It's normal for the leaves to go up and down every day. They usually start perking up right as lights come on, and then leaves go down for the night. If they're droopy from being overwatered, you don't want to mist them as that makes it worse. They get overwatered because they're not getting enough oxygen at the roots, and if you mist the leaves they'll drink less so it takes even longer for them to use up the water in the soil. If they're getting droopy every time you water, you want to give them less water at a time for a little while, then work back up to a full watering once they get a little bigger
I went and made a little timelapse video of some of our plants from last grow. I thought it might help show how they "get up" every morning for the sun, then "go to sleep" every night
I went and made a little timelapse video of some of our plants from last grow. I thought it might help show how they "get up" every morning for the sun, then "go to sleep" every night