I have a 16x16 Polly greenhouse I’ll be transferring plants I started in February. I’m having some trouble deciding on the correct smart pot size, I was thinking either 45 or 65 gallons with super soil. I have an irrigation system already set up. I did grow in it last year but plants were in 15 gallon smart pots and were hand watered. I had my max 12 plants and only got around 5-9oz per plant. The girls didn’t get the TLC they needed. Any help or info on this will be great. I got a few Green cracks/Durban poison/ Night nurse/ medicino purps/Skywalker OG and an Amnesia Haze. I’m figuring maybe 2 of each plant and flower the rest in my tent setup. Unless anyone has grown any of those strains outdoors and had good or bad luck.
Regards JJ
Regards JJ