant to wilt. Punch some holes in the bottom of the cups and give a good watering till it runs out the bottom. The root system can also be getting crowed, IMPO, I would transplant just based on size ratio. Water in a cup that size disappears real quick!


    • starramus
      starramus commented
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      I agree should have been out of that cup a while ago.

    Might be your roots telling u they need a new home


    • starramus
      starramus commented
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      Yessiree Bob

    Thank you so much for answering me. The tips of the leaves started getting light green. I have transplanted and hope this will solve the issue.


      By the way Purple never disappoints.


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