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cannabutter question

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    cannabutter question

    In the GWE cannabutter tutorial, the butter goes into hot water, and with the weed added. then it is cooked for a 90 minutes.
    The temperature required for proper cooking is listed as "medium-low", which isn't telling me enough.

    My question is, will 155 degrees Fahrenheit cook the butter properly, and in the 90 minutes put forth the in the tutorial?

    This cannabutter recipe efficiently captures THC and other cannabinoids from your cannabis while reducing the taste/smell as much as possible. Can be used as a straight substitution for anything that uses butter!

    completed 7 grows
    what I have learned so far:
    environment maters more than nutrients
    at least a dab of nutrients in every watering
    effective flushing before harvest is critical to quality

    it's been awhile since I made it but I believe your target temperature is 165-175f. you basically want to bring it up to temperature without boiling and remain at simmer for 90 minutes or so stirring frequently.
    good luck.
    Space for Rent.


      My wife is about to cook up a batch. High Times has a lengthy article on 4 different methods. Who can argue with high-pressure liquid chromatography?


        My wife says to hell with the chromatography. She's going to use Nebula's recipe.


          I think that lower temps require more time to decarb for oral use. 90 minutes would be my minimum.
          5x5 grow space
          900w of Vero's and F-strips
          4-17gal totes self-made UC system.


            Well, hear is how I do it. Ounce of trim in my crock pot with about a pound of COCONUT OIL, on "warm" for 24hrs, with the lid cracked.
            I get a way better flavor with the coconut oil, butter just gets a gross flavor from weed, in my opinion. I don't even get it up to simmer if I can at all help it, the simmer seems to hurt flavor as well.
            The last batch I did this way, and it was the best tasting infusion I have ever had, and got me HIGH as you know what!!!
            Organic Soil,
            with molasses,
            In a Greenhouse with,
            Redneck engineering.


            • GreenhouseEffect
              GreenhouseEffect commented
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              I took about a month off of edibles, but still smoking, and a 3/4"X 3/4" piece of brownie was almost to much for me. Admittedley, made from the bottom of last years trim bucket, so lot's of trichomes in it, but was definitely decarbrolized!!

            Just doing a comment while rollin....gotta watch out on edibles. I ate one of my friends brownies like a hour ago and hers are the bomb. We're trying to master different recipes right now. We're growing blue cheese and white widow right now. I wish there was a def way that was cheaper than a gas chromatograph. For example: WW is supposed to be 25%, but have seen it listed as low as 18%. Like Joe Rogan says "With fuckin edibles you don't know what your gonna get cuz it ain't regulated." So, THC lvl, temp during cooking, break down method, amount, etc. Good luck bud. I screwed up once thinking we had a bunk batch and ate 5 brownies. I was watching Preacher and thought I was going to hell I was rollin so hard😂


              They tell me that 'back in the day' we were smoking 4% THC weed, with seeds, and about a 1:1 Thc to Cbd ratio. We could roll and pass through the night, while laughing and socializing. I'll take that weed any time. So, having a really high Thc content doesn't appeal to me as much as the quality of the high.
              completed 7 grows
              what I have learned so far:
              environment maters more than nutrients
              at least a dab of nutrients in every watering
              effective flushing before harvest is critical to quality


              • GreenhouseEffect
                GreenhouseEffect commented
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                Ditto on that.
                You can do all these different things to increase the THC in the weed you grow, but when it comes down to it, I don't really WANT my weed any stronger than it is. Good smell and flavor, a good high, knowing what did and did not go into my weed. Those things matter WAY more to me than growing some super potent stuff, I can get that at the dispensary's. Though there's is also harsh, and tastes like dried out drywall....

              I finished the butter, and of course, made some mistakes. To break up my trim (3oz) I used a blender, which made it too fine. The very fine particles were not heavy enough to separate from the butter, so I have brown butter. Don't grind your trim, or bud, too fine. Also, take the pan you are going to cook your butter in and make a practice run, with plain water, of how you are going to pour it through the cheese cloth. You may find it a little tricky.
              Now to make cookies and see what happens.
              completed 7 grows
              what I have learned so far:
              environment maters more than nutrients
              at least a dab of nutrients in every watering
              effective flushing before harvest is critical to quality


                I've discovered a SOUS VIDE. This thing allows you to cook up anything in a bag setting in a pot of water to whatever controlled temp you need for hours - even days.
                Highly recommended for the most perfectly slow cooked meats BUT I use mine for making CHAGA tea which is not unlike cooking the Cannabuttah. I intend to do this
                with my next harvest - among other things.

                Add your mix with water into a plastic sealable bag THEN add that to the pot with water according to the Sous Vide directions and you've got a perfectly controlled cooking.

                Check out Sous Vide. There are sophisticated blue tooth compatible versions and more simple devices that you just plug in - set the temp and cook away - with you having to pay attention to the time.



                  Last batch using coconut oil. Had 5 or oz of flower trim and small buds, filled a large and med cookie sheet. A quater to half inch layer, broke buds up by hand a lil, wrapped tightly withfloil for decarb round 215 in oven for 30or45 min, can tell by smell. The product turns brownish, I call it good.
                  now if using stove top I go for little bubbles surfacing in oil. I been using crockpot on low. Had to add water to cover all the trim. Turned out Potent. After cooling to separate water and oil I melted it back in measuring cup, stood zip lock bags in coffee cups , measured out 3/4 cup incerments, re chill now they are easy to store in freezer and easy use. Easy storage in freezer.
                  make sure you don't burn the butter/oil during cooking


                  • GreenhouseEffect
                    GreenhouseEffect commented
                    Editing a comment
                    Man, I like that remelt idea Jibbler, gonna start doing that! Just the exact amount I use in a brownie batch, and no more trying to cut that big frozen chunk of Gangi butter for me, anymore!

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