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    If they are photos and they are still alive there is no such thing as to late until flowering. Even tben you can probably save the plant and get something.


    Got anymore pictures in natural light as to how it's looking?
    Space for Rent.


      Crappy picture of a sad situation. I think my container is too small because I can water to run off and it's dry within a very small time. That would lead me to over water because I checked on it 1000000000 and found the top dry every time. Then after getting this advice here I probably let it get too dry. Also just noticed gold flakes in this seed starter mix. Second chance in germ stage is a Jack Herer gift so I need to get it right.

      Two 60w 2700 CFL. Steady 75F to 80F with around 45-60% humidity.

      Click image for larger version  Name:	20181008_162320.jpg Views:	2 Size:	690.5 KB ID:	256379Click image for larger version  Name:	20181008_162018.jpg Views:	1 Size:	953.8 KB ID:	256377 Click image for larger version

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      Last edited by terrafirma00042; 10-08-2018, 04:00 PM.


      • Mr.furley
        Mr.furley commented
        Editing a comment
        Do you have some good soil available?

      • Jibblerjoe
        Jibblerjoe commented
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        If a first you don't succeed, try try try agin.

      • terrafirma00042
        terrafirma00042 commented
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        Newly germinated seed in a coco coir seed starter mix.

      Never saw if you got the seedling pictures you wanted. These are healthy and were planted in rapid rooter on 10/4. However the 2 on the right were not close enough to the light at first. (That light was always the perfect distance for all previous grows so maybe I need to replace the t5 bulb?) But those 2 on the right are too leggy they shouldn't be that tall. They were stretching to get to the light but they are healthy. The one on the left popped her head out today. The other 2 yesterday.

      As you can see they are still in rapid rooters. They are fairly small as you can see from the upside down solo cups they are in. So no your pot is no where near to small. I water them with 12ml of water at bedtime. 6ml of water first thing in the morning and 3ml middle day. Depending on the environment you may need a little more or a little less water.

      I plant them in peat pots like yours when the roots start growing out of the bottom of the rapid rooters. When I do I water the soil I'm going to use the day before potting them so it is moist and not wet. Immediately after getting them in the peat pot I add 12 ml water to the rapid rooter and leave the soil like it is.

      After they are in peat pots I water when the soil is dry to my knuckle. Watch the top of the rapid rooter for clues as it will look bone dry when its time to water. However the soil deeper than knuckle depth should still be just barely moist. That's hard to determine but if it feels colder past knuckle depth but doesnt feel damp its probably just about right to water.

      How much water you give them after that can be tricky in the size pot you have it in. That's what I use but maybe you should try one a bit smaller. A smaller starter pot you just water to run off. The bigger one I would water till the soil is moist but probably not until runoff until it has a decent set of larger leaves. Then you can water to runoff. To simplify watering when it is big enough go to a 1 gallon air pot or peat pot. Water to run off and use the knuckle depth test to determine when to water. When it outgrows that go to your final pot.

      If those are really peat pots I plant pot and all when transplanting.

      Use good soil. Fox Farms or one of the other ones recommended here but I can never remember the names.

      That is not the only proper way to do it. It is just very easy and will help you figure out how to water a seedling.

      As far as your current plant I really dont have a clue. But there is alot we dont know about it. Maybe someone else here does.

      Click image for larger version  Name:	image_61811.jpg Views:	1 Size:	1.94 MB ID:	256433

      Click image for larger version

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      This is how small a ml is if you arent aware. The line is
      30 ml.

      Click image for larger version  Name:	15390382115096881104156141108347.jpg Views:	1 Size:	1.35 MB ID:	256434
      Last edited by Redwasp; 10-08-2018, 05:41 PM.


      • terrafirma00042
        terrafirma00042 commented
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        I did get great pics. I like seeing the setups too. It seems you have a very efficient method. Thanks for sharing.

        I planned to transplant to a 1 gal when the leaves get outgrow the peat pot, planting pot and all. The 1 gal would be a mix 1 part Kind Soil mixed with Roots Organic. Then two or three weeks before flower move to 5 gal. I believe Kind Soil instruction is 1lb per gal. Might go a little lighter in the 1 gallon though. Kind Soil also advises not to water to run off. I'll be using distilled water. Any thoughts on that?

        Should I have a step in between peat pot and 1 gal? Following the simple transplant guide here on GWE, kind of, solo cup (peat pot)--> 1gal--->5gal.

        Thank you for the detailed information. Simplified things for me.

      good advice there from redwasp.
      I use a 20cc/ml syringe when watering seedlings, gives you an idea of the small volumes of water we're talking about here.


      • terrafirma00042
        terrafirma00042 commented
        Editing a comment
        I have both a cup and irrigation syringe. Thanks for the alternative uses.

      Everyone of these suggestions are Good ones. There are also very good articles on the GWE site, they give very good directions and pics, just type it in the search or check out the different grow articles.
      Last edited by Jibblerjoe; 10-09-2018, 07:20 AM.


      • terrafirma00042
        terrafirma00042 commented
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        My struggle on this site is reading so much that is not relevant to the stage I'm in. I followed germination tutorial. Both germinated. This was the first. When it started to look bad I germinated a second. Very first grow so it's one at a time.
        Last edited by terrafirma00042; 10-09-2018, 07:58 PM.

      For seedlings, I use a tabletop full-spectrum lamp until I see a few sets of real leaves, then transition to a sunny window and then the tent.
      ****tent (2x4) and large light (Relassy 300W LED) is in storage for now until I can solve some household electrical issues****

      CoM Stonington Blend soil, distilled water; Liquid Squid amendment if needed, molasses for flowering

      "I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up."


      • terrafirma00042
        terrafirma00042 commented
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        I may get one of those. Seems a little easier. Thanks

      Unfortunately that one was definitely dead and I honestly feel a little bad for it's suffering. Pretty sure the initial over watering and a 300 watt LED made sure she never stood a chance. Pulled it out after it was completely yellow and falling. Most of the taproot grew curved to the side and was brown.

      I have followed advice of previous posts and put 2 60w 2700 CFLs about two inches away on a Jack Herer photo fem. It was already germinated and I planted, taproot down, today. Medium is a seed starter made of coco coir in the same peat pot, but I did use the bigger one. Not much bigger. Watered right before I put the seed in. Will be checking soil a little closer this time and not deciding to water by how it looks on the surface.

      Taproot curled on this one too and I'm not sure why that keeps happening. Didn't attempt to straighten per advice of this site. Chose start in soil with peat pots to reduce transplanting difficulties. This taproot wasn't as long to start though so it might do better even though it's curved. I am using a wet paper towel in a sandwich bag. Then it goes into the peat pot, watered first, just under the surface. Then a couple drops of water. This is now under the two 60 watt 2700, only ones available at the store. Hopefully tomorrow evening or so it'll be popping up!
      Last edited by terrafirma00042; 10-09-2018, 07:42 PM.


        Peat pot to 1 gallon to 5 gallon should be fine. Next grow I highly recommend starting in rapid rooters.


          Hey terrafirma00042
          Sorry your first grow didn't grow, Just keep trying and you will do get.
          You should start a grow Journal for your new seed, update it often with pictures and what's on your mind. Alot of us would stub in to help/watch with progress and as you can see The forum is a fast way to get help, answers, as well as guidance to the different stages and pages of
          not to mention we love watch a grow start to finish.
          good luck and look forward to your success.
          Space for Rent.


   I use a light like this on all my seedlings until they are ready to go in the tent or outside. I keep it wrapped with a bath towel making a little temp tent with the light about 8 to 10 inches above the plants. Germinate my seeds in moist rapid rooters until they are about 3 inches tall then sink the rapid rooter into my soil mix into a 6 inch pot, then when she gets bigger I move to it's final pot. Next time try mixing some Coco in with your seed starter soil and an extra hand full of perlite, this should help your over watering issues. I can't tell for sure, but it looks like you are using those jiffy seed starter pots? Be careful of those because they hold moisture, and I have had mold issues with them in the past. Gently water your plants, and tear away those pots and place the ball into it's final pot when you are ready to transplant.


              Well two days ago my Jack Herer sprouted. Today 10/13 the first leaves have not opened. The seed casing is off. There is some gunk from the casing on what would be the underside on one of the first leaves, but they are closed. Still under 2 60w CFL. Should I get surgical and help it open?


              • Mr.furley
                Mr.furley commented
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                Mist the seedling with a spray bottle can help loose up anything stuck just be gentle with it.

              • terrafirma00042
                terrafirma00042 commented
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                I got it off! It was definitely part of the seed. It was like a film. When it came off I realized it was a part of, and attached to, the seed. I can now see the true leaves and one of the first leaves was stunted, part with most of the internal casing. The film kind of acted like a glue and stuck the first leaves together.

                That was an exciting moment in time.

                Thanks, Mr.furley!

              • Mr.furley
                Mr.furley commented
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