Hi GWE'ers!
I posted before in the questions topic regarding my medium, and someone mentioned starting a journal, so I thought I'd create a new topic here to log my adventure and get some help from the community. I'm brand new to growing.
Babies are in:
- 3x3 tent
- viparspectra 600w reflector series light
- - light is about 25" above
- - 24 hour light schedule (due to autos)
- plain potting soil medium (no slow release additives) in fabric pots. I have the General Organics Go Box (for soil) on hand.
- exhaust and intake fans - slight negative pressure
- small fan for air movement inside tent
The two pictures below are 5 days after transplanting from solo cups into their final home. Same soil used, just more now in the pot. They were both showing lots of roots around the outside surface of the soil plug, and some root spiraling had already begun. (Lesson learned there - I left them too long in cups).
As an anxious new parent I'm a little worried about the brown spots in the first picture, and the yellowing lower leaves in both. They've only been fed Gro one time at half strength. Watering has been very light and only when the top inch of soil is very dry. I might be on the under watering side (rather than over watering... I think at least), but I'm not sure if the spots/yellowing is something to worry about yet.
I have another genetic next to these ones that went straight in the fabric pot (as a germinated seed), and it is beginning to surpass both of these ones and showing none of the spots/yellowing. I can add a pic of that one too if it's helpful.
Any comments are greatly appreciated.
I posted before in the questions topic regarding my medium, and someone mentioned starting a journal, so I thought I'd create a new topic here to log my adventure and get some help from the community. I'm brand new to growing.
Babies are in:
- 3x3 tent
- viparspectra 600w reflector series light
- - light is about 25" above
- - 24 hour light schedule (due to autos)
- plain potting soil medium (no slow release additives) in fabric pots. I have the General Organics Go Box (for soil) on hand.
- exhaust and intake fans - slight negative pressure
- small fan for air movement inside tent
The two pictures below are 5 days after transplanting from solo cups into their final home. Same soil used, just more now in the pot. They were both showing lots of roots around the outside surface of the soil plug, and some root spiraling had already begun. (Lesson learned there - I left them too long in cups).
As an anxious new parent I'm a little worried about the brown spots in the first picture, and the yellowing lower leaves in both. They've only been fed Gro one time at half strength. Watering has been very light and only when the top inch of soil is very dry. I might be on the under watering side (rather than over watering... I think at least), but I'm not sure if the spots/yellowing is something to worry about yet.
I have another genetic next to these ones that went straight in the fabric pot (as a germinated seed), and it is beginning to surpass both of these ones and showing none of the spots/yellowing. I can add a pic of that one too if it's helpful.
Any comments are greatly appreciated.