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Plant removal

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    Plant removal

    With a dwc set up in a tote can u remove plants (male) when they show or will the roots be tangled ?

    Use scissors...cut at base of stem...whaala...gone


      Do This^^^^^
      5x5 grow space
      900w of Vero's and F-strips
      4-17gal totes self-made UC system.


        I'm talking about getting the roots out of the tote without damaging others.


        • Green75
          Green75 commented
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          Leave them in there...

        Won't they die and rot since the plant would be gone?


          Won't be an issue...
          they will break down other roots well eat will be able to pull on them a bit after awhile be careful if you do. It's pretty much impossible to separate them all.

          That's why it's really important to start with feminized seeds with dwc....


            Thanks Green75


            • Green75
              Green75 commented
              Editing a comment
              All good broham

            I have just had (three weeks ago) to remove a large male from my DWC and did exactly as 'Green75' suggested.

            I've had no pH fluctuations or slimy water since so I can confirm it is best to cut the roots.

            Where the males roots intermingled with the other females roots I chose to sacrifice more of the other females roots to ensure I got the majority of the males roots out of the system.

            The way I see it the females are well established and can grow back any roots that got severed.

            I do also use a water chiller to keep the water temps below 19oC, this helps avoid root rot.

            If you don't have a water chiller you can use an additive like Botanicare Hydroguard which add healthy bacteria to the reservoir, the healthy bacteria stops the unhealthy bacteria from gaining a foothold in the water.


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