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U might be a grower if....

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    U might be a grower if....

    U have a permanent bump on the back of your head from hitting it on the grow light,I’ll never learn ouch!

    Yup - me too. Sometimes its the plants fault, like when that one leaf gives you a tickle and you jerk your head away and hit the light.
    ​​​​​​3 X 3 gorilla. Promix soil . Green Planet Nutes
    Mars Hydro
    Vortex in-line 6" fan


      Ha yesterday I yelled at myself...."hey asshole quite hitting my head on that fawking light"!

      I feel better knowing that I'm not the only one.
      "Life is not about being dealt a great hand but playing a poor hand well"...

      •Roots Organics over kindsoil in 5gal fabric pots

      •600w hps supplement w/Kind LEDs during flower

      •4" can-fan w/can-filter(carbon)

      •14,000btu air conditioner


        You might be a grower if...
        "You drive past a roadkill skunk and think it smells good"


        • KingKush
          KingKush commented
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          "You use the word 'dank' to describe something pleasant"

        • KingKush
          KingKush commented
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          Wait, is this about "might be a grower if...." or is this about hitting our heads on our lights?
          I messed up my bulbs hitting the hoods so hard, they turned off and they would flicker afterwards. Ran them until I smacked my head again and wiped out two of them!

        • Chefbjy
          Chefbjy commented
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          Haha too true

        ... if all the flowers in your yard are dead from lack of water because you're too busy watering your grow. <<<was almost me
        FFOF +extra castings, compost, coco
        Veg 8 bulb T5 (blue)
        Flower 600w HPS
        alfalfa meal, bone meal, FF Big Bloom, Down-to-Earth Liquid Bloom
        1st grow White Widow
        Now growing GG4 auto and photo


          Great idea over road kill and nosy neighbors wont smell my smoke!
          Beware skunks


          • WeirdWiredWolf
            WeirdWiredWolf commented
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            Our neighbors either don't know how to cook, or cook some pretty rank food (I swear they cook rotten meat)...roomie is counting on that to help cover up when the plants start getting fragrant.

          ...if your trip to a household store results in a large collection of unrelated items, none of which your actual apartment has a need for (I bought two shoe shelves...and I don't have the room or inclination to store shoes that way, they're to add storage space under my tent)

          ...if you have to wear a hoodie in your bedroom in the summer because the AC is set to 'icicles on the ceiling' to cool your tent.

          ...if the flowers in the landscaping are suddenly doing much better (if I screw up mixing nutes, rather than dumping them down the sink I go outside and give it to the flowers)
          ****tent (2x4) and large light (Relassy 300W LED) is in storage for now until I can solve some household electrical issues****

          CoM Stonington Blend soil, distilled water; Liquid Squid amendment if needed, molasses for flowering

          "I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up."


   roll a joint and suddenly remember to do something, set the joint down - do whatever and go back to where you thought you put down the joint at - can't find it and go roll another one. Day or so later you stumble across that mysterious joint. But stuff like that one never tells their spouse.
            ​​​​​​3 X 3 gorilla. Promix soil . Green Planet Nutes
            Mars Hydro
            Vortex in-line 6" fan


            • LosTweed
              LosTweed commented
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              Yep i am familiar with that

            • Potted
              Potted commented
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              Lost a few like that,my only problem is I still can’t find them😩

            • Pyro1711
              Pyro1711 commented
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              Well, if wife can't find em....weed kitty got them! I'm telling you, this damn cat is a weed hound. I keep telling my wife, the cat is a reincarnated version of her...

            If u turn into a kid in a candy store.... when u go to the hydro store 😋🍭😎


            • Cannabliss
              Cannabliss commented
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              Takes me like 5 minutes to get to my nearest hydro shop. Takes me like 30 minutes to leave the place lol. I always have to walk through every aisle, chat with the owner about weed, share pics, etc.

            • WeirdWiredWolf
              WeirdWiredWolf commented
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              Mine takes two buses (or subway hopscotch + bus; that takes longer) to get to Not a huge deal as I can combine it with other trips in that area. In a way the commute is a good thing as it limits my spending to "what can I realistically carry home".

            • LosTweed
              LosTweed commented
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              Its called GAS, ive had gas for years, guitar acquisition syndrome. Now ive got it twice as bad, grower acquisition syndrome

            You might be a Grower if......
            you take random pictures for things resembling Tricromes.
            Click image for larger version

Name:	20180325_110833.jpg
Views:	201
Size:	3.16 MB
ID:	225500
            and save them for later.
            yes this is frozen grass blades,
            yes I graded them for cloudiness.
            Space for Rent.


            • GreenhouseEffect
              GreenhouseEffect commented
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              Ya, I was gonna say those are kinda getting close, until I looked a little closer and I realized what it wasn't!!

            • GreenhouseEffect
              GreenhouseEffect commented
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              Well, maybe another week or so ....

            • alltatup
              alltatup commented
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              Freakin awesome pic!!!!!

   go to the hydro shop to hang out and talk.

            In my case, organic soil shop.
            "Life is not about being dealt a great hand but playing a poor hand well"...

            •Roots Organics over kindsoil in 5gal fabric pots

            •600w hps supplement w/Kind LEDs during flower

            •4" can-fan w/can-filter(carbon)

            •14,000btu air conditioner


              You might be a grower if... The Amazon delivery driver has you on speed dial to ask where you want your package left..


              • Californiakid
                Californiakid commented
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                Haha that reminds me, my mailman is an older gentleman. When he delivers my seeds in little light weight boxes, he tells m wife to tell me to enjoy my Viagra. Lmao

              ..... if you smell good weed while driving, you look around to see what direction it came from, then try to guess what kind it was.

              ..... when you're driving towards a destination anywhere near your hydro shop, you always have to stop by because you feel you might need something later on.

              ..... when you come home and the first thing you do is go to the grow room instead of saying hi to your significant other.

              Cannabliss - Grow The Bliss
              White Widow Grow Journal


              • Potted
                Potted commented
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                That’s always expensive $$$

              • Cannabliss
                Cannabliss commented
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                Potted Exactly. That look + Silent Treatment = Trouble

              • Chefbjy
                Chefbjy commented
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                Priceless 😆

              I live in the Pacific Northwest, so............lots of fir trees around - 50 to 100 feet tall. Sitting around smoking in the back looking at these tall trees thinking 'Man if I had a cola that size, I'd only have to grow one.' My reply to myself - 'But where could you hang it upside down?'
              ​​​​​​3 X 3 gorilla. Promix soil . Green Planet Nutes
              Mars Hydro
              Vortex in-line 6" fan


              • Chefbjy
                Chefbjy commented
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                Lol yes I too have thought of that in the pac nw 😉. Would love to see some grand buds like that 😋.

              • SovietStoner
                SovietStoner commented
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                LOL. Nice. Thinking ahead....

              • GreenhouseEffect
                GreenhouseEffect commented
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                Check out the Jorge Cervantes youtube some time, about " the Giants of California" not the quiet standard tree size, but those plants are a good 12-15' tall, with some MASSIVE colas. Fun bud candy to look at!

              You may be a grower if... you come home from work, and feed your plants before feeding your family.
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