Vote, Like your Rights depend on it.
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I made a promise to myself this voting year.... at my age any new Medicare,social security, or financial plans have little effect on me as they will take way too much time to integrate them into my life. On the other hand... if you are not for legalization, I don’t care if you’re democrat, republican or Martian....IM VOTING YOU OUT!
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Some of these clowns are pretty scary motherfuckers.
Done; the line was around the building in the AM, but we ran some errands and came back around noon. No issues, although a polling place in the city was shut down for awhile because of white powder in an absentee-ballot envelope (found to be baking soda). Someone is going around the neighborhood with a bullhorn advising people of the local polling place and hours...this is the first time I can remember that happening. Lives (via healthcare, climate, etc) depend on this one.****tent (2x4) and large light (Relassy 300W LED) is in storage for now until I can solve some household electrical issues****
CoM Stonington Blend soil, distilled water; Liquid Squid amendment if needed, molasses for flowering
"I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up."
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I too sent the message we are tired of the way thing have been ran. So to that I voted independent, libertarian, and when not available dems, (republicans were the incumbents) and throw out any officials judges etc. Lets get all new people! I hope folks did their homework and did not listen the propaganda box! If so we may have an independent for governor, he is the one on our side!