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Seeding stop growing, some was dead.? please help.

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    HELP! Seeding stop growing, some was dead.? please help.

    Thank you all for take a look here.
    I recently have some problem with those baby seeding. I do a lot of research and can not find out what cause the problem.

    From the picture I show here, one seeding was dead, the part in the soil is still fat and health but no more root growing. the part above the soil just dry and soft.

    Another picture is another seeding that started germinate at March 3rd. and now is March 22, and it still this small and no sign of she continue to grow.

    they all put under nature light without direct contact the sun (indoor, at the window).

    the Temperature is around 70-80 F. Humidity around 50-70%
    soil is mix soil and has been wasted before I put the seed in.
    PH is in between 5.5-7
    they have a nature light hours with the sunrise sunset (aound 6 A.M to 6 P.M)

    I just don't know why, I am sure I know the best of my own seed, but I may do someting wrong, But I just can not find out why.
    (by the way, those seed are old seed, 2 years old)

    please give me some help, and thank you very much.



      They only get 12 hours of light a day? Or do you add lights when they dont get it from the window?

      Might be not enough drainage or overwatering killing them.
      ~UrbZ~ Grow Big or Go Home!


      • alltatup
        alltatup commented
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        I agree. It looks like it rotted from too much moisture.

      Originally posted by UrbZ View Post
      They only get 12 hours of light a day? Or do you add lights when they dont get it from the window?

      Might be not enough drainage or overwatering killing them.
      Hello UrbZ,

      Before one of the seeding was dead, they were stay in a tent with 600 Watt light.
      The distance between the light and the plants was 80 centimetre (31 Inches), 60-70 F and 50-80% Humidity.

      In the first weeks (started from they pop out the soil and get rid of the shell), they were stay in a small cup (100ml),
      End of the first weeks, I transfered seeding 'A' into a 3 gallon grow bag (this one has the first pair of real leaves). The another seeding 'B' still stay in that cup (this one still not grow the first pair of real leaves).

      In the second weeks, plants B was dead, and so I move plants A out of the tent and let them stay under natural light.

      and now is the End of week two, plants A still that small... and i hope she is OK?


      • alltatup
        alltatup commented
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        Hi isaakei, The seedling looks fine. Be patient; do not over-water; do not feed her until she is showing active growth, a couple of sets of leaves. Make sure when you do start to feed her, to begin with very low levels of nutrients while she is a seedling. This page may be helpful to you:
        Marijuana seeds are expensive and hard to get, so you want to get it right the first time. Learn how to help your sick cannabis seedlings in an emergency!

      • isaackei
        isaackei commented
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        Thanks Alltatup, I think you are right, the humidity is too high. I alway focus on overall environment, but I forget this small enviornment within those small pot. I do find out a reference that high humidity kills seeding and the example just like mine.
        The air is quite wet in this month, and my humidometer is not place near those seeding, and I realize my soil is still wet since one and a half weeks ago (those soil has been wet when i transfer the seeding, and after that, I do not water it)
        damn, the whole city is wet, and it is wet everywhere.

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