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Need some wisdom

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    Need some wisdom

    I have germinated one seed. The taproot was curled. Planted on 25-9-18 and sprouted a couple days later. Did real good for a couple days but first leaves were curled, true leaves were not. Kept the soil moist and didn't let it dry out, i hope. Here we are on the 6th of Oct and I have little growth. The plant is just under an inch. It's under a 300 watt LED in a tent. Environment has been a steady 80 degrees with about 30 to 50% humidity. The plant looks like a nice green. I did develop a brown spot on a first leaf that some debris from seed casing got stuck to and I couldn't get it off. Any thought, questions, or clarifications?

    Young plants spend time growing roots before growing vertical. Pictures and and little more info can help further.
    Space for Rent.


    • terrafirma00042
      terrafirma00042 commented
      Editing a comment
      Thanks! I couldn't believe how many answers this got so quickly. Hope to grow into a very helpful user as soon as I figure out what the hell I'm doing

    • Mr.furley
      Mr.furley commented
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      This is a very help group of friendly knowledgeable Growers that have seen it, done it, been there, and continue to teach each other.
      Have you been reading the website as well?
      Stick around and you will learn a lot and be doing fine in no time.

    • terrafirma00042
      terrafirma00042 commented
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      I have. The challenge is sticking to info relevant to stage. I've forgotten more than I read. As this is my first attempt I will be revisiting a lot.
      Last edited by terrafirma00042; 10-07-2018, 09:29 PM.

    Camera sucks

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    • Potted
      Potted commented
      Editing a comment
      Turn off the berple lights ! First ! And overwatered seedling looks to me, pot likes to cycle wet to dry not moist all the time 😁
      Last edited by Potted; 10-06-2018, 10:14 AM.

    • terrafirma00042
      terrafirma00042 commented
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      Shop only had 60 watt cfl 2700. Used 2.

    Can I get a link to some pics of healthy sprouts not weeks old seedlings with fan leaves?


      you're right, camera sucks.
      looks dead or dying......overwatered? bad ph?


        I'd have to agree after they sprout they need small amount of water, are you checking your PH? Do you have drainage holes? How far is your light?

        4days old
        Click image for larger version

Name:	20180816_152029.jpg
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ID:	255593same plants 15days later
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        Space for Rent.


        • kingfish
          kingfish commented
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          Nice healthy looking girls Mr.furley.

        • Mr.furley
          Mr.furley commented
          Editing a comment
          Thank kingfish. All but one is Newguy420seeds.

        Invert a clear plastic cup over it, put a desk lamp with a bright white cfl over it almost touching the cup,spray daily with a weak neut. solution.


        • terrafirma00042
          terrafirma00042 commented
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          Got the only cfls I could. 60 watt 2700. Used 2 in one of those silver dome clip on

        Thought so. Drainage holes on bottom of side and very bottom. Light is 36" Water purified drinking. I have been watering by how the soil looks. If it's dry on top I water. By what I've read here I'm betting over water. That light is currently my only option. Going to get a desk light cfl as advised. But, should I take it out of the tent? Thank you all!


        • Jibblerjoe
          Jibblerjoe commented
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          Soil or medium needs to dry a little to encourage roots to seek out water and food. I let the solo get to feeling light weight, then I know the dirt is drying. Grab a moisture meter they are like 10 dollars.

        Nvm, I see how Mr. furley worked it out there.


        • Redwasp
          Redwasp commented
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          Lmao. I wonder how many here get any of that.

        • terrafirma00042
          terrafirma00042 commented
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          I remember but it was all from Nick at night. That had some of my favorite shows when I was a kid.

        • LurkingInTheGrass
          LurkingInTheGrass commented
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          Before he was a landlord in the 70s, he was a deputy in the 60s 😁

        Yes to much light for its size was my first thought. You can get these lights from walmart, home depot, lowes etc and it works great. Oh and they are really inexpensive. I dont move them until they have quiet a few leaves and then I start my stronger lights at 40 inches and lower them 1 inch a day until they are the proper distance. Click image for larger version  Name:	15388455223448525439406271199128.jpg Views:	1 Size:	1.56 MB ID:	255637Click image for larger version  Name:	15388455695536249908333546639711.jpg Views:	1 Size:	2.09 MB ID:	255638

        When watering you want to stick your finger in the dirt up to you knuckle. When that is dry it's time to water. Also dont wait to long so just check them daily.

        Always check the ph of your water. I assume you are using soil? What kind of soil did you use? If its soil the ph needs to be 6 to 7. I LIke to vary my ph from 6.3 or so to 6.8. The reason I do that is because plants absorb nutrients better at different ph ranges. It can absorb them at any ph as long as it's in the 6 to 7 range. However it is easier for the plant to use different nutrients at different ph levels. Sorry that is to much for you to worry about this grow. Just keep it simple and use 6 to 7.

        Anyways I talk/ write/ to much so I'll put myself in the corner. I hope what every one is telling you helps. Just keep growing and learning.


          Poke your finger in the drain hole and if it is wet don't water, also what soil/medium are you in?
          Space for Rent.


          • terrafirma00042
            terrafirma00042 commented
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            Drain hole was pretty wet and has probably never been dry. Soil is a seed starter mix w/out nutrients.

          I'm on my way out to get a better starter light.

          It was a seed starter from a Menard's. Bought in a pinch after a friend advised Roots Organic, previously purchased, would be too hot.

          Watering advised appreciated and will follow. Hopefully not too late.


            terrafirma00042 , nice, you need to keep your cfls, no further away than 2inches.
            Keep them close !!
            Cfls for a week or two
            315lec for everything else
            Dug up Ms.topsoil, with perlite added
            36x36x63 inch tent.
            6inch - exaust - intake fans an scrubber
            Smart pots


              Check your temperatures. Your environment should be mid to upper 70F.


                Well...sadly, it's only getting worse. I believe the over watering and "berple" intense light did too much damage. Going to keep it going just to find that perfect watering rhythm with my soil and container. Got a second chance in germ.


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