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Dr Krippling Kripple Roulette Organic Grow in Soil

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    I`m enjoying this grow mainly as I`ve decimated the spider mites and whilst still treating am enjoying this period of not having to watch them violating my poor helpless girls..they will return, they always return with yet more attitude but I will continue to fight the good fight...little buggers.
    Anyway, Pic 1 before I did anything
    Pic 2 & 3 after some hefty re-structuring which is it til the flip now apart from some slight re-adjustments on the way. Fed and she seems happy enough. Took some cuttings to root.
    This is nought more than manifolding and a mobile Scrog and each hole has a dedicated stem allocated to it (frame has 21 holes) so it`s just wait and see how this pans out. Be interesting to see how I cope with height variations/ adjustments-that might be tricky. She`s around 9-10 inches here from soil and plan to flip at 20 which shouldn`t take too long to get to, hopefully


      Looking great love the training


      • PaganRich
        PaganRich commented
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        Thanks KTM690 Think the structuring is more for me mucking around enjoying myself D.A.A.S.69 Bloody hell, read the history and saw the ship and weapons,etc. Have you ever been on it mate?

      • D.A.A.S.69
        D.A.A.S.69 commented
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        PaganRich, we used to stop every weekend when they wre digging it up, around 1959-1960. And watch them dig it up,it was on the YazooRiver, where it was sunk, a mile or two from the MsRiver, I was just a little kid, but my family sure enjoyed stopping an looking at it.While they were raising it.
        They got it put back together now, and anyone can go aboard, and check it out. It's on display at the VicksburgMilary Park, it's an awesome vessel.
        It was the first boat in the war sunk by a Torpedo , placed about 3-5 feet under the water line.
        Good job with your plants, Mate, they look great.
        Those mites are truly hell, glad you got them took care off, they will make you lose sleep. No kiddn,

      • PaganRich
        PaganRich commented
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        D.A.A.S.69 I love stuff like this D plus the first electric torpedo, eh? That and the Battle of the Wilderness happened around the time of the Crimean war yet fought in 2 different styles: one almost Napoleonic and the other a taste of WW1 trench fighting. Thanks D.

      Responded well to quite a severe defoliation but it has allowed greater structuring and access to treat for mites plus she now looks much, much better. I took off the wooden skewers as I`m treating her for mites and rust prevention which has hit other plants` leaves and will attach later. Very pleased with this lass sofar-Pics 1 & 2...From now on I will just be working on keeping an even canopy til I flip in roughly 2.5-3 weeks I reckon which works for rough 2 months vegging planned for so on track
      Last edited by PaganRich; 01-19-2019, 07:52 AM.


      • D.A.A.S.69
        D.A.A.S.69 commented
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        PaganRich now that is one beautiful plant,you got there Mate,
        She looks perfect !!
        Gonna be a very nice producer too, can't wait to watch her mature, she looks very strong looking, and very healthy.
        Ps, still waiting to hear from our dear Swedish friends, smoke report. Peebz
        For the first time he did an awesome job, with his plants.
        No kidding.

      • PaganRich
        PaganRich commented
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        D.A.A.S.69 Thanks D-appreciated mate. Yeah, he certainly did good without a doubt. D-when you grow outside do you get inundated with bugs and stuff or do the predators keeps the numbers down cos I would imagine warm moist grow lands must be a pests` paradise mate

      • D.A.A.S.69
        D.A.A.S.69 commented
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        PaganRich morning mate, it just depends on the weather mostly, some years are perfect, some years it rains to much, but as for insects ,they are never a problem, deer are our biggest problem, by a long shot, and an occasional poacher,
        That's why we always plant a bunch of seeds, in 6-8 different locations. We plant in the thickest places we can find to.Like in a cane thicket or briar thicket, people don't venture into those places, too many snakes.
        Your plant looks great, mate, one to be proud of for sure.
        Last edited by D.A.A.S.69; 01-20-2019, 12:05 PM.

      Training and plant look great!
      ​​​​​​3 X 3 gorilla. Promix soil . Green Planet Nutes
      Mars Hydro
      Vortex in-line 6" fan


      I`m trying this structure method with a Purple Envy but it`s just not happening due to the nature of the strain-well, it is but it`s a heck of a lot more effort so not a strain I will use this tactic with, again. For Roulette it`s going well and I reckon flip in 2-3 weeks. Four days since robust defoliation and she`s cruising along nicely...


      • alltatup
        alltatup commented
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        This one looks absolutely lovely to me. I think poor badazz looks tortured.

      alltatup Like the Milk Tray Man I will woe you over to the Dark Side...Bad Azz is mellow, she`s alright


        Looking very nice she's gonna b a monster


        • PaganRich
          PaganRich commented
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          I was just going to type something KTM690 in response, looked up and saw that pic of Milk Tray-tray to chocolate-chocolate knocks thought out of head. Doesn`t bode well, does it?

        • KTM690
          KTM690 commented
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          Haha that's funny

        Funny ole business this scrog malarky. Purple Envy was started around the same time as Roulette and whilst strains vary considerable I have never felt she was quite at ease with this mobile scrog frame idea but there you go.
        Pics 1-5 show Roulette with Pic 5 showing area on left that needs to be developed further. De-mited today though no living mites seen for just over a week now in both tents though they are there of that I have no doubt. I have been battling them now since Oct`18 and it`s nice just to have a bit of space from them before Round 2.
        Now, I`ve added some pics of Purple Envy and whilst she`s getting there she isn`t the best strain for training like this. I reckon just topping and say a figure 4 grow pattern would most likely suit her better...Pics 6 & 7 show that growth hasn`t been as robust and structuring has been difficult. Pic 8 shows her next to Roulette


        • PaganRich
          PaganRich commented
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          alltatup I was in Sainsbury`s earlier and I saw this old geezer buying a pack of Warburton`s crumpets. If I wasn`t waiting I`d have been tempted but I am thinking about my figure...obviously...but crumpets are very popular over here. I do suggest a try but proper crumpets, not dodgy muffin imitations

        • alltatup
          alltatup commented
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          PaganRich I would love to eat an authentic crumpet, but alas!!! They don't have them in this backwards country...

          Mesa: table in Spanish, but also refers to a flat top bit of land...

        • Canuck147
          Canuck147 commented
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          Great job on your plants - not crumpets but i make THE best cinnamon buns.

        I lived atop a mesa (also called a caprock) in TX. Where I lived, it was flat as a bloody crumpet exterior.
        Click image for larger version

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ID:	286690

        I'd drive 20 mins. outside of town to where the caprock dropped off into canyons. It was the only pretty thing around.

        Click image for larger version

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Size:	577.8 KB
ID:	286691
        Anyone can grow schwag. If you want to grow top shelf bud, study hard:

        Growing since July 21, 2016; pothead since 1967
        2 BCNL Roommate hydroponic grow boxes w/ 400w COB LEDs, Future Harvest nutes
        Grow # 18, Aug. 2023: Anesia Seeds: Imperium X, Future 1, Sleepy Joe, Slurricane


        • PaganRich
          PaganRich commented
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          Is very pretty Atu

        • alltatup
          alltatup commented
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          PaganRich It was really quite beautiful. I'd go drive outside of town and then get to the place where the caprock falls off, and the mesquite trees were growing everywhere, and in the summertime, the skinny male tarantulas would be crossing the road in droves to find the fat females. I would see lots of horned toads (which are really a type of reptile; I got such a kick out of them. And TUMBLEWEEDS everwhere in the fall!! Yep, it's the wild west, that's for sure...

        • PaganRich
          PaganRich commented
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          alltatup That is something I`d like to see. Not the spider bit but the other bits. Yeap, is nice

        Canuck147 I am rather taken with Bakewell Tarts at the moment mate and fruit cake but the very dense, heavy kind that feels like you`ve just eaten a brick...and hot cross buns with melted butter but scones, jam, butter and cream is something else. alltatup & Canuck I am a tad partial to scones with jam and cream, not fussed about the butter-keep it healthy is what I say-and a nice cuppa...can`t go wrong unless the cream`s off which happens more often than you`d think. Me and my mate once suffered after hitting what looked like an alright tea rooms in Glastonbury...interesting 24 hrs afterwards that was for sure...apart from the screaming, shouting and religious expletives


        • PaganRich
          PaganRich commented
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          alltatup I am like the buffalo, I graze across the cuisines of the world...a kind of buffalo ambassador to the culinary senses

        • LurkingInTheGrass
          LurkingInTheGrass commented
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          clotted cream and any real fruit (more fruit than sugar) jam
          truly decadent

          Atu - yes the scones we get in north america don't really deserve the name.
          scones, should be more like a dense, buttery, biscuit recipe.

          a buffalo in the kitchen? can this end well? tune in next week.....

        • alltatup
          alltatup commented
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          PaganRich Peebz I hope you know this song:

          Oh give me a home,
          where the pagan doth roam,
          and the donuts are eaten by Peebz;
          Where seldom is seen
          Any vegetable green,
          Eating haggis with tatties and neebzs.

          Home, home on the range,
          where the beer and the cantelope play;
          Where carrots and zucchini
          Are not to be seen-y,
          And the pagan is hungry all day.

          LurkingInTheGrass You were right. It doesn't end well... lots of gassing about...

        alltatup that's exactly why you need some whipped cream and jam on them. Even better with butter as well. Devilish beasts to eat on their own. But a fresh warm one with all of the above on it 👌👌 now your talking.

        Yes, haggis is a Scottish delicacy much like black pudding, made with sheep intestines. both on a roll (bun) with bacon and sausage and tomato sauce for breakfast is the business.

        Ps, I only have 5 donuts left.


        • Peebz
          Peebz commented
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          LurkingInTheGrass I assure you I am not making these up.

          Not sure what a ginsters is but a pie filled with a filling of your choice here are a few, steak & gravy, mince, mince and tattie, mac & cheese, chicken curry, pork and apple. The fillings are endless. Heat one of them up, cut the bap (bread roll) in half put the pie on top of the lower half, smother in tomato sauce, place delcitley the other half of bap apon the throne of chosen pie (this monster generally stands around 5"-6" tall depending on pie and roll).

          There is no further baking. One bread roll, one pie. Generally consumed by the hungry construction worker when freezing there tits off 3 stories up outside in the snow.

          F×××in delicious!

          PaganRich try some steak pie with mashed tatties, boiled cabbage and neeps. Better buy another 6" vent fan and carbon filter first though!

        • PaganRich
          PaganRich commented
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          Bloody hell Peebz you certainly put that thought in my head...I`m starving now....pie in a bap-so right. I have just discovered fudged topped, chocolate filled doughnuts. Oh man...they are something else.You`ve gotta try them mate

        • Peebz
          Peebz commented
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          PaganRich, I'm about my food. I'm well over 6ft and weigh about 310lbs and love my food.

          If you like a donut I suggest finding a dunken donuts. Half dozen filled donuts, large black coffee with as many extra shots you can get on the cup and a big fat bifter (joint) to flush the sin away 😂.

          Ever had a double donner burger? Basically a double cheese burger with doner kebab on top with my personal favourite chilli sauce smothered a top of it.

          I'm going to end up at McDonald's 24hour at this rate

        Kripple Roulette is a lovely lass to grow. Not as vigorous as say Kripple Shock but I`m not complaining Pics 1-3 Reckon another 5 inches of growth then robust defol and flip-that should be around 7-9 days if not before. This has taken 8 weeks til expected flip and the first time of using this frame as a mobile scrog and Pic 2 shows a good main stem and I`ve dispensed with lollypopping but still got loads of stems and growth and that`s saved a lot of height structuring and work so I`m indeed a happy camper
        alltatup Peebz Atu-Peebz is a northern lad so he might have more local names as Ginsters is Cornish but they get around a bit. So last 2 pics Atu shows a white bap, I would imagine it`s possible to get brown or wholemill but you`d have to search and a Ginsters. That Ginsters does look nice I must admit. Lines your guts and sets you up for a day of intellectual endeavours. It may produce a small amount of curry and lard based flatulence but if you stand next to someone, do a silent but violent then wander off you should be okay. Try and look slightly indignant as well, that helps but not constipated as that might draw suspicion and comment....hope that clarifies Ginsters-keeping food real and honest into the 21st Century
        Last edited by PaganRich; 01-30-2019, 05:50 AM.


        • alltatup
          alltatup commented
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          PaganRich LurkingInTheGrass You guys are terrible. Savage beasts. Thank god I'm a female and we don't ever fart...

        • D.A.A.S.69
          D.A.A.S.69 commented
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          alltatup that's what I was told to when I was about 10-12 years old, lol
          I know better now.
          Have a nice evening, all.

        • PaganRich
          PaganRich commented
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          Women don`t fart? Yeah, right

        Click image for larger version  Name:	 Views:	1 Size:	1.35 MB ID:	288051 Two wonderful treats from the states, for me mates !
        Pagan you're speaking my language, I love food too !
        First is fried chicken and waffles with gravy, next is a cheeseburger on a donut.
        Attached Files
        "Life is not about being dealt a great hand but playing a poor hand well"...

        •Roots Organics over kindsoil in 5gal fabric pots

        •600w hps supplement w/Kind LEDs during flower

        •4" can-fan w/can-filter(carbon)

        •14,000btu air conditioner


        • PaganRich
          PaganRich commented
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          Peebz You Sir are a lad after my own heart...and I`ve been spelling donuts wrong all these I`m getting old

        • D.A.A.S.69
          D.A.A.S.69 commented
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          PaganRich, damn Mate, when did you figure that out, I been feeling a little old myself, lol
          Cheers, great looking plant, mate. Big buds will be on that girl.

        • PaganRich
          PaganRich commented
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          D.A.A.S.69 It`s the knees mate, they shout regularly `you old git`...hope you`re okay mate

        Well, she`s had a growth spurt plus I need to get some lasses moving veg wise so I robustly defoliated, de-mited and flipped. I am saying and hope that this isn`t tempting fate but that my veg tent is spider mite free....and if I was feeling reckless...bugger it, here is tne main tent. I have seen no mites in 3 weeks roughly except for 2 young uns, been treating 3 times weekly and chucked everything barring the kitchen sink at them and that`s only because I couldn`t pull it off the wall. So, I`m saying it....I believe after 4 months battling through a perpetual grow season that I am now spider mite free. Saying that, next week will probably be declaring another infestation but at the very least I have decimated them on an epic scale and hopefully can keep any re-surregence down to managable levels...
        Pics 1-2 before I did anything
        Pic 3 after a trim
        Pics 4-5 The stems will be subjected to good airflow which will strengthen and thicken the stems considerably. Flipped at height around 17 inches from soil...


          She`s been flipped for 12 days now and has only stretched 3 odd inches however she now has a dense canopy and strong, sturdy stems. The central stem is very robust and she`s very healthy looking and pistils coming along nicely so very happy...Pics 1-4 shows her out and having a general check over.


          • PaganRich
            PaganRich commented
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            Peebz I like your style Peebz lol

          • Peebz
            Peebz commented
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            I was always taught the quiet boy always got sweet fa 😉

          • PaganRich
            PaganRich commented
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            Sweet fa...haven`t heard that expression in a while lol....and very true

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