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Am I doomed by fungus? ????!!

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    Am I doomed by fungus? ????!!

    OK long story short all my plants seem to have the same problem now and I've had great success up until this point and have not changed a thing including strain now all of a sudden I'm having to pluck rapid dieing leaves every day I'm very confused can someone pleaseeeee chime in thing to mention is the first time I saw this was on some clones I grew now it seems to be everywhere the last straw was me seeing something that looks like it again on my 2 month Olds witch was the bigger leaf in the pictures

    I don't think it's mold. What is your PH? In and Out? Soil, Coco? Nutes? And amount of water you feed? Need all your grow details. Pot size? Light and height from your plants? Age?.....
    Space for Rent.


      OK pH is 6.7 to 7 going in and about the same coming out in happy frog soil 5 gal pots about 3/4s gal every 2 3 days or until dry .fox fam nutes every other water half strength for some full strength for others 4x8 tent 2 600w hps 83 deg 50 or so humidity co2 from kero burning ...veg is 600w led in a 4x4


        My girls flowering right now are about 2 months old about a foot 0r 2 high the are trained and tied down they are clones of critical + 2.0 and my veg I have 2 superskunk in 1 gals about a month old


          Again I had great success up until one acted like this now they all are and I haven't changed anything other than maybe now I use straight happy frog I stead of mixing with ffof but I think I've had some ladies do great even after that switch


          • Mr.furley
            Mr.furley commented
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            From the look of the discoloration I would first look for fungus gnats, do you see any? Next I would wonder about lowering the PH down to 6.5 and looking in to some calmag posable. Do you use Ppm/Ec meter? How much nutes do you feed?

          I have seen a single nat one time but sprayed and never again I do look from time to time now but still haven't seen any that I can recall and I hAve calmag and was using it until I thought I might be over doing it since I use tap water . I do have a ppm meter but oly used it on final flushing I don't really get how to use it for regular checkups an for fox farm nutes I just follow the chart after 12 12 but for my veg I usually let them feed off the soil they seem to have been fine with it so far plus I throw them in flower at a month to month 1/2 anyway I will give the pH thing a try ....the biggest test will be when I throw my young ones in flower I'm hoping they don't go bad on me it's really worrying me since I don't have much I've changed from when everything I I grew did wonderful at one point to I thought I had a Cal mag issue so I hit it with that and it seemed to help that one but this seems like a whole different thing


          • Mr.furley
            Mr.furley commented
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            How much calmag to a gal.?

          I was doing like 2.5 to 5 per gal but that was on past plants I have not used it in a while I was reading tap water had enough by itself so I just up n quit using it except for when I would see light green verge of yellowING of entire plant then I'd give it a round or so ???


            O that's in mls I'm sorry


              Ive been dreading it's something that's spreassigned from plant to plant I can recall the name but I've read about a couple plague type things out there and one caused similar damage I'll have to see if I can find the article again


              • Mr.furley
                Mr.furley commented
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                Pls. If you have a killer fungus article post the link here, for now I would give 5ml calmag per gal. to your plants, maybe even flush your older ones with pH water+calmag.

              Rust fungus? Leaf septoria?


              I will give the pH and calmag a shot thanks so much for your time ....we're you serious about the killer fungus article thing?lol only asking cuz I don't know if I sound crazy or not about thinking that.


              • Mr.furley
                Mr.furley commented
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                start will calmag and PH as mentioned maybe even a flush. I'm just half serious about the killer fugi, when you think you see it all, there is always something new to learn.
                Good luck and happy growing.

              Lol got ya and would you say every other water or every water?


                I would try to bring ph down every other water....I personally go between 6 to 7 everry wather making shure to never be on same number so that plant get all it needs....


                  that makes a lot of sense I've had my numbers constantly close to 7 out of fear of becoming to acidic and have probably over done it thanks brother I'll definitely be following that method from now on.


                    I'm not sure if that is a fungus or normal deficiency. Sounds like you have everything dialed in pretty well. Just to be sure, are you checking ph after adding all nutes and supplements? A mid-grow mini flush is another thing to try to make sure there is no nutrient lock and the plants are able to uptake properly. Add yellow sticky cars if you don't have them. Fungus gnats can be tricky to find and the yellow cards will help you monitor the gnats. The larvae live in the soil and eat the roots causing all sorts of issues. What about drainage and root health? Watering every 2 to 3 days may be too much if the medium isn't draining fast. Try waiting until the medium is dry by picking up the whole plant and pot. It should be very light feeling. Sometimes the top 2 inches is nice and dry but there is still lots of water lower in the containers.
                    4X4 Gorilla with Solar Storm 440 LED. Coco / perlite, 5 Gallon fabric containers. LST and scrog. Grows to date all Indica Dominant Hybrids

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                    • NAKEDGARDENER
                      NAKEDGARDENER commented
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                      Good point, sometimes we forget that ph of solution after adding nutes and drop a long way... I also think 7 is a bit high, isn’t the ph at root zone always more than the figure measured after run off? So a run off of 7 would mean actual root ph is closer to 7.5. Someone correct me if I am wrong on that.

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