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Co2 Bag = Higher Temps?

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    i don't think that you can blow the co2 with fans either. Even the pro co2 buckets that you can purchase say to hang them above the canopy. So that the heavier gas can fall onto the plants allowing them to benefit from said environment differently.


    • jalbertson
      jalbertson commented
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      It's just like a car manufacturer telling you to dive safely and wear a seatbelt; that's just to cover their asses. It's carbon dioxide, not bowling balls. It's a gas in the air, which is a gas. Of course a fan can move it around.

    • Green75
      Green75 commented
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      But not up to the canopy...where it is needed

    • jalbertson
      jalbertson commented
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      That's asinine. You have a grow tent or grow room, and you think the Co2 is so heavy it can't move to the top of a flower? If the Co2 was that dense, it would be liquid!

    Somebody here has to be a chemist...


    • Green75
      Green75 commented
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      Only thing I know is all the articles I have read about co2 and using it with weed....that's it...I'm not even convinced the way I'm doing it is worth a Shit....but I pay for it and plug on...

    That's my point exactly; I hate not knowing.


    • jalbertson
      jalbertson commented
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      Don't let people make you question yourself. We're analyzing the physics of the gas, the gas is in the air, even if it's low, the fan stirs up the air. The Co2 is going to move around.

    Easy way to test would be to remove your Co2 and see if you notice a change in your plants. If they start to look worse, you know the Co2 was doing something.


    • Green75
      Green75 commented
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      Cause after I used it for some time...for many many grows...I know it's awesome...I know without it you can still have awesome weed....but with it I'm kind of convinced it better

    • jalbertson
      jalbertson commented
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      "...I'm not even convinced the way I'm doing it is worth a Shit...." Make up your mind.

    • Green75
      Green75 commented
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      I am convinced ....I said that for argument sake...

      Let's see a picture of your garden...with all this indisputable information you have it has to be awesome probly way better than mine....huh

    And think about this: There's Co2 in the air we breathe, Co2 is everywhere, it's not just sitting on the ground like snow.


      Here is an article that proves me wrong...


      What I got out of it is you have to have enough for it all to equal out in whole area....?? What you think???


      • Green75
        Green75 commented
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        It does say a fan can blow it around...I just wanna know if you read it.

        Answer me this....why aren't more people doing it

        Why every pot article or book say to have it above them

      • jalbertson
        jalbertson commented
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        A) it was a thousand pages long, talking about random stuff, B) then why are you arguing, C) I don't know why people do the things they do, their idiots.

      • Chemichael
        Chemichael commented
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        If by blowing the co2 you diffuse it faster. Cause it to disperse or diffuse quicker. You still can't shoot it up. Wouldn't the co2 be equal 20k up and also at sea level if the co2 was being blown and mixed by our own wind and wind tunnels and air flow. Co2 would be the same at our highest and lowest atmospheric points but it's not. Probably because it's at a constant state or place where it's diffusing and mixing

        Is there co2 above my canopy RIGHT NOW? Yes. But you my friend are dropping gas right on top of your canopy allowing it to fall onto and disperse. Where as lower additional co2 yes it's there and yes it's additional and yes it moves. But does it rise? Or does it sort of diffuse / combust/ mix within itself

        I'm going with the manufacturer aka science on this one.

      Yeah, I read it. And?




        • Green75
          Green75 commented
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          I read it..says for their theories to work need air tight room/container....and each one had different temp raise or stay the same to work as you said...who's tent is air tight?

        And just Becaus something is in a "pot book" doesn't mean it's right. I don't add Co2 there's plenty in the air.


        • Green75
          Green75 commented
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          Yea...I've read pop up books on it...

        So what I can find so far is that just being inside is a co2 tonic. Indoor co2 levels are around 1k ppm. Still looking into this though.


        • jalbertson
          jalbertson commented
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          Cool, actual research. Keep us informed.

        • Nartak
          Nartak commented
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          My bought "exhale" bag gives out 1139ppm right at the vapor seal it has for output,having it between lamp and floor the ppm above the bag at the top of tent was 1138 (11cm distance from bag) and bottom was 1139 again...will try swapping the distances around today!

        Anyhow Green75 what temps do you "keep" from sprout to crop? i was thinking about my HPS problem where at 2 hours of working with my exhaust fan (no water in wilma tank,no dry fans on yet and ofc no plants) it hits 30 celcius and a good drop to 40% humidity! I know i can get a wet towel in there for humidity but i can't install another intake/exhaust fan right now so i'll have to use the co2!
        The temp will surely be lower at the pots (40cm above floor) so prolly about 28-30ceclius id say once the whole op is functional..
        With the mention ppm (above 1k) will (Lights on : 26-30) (Lights Off : 18-24) be ok? Im doing 4 Church from seed if it plays a general role,but im trying to find an average of somewhat...
        Tent : 4x4


        2x Viparspectra v300

        BioBizzLight Mix
        Felt Pots 15/25L

        Advanced Nutrients
        Grow , Micro , Bloom , B-52
        Bud Ignitor , Big Bud, Overdrive
        CalMag Xtra

        Completed Journals
        Nartak's 1st Grow - Canna Nutes - HPS 600W


        • Green75
          Green75 commented
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          I have no way of controlling my heat.... Co2 will help yes...
          The growth will be substantial..

        My understanding is:

        Average expected CO2 ppm is about 400.

        Desired CO2 ppm for maximum growth and yield is about 1500.

        If you have a ppm of 1138-9 top and bottom of the tent as described below then I'd say that CO2 bag is doing a much better job than I've ever experienced. Out of curiosity, what are you using to measure the CO2 PPM?

        "Nartak commented Today, 07:56 AM

        My bought "exhale" bag gives out 1139ppm right at the vapor seal it has for output,having it between lamp and floor the ppm above the bag at the top of tent was 1138 (11cm distance from bag) and bottom was 1139 again...will try swapping the distances around today!

        There are a few things that are worth bearing in mind though:
        • Usually CO2 is used to increase yields and maximize the output of a high watt lamp. If for example you have more light than your plants can normally absorb then increasing the CO2 will help the plants make use of the excess PAR.
        • If your tent isn't sealed then the exhaust fan will be removing the CO2 from the tent causing you to waste the additional CO2. You could turn the extractor fan off or down to a lower RPM during the lights-on period to allow the ppm to increase above 1200ppm, however that will likely raise temperatures and humidity so keep an eye on those metrics if you do.
        • Whilst CO2 will raise the temperature threshold of the plants so that growth rates and yields are unaffected (or likely improved) by the higher temps you may still be evaporating off some of the terpenes if you go above 95f, so again keep an eye on those metrics.
        It's worth having a read of the CO2 grow guide it highlights most of what I've said here and does a much better job of explaining it.


        • Nartak
          Nartak commented
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          Im using's small humidity/temp/ppm meter,thanks for the pointing to the guide

          I know i have to maintain a 4digit number of co2 ppm but i can't seal the tent as i will then face 35+C so i will keep my 400lt/hour exhaust fan on all the time when in veg and will be switching it off at lights-off in flower stage to keep the air clean,the heat down and the co2 as high as possible...
          Last edited by Nartak; 12-07-2016, 03:38 PM. Reason: Forgot to answer about the co2 *high*

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