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4 week flowering update

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    Originally posted by Chemichael View Post
    Bent some more. Things looking good in the flower area. Scared about how big the golden tiger gets unless I keep those tops cropped
    Just a question to add to the hard drive in my head. Why not top that one that was tall instead of bending it over?


    • Chemichael
      Chemichael commented
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      In hindsight I wish she was a bean and I did more research. Free seed so no biggy however it's super long and stretchy I'm afraid she's getting too big so i bent them over. One cola is split from my bend yet she's thriving like silly

      She's also going on week 4 of flower. She's throwing her pistils now. Slowly but I see them. I hope the bend will source her energy allowing heal time and no stretch (hoping)

      Lastly. 3 weeks into flowering bad idea to top? I never considered it based on current stage. Can it still be done?

    Dangnabbit. I want to start a grow so badly. Not going to happen till Feb or March though. I am now living vicariously through all you that are currently growing. If you feel a gurgling in your tummy or an unfamiliar voice in your head, its just me.


    • Green75
      Green75 commented
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      Y can't you grow now

    • NebulaHaze
      NebulaHaze commented
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      We are also on hiatus until after a family visit during the holiday. I'm itching to get started again just like you! We moved since last grow and have to build a new grow space, which is exciting! I plan on growing some of the seeds I got from the True North Seedbank Karlee told me about!

      But considering all the research you've been doing since your last harvest I have a feeling you're going to come out guns blazing and give us all a run for our money!

    • Royal Nugs
      Royal Nugs commented
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      A journal by the magnificent Nebula Haze would be fantastic

    Feb is close! Why do you have to wait? If I had less OCD I'd figure out a way to complete my fems and focus on some autos. So giddy


    • South Sierra Dude
      South Sierra Dude commented
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      Seems to be the trend. Look what you've started Green.

    This is my first time without an active grow. Granted not doing lights exactly at 6:30 am without fail is a break, and not schlepping pots is a break
    it is just so "wrong"
    vicariously growing til mid-January.
    PS: if my relatives can't sleep with the plants they sleep somewhere else
    Indoor- Coco coir & Perlite - 5 gal Smart pots
    Veg-T5s Flower- Platinum LEDS
    GH Flora Trio Cali-mag, Terpinator Liquid Bloom
    photoperiod feminized seeds

    Testing for the_honeysticks genetics


    • South Sierra Dude
      South Sierra Dude commented
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      All the pollen I'd feel guilty.

    • PRIMO
      PRIMO commented
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      I like my plants better than my relatives.

    I have boundaries
    Indoor- Coco coir & Perlite - 5 gal Smart pots
    Veg-T5s Flower- Platinum LEDS
    GH Flora Trio Cali-mag, Terpinator Liquid Bloom
    photoperiod feminized seeds

    Testing for the_honeysticks genetics


    • South Sierra Dude
      South Sierra Dude commented
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      Ha! Blush. Not bad, and I'm a Sailor too.

    Check out This bend job. I believe I'll need to hold up those colas with sticks based on what I think is gong to happen
    Attached Files


      Looking good man...great


        2 weeks or so to go. Had to trim some spore issue from humidity that affected just a couple plants. Trimmed extra fan leaves to expose bud sites for the final 2 weeks. Gave them a good feeding also. Crossing fingers
        Attached Files


          I say this with compassion but if these images are current and you plan to harvest in 2 weeks? am I corecct? may want to hold me (only) buds are beautiful and will fill out in ...(let's all put bud on this) 3 more weeks at least?.
          they look so long inbflower now Chem?
          Indoor- Coco coir & Perlite - 5 gal Smart pots
          Veg-T5s Flower- Platinum LEDS
          GH Flora Trio Cali-mag, Terpinator Liquid Bloom
          photoperiod feminized seeds

          Testing for the_honeysticks genetics


          • Chemichael
            Chemichael commented
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            Election Day 11/8. So going into 7

          I agree, these buds look like they've got at least 3-4 weeks left before harvest, but that also means they are going to get a lot bigger! They're developing very nicely!


            Plants are looking great Chem. I agree, 2 more weeks doesn't seem enough, just going by pictures. You can see them in person which makes a difference maybe?


              Oh yea that sounds right 2-3 or 4 no rush Just excited to show the trim and progress


                Looks good Chemichael! I'm having a hard time not rushing my plants!! I share your excitement!


                  I had some wicked wet weather and humidity issues during the last few weeks. White powder mildew crept up on leaves and attacked mostly the white widows in 3 Gallon pots the widow in the 5 gallon bucket is not effected My gigantic saliva is but I'm watching things and making adjustments. Only the flower tent is effected not the veg

                  so so I did harvest 2 widows several days from each other. Results aren't as important as not completely fucking it up along the way.

                  My critical + has some amber in the calyx. Not many but I've spotted a few. The hairs are all In and she looks decent for a 3 gallon. I see already where I can improve over all. However. Take a look and let me know what you think. I can wait a few more days. No issues in the tent. In excited about this girl and the Girl Scout that had some damage from a falling object. She's recovered and will have a nice yield for my first photo sorta grow

                  Attached Files


                    I'm shocked that I made it through week 8. Officially day 56 I believe tonight I will harvest. Several factors are playing a role. I want a super high so waiting longer will get thicker buds but the plant is the plant is the plant. Calyx maturation, intake of food and hollowing of branched. Inner curling brown pistils -yea you spot an amber trich here and there.

                    Could it go longer? Yes. But the longer it goes the closer to degradation I'm getting.

                    Ive learned a ton. Patience is one of them. Also being proactive about issue bugs mold mildew whatever might creep up. What changed that caused the issue. Usually man made haha.

                    I'll post up results when they come in.


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